Mueller’s Coup: “Losing an illusion Makes Us Wiser Than Finding a Truth.”
Opinion July 25, 2019The final word on the circus that was Mueller’s testimony, that can be safely taken away after yesterdays Democrat debacle, is that Trump won and Hillary didn’t. The Democrats are in serious damage control but, their ship is still sinking. It’s over and cannot be undone.
If nothing else, at the very least we have learned that Robert Mueller, simply by his ineptness and lack of knowledge of anything in the report that bears his name, by even it’s kindest interpretation, must be considered a co-conspirator of the Clinton cabals treasonous attempt to bring down Donald Trump and end the Trump presidency.
This is because he agreed to lend his good name and reputation as a front to the plotters and their nefarious scheme that by all accounts has collapsed as a dismal failure. In fact, the Mueller Investigation itself should be lumped into the total picture of a treasonous “coup” against President Trump started by the machinations of the Clinton campaign and the DNC using US counterintelligence laws as cover to commit their crimes.
After the day long embarrassing spectacle at the two Congressional hearings, the spin by media light weights, CNN and MSNBC, was breathtaking, both in their positive conclusions for proving Trump should be impeached and denial that things went as bad for them as it did. Wisely, many individual left-wing media reporters did acknowledged the worst for the Democrats.
But, the show must go on, so publicly congratulating themselves for their efforts, the Democrats like drowning men grasping at straws are awash in their own lies but they don’t care. Their actions and reactions should qualify the TDS crowd as truly mentally challenged, but most certainly as dangerous risks to the public who does not support them.
The worst of this two and a half year exercise in treason was that the coup plotters are known, all of them. Their motives have been revealed and their scheme(s) thwarted. What remains is for Attorney General Barr to start the last round-up, corral these cretans for federal branding, impanel Grand Juries and start the needed repairs by public trials.
Mueller acted as a shameless figurehead for the shadowy coup plotters hiding behind the pretense of personal dignity for which he was esteemed. For two plus years, Americans held their breaths under the common idea that Mueller, a Republican, a combat decorated marine officer, a long serving and capable member of the Dept. of Justice and honest Director of the FBI, stood sacrosanct in his reputation for truth Justice and the American way. But alas, “losing an illusion makes us wiser than finding a truth.”
Expect detailed examinations into Mueller’s work history. Causal inquiries have already revealed flaws in his form of applying Justice that adversely impacted innocent people beyond those affected in this particular investigation. Time is long and Justice never dies.
Mueller set his own course and it led him astray. I do not feel sorry for him. He’s pathetic and must understand that a good reputation once sullied, is sullied forever. I expect his next gig, if not in a court room as a defendant, will be at a “comic-con” convention somewhere. Let us hope so. This was an evil, tawdry business and for Mueller, an imbroglio that cannot be defended. His ratiocination skills, if his testimony was any evidence, left him long ago. Sad. Very sad.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Regurgitated Nonsense
Opinion January 22, 2019Regurgitated Nonsense
Well, I suppose it’s safe to scratch off Buzz-Feed as a reliable source of insider information on the Washington DC political scene. They now rank right up there with CNN, MSNBC, et. al.: as organs of fake news dedicated to only one thing, saving the Democrat party and its socialist agenda by eliminating the killer virus that is choking them to death, Donald Trump.
I’m surprised Mueller himself immediately debunked the Buzz-Feed story about the President directing his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to like to Congress and I suspect a rat here somewhere. That caught the Left-wing media totally by surprise. They changed their talking points to “what ifs” and rephrased their words to fool us, they think, into believing there was still a chance to find some tawdry evidence that could finally impeach Trump. That’s the face of desperation.
The demented talking heads of the left wing-media will, at any hint of a possible scandal, breath life into it in the vain hopes that they will expose some measure of truth that will grow into a scandal and end Trump’s presidency. Buzz-Feed tried to fulfill that mission and has now elevated itself to the highest level of distrust. By breathlessly publishing this false story without fact checking has rendered it as untrustworthy. For any group that pretends to be an objective reporting organ, to not even bother considering the “Red Flags” that identify fake news, seals the deal on their irrelevance. Now, anything they publish will be suspect!
The media, morally and ethically challenged, considers us to be politically irrelevant. They don’t really care what they say just so long as some of it sticks, somewhere. If they all say the same thing, then it must be true! Indeed, they believe their own copy and have thrown all standards aside in their singular, unquenchable desire to bring down Donald Trump.
Inherent in this daily assault of fake news is the primary goal of the Democrat-Socialists, the neutering of America’s heritage, culture and traditions for the sake of “diversity, multiculturalism and, truth be told, the elimination of all vestiges of influence of the European white male.
Consider the wall President Trump wants to build on our southern border. Under Obama, all the Democrats demanded it. Videos of their earnest desire to protect America from invasion by illegals are all over the internet. So what does the media do, ignore the historical past, focuses on the immediate future and whines about poor illegals and unemployed non-essential federal government employees, without a cent for the protective barrier we all wanted, once.
The media is all in on tooting the Democrats horn on policies that ignore Americas Vet’s, it’s tax payers, it producers and citizens of long standing, all for the sake of spending vast amounts of treasure to sustain people who don’t belong here simply because their presence gives them a humanitarian claim to feast at the trough of public assistance. When will the money run out?
The anti-Trump media, keen to be first to bring down the President, seems destructively eager to seize upon any and every rumor and regurgitate it out as factual truths. This time Buzz-Feed and the regurgitator’s got their fingers caught in a trap. Even Chris Wallace, on today’s Sunday Fox news, brought up the issue with Vice President Pence, apparently to achieve a “gotcha” comment. If Mueller already debunked the Buzz-Feed report, why didn’t the VP just say, “Why are we even talking about that issue Chris? It’s dead!” Well, its simply to keep it alive through one more news cycle. Chris Wallace, to be fair and balanced, just regurgitated leftist nonsense.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Kasich’s Mad Dream, and Then Came Trump
Opinion January 21, 2019Kasich’s Mad Dream, and Then Came Trump
“Breaking News:” John Kasich, the unemployed former Governor of Ohio has signed on with CNN as a political commentator. Now, how can that possibly be “breaking news?” CNN has morphed from a news agency into the Current Narrative Network for advancing Democrat propaganda that few people seriously watch for any reason except for laughs. The reason is that John needs a platform if he seriously wants to stand for President against Donald Trump.
The governor himself has become something short of a laughing stock simply because he insists on nursing the mad dream of becoming the neoconservative president of America. Going to CNN will not advance his cause. His daily struggle to convince us that Trump still remains a danger to America, and he could do better as the President, is a pipe-dream.
Kasich, once a congressman, is a product of the old Wash. DC world of ‘go along to get along,’ politics of comity with your enemies through bipartisanship, hands across the aisle, consensus on policy (so long as it’s socialist), that sort of thing. Kasich’s had his shot. He left the DC Swamp to become Governor of Ohio figuring that was his best chance of achieving his dream. As he lost to Trump (4th place), does his opinion even count any more? Neo-Conservatism was voted out of the Republican Party with Trumps election and John Kasich ain’t going to bring it back. To maintain a public platform for airing his opinions, only CNN, and maybe MSNBC, remain to fulfill his mad dreams and, will, who really cares?
This is Kasich’s official internet announcement: “We are excited about what this means for Gov. Kasich and his growing ability to weigh-in on the issues that Americans care about. We expect to see him continue calling on Washington to end the non-stop politicking an actually do something to offer real solutions to America’s challenges. What’s our (t)ask today? It’s simple. With more interviews comes more things to share and grow Gov. Kasich’s message and audience,” followed by the standard plea for a donation. I’ll give John an ‘A’ for Attempting, but now, he should just go away, he’s out of the game and his time is up!
Pelosi and Schumer, Harry Reid before them, John Boehner and Paul Ryan, like Kasich, are all products of that once elite social club of poor politicians turned rich by the longevity of their political service. Then came Trump and the whole fabric of political comity has been ripped asunder.
Despite his dreams, John can’t fix his damaged image, the one Trump gave him on the debate stage in 2016. He can bloviate his opinions on CNN until he actually becomes one of them, a socialist in name as well as deed but, he hazards his integrity to continue this career path if it’s only a job he needs.
If viewers of CNN are expected to waste their time considering John’s opinion, then they can watch any of the talking heads on CNN. They don’t need John Kasich. CNN needs Kasich because for them, he is the once enemy who has seen the light and will become their useful idiot. For the anti-Trump CNN, having an alleged Republican fall into their hands like a ripe banana, is pure gold. Of course they’ll give him as much free airtime as he needs to challenge Donald Trump in 2020. Kasich will serve as a leftist pawn, his persona trapped in the mire of their progressive (socialist) dogma. John will die there, lost but not forgotten. A pity!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Short Takes – War and Rumors of War
Opinion January 8, 2018War and Rumors of Wars
If you’re reading this then the chances are you probably know that the people of Iran have risen up in the streets of Tehran and every other major metropolitan areas of the country to bring down their fascist government of Islamic ayatollahs. If you didn’t know that, your getting your news from the wrong sources. CNN for example, directs its entire focus of today’s news on Trump’s Tweets. CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NYT & WaPo, have all entered the Twilight Zone of organized dementia that defy explanation. Worse, they don’t seem to know that.
If you’re learning this for the first time, believe it, it’s happening! Blood is flowing in the streets of Iranian cities and towns because the Ayatollahs security forces, men who haven’t yet faced their own distraught families on opposite sides, are still willing to gun down protesters as ordered.
Make no mistake Iran, as a third rate nation, is still the world’s most dangerous exporter of terrorism, and despite their fancy uniformed “Kuds forces,” their freshly painted tanks and shiny rocket launchers passing in review in grand parades, militarily, they have little consequence except as supporters of conflicts and world wide terrorism. Like fascist Germany, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, the Kuds force, perform like the waffen SS of Nazi fame, a political police force trained as combat units. Their main purpose, to control their own population.
Iran was an oil producing nation so, where does their money come from to afford all this? Barack Obama helped by bribing them with billions of dollars in cash, supposedly not to go nuclear. That’s a fact. Where did vast cache of Obama’s free cash go? Much of it went into the private bank accounts of ayatollahs and government leaders. Some of it can be recovered through international banking processes but most of it went to support the Kuds forces, to finance Hezbollah in Lebanon, ISIS and Assad in Syria and Iraq, and support other reckless military adventurism in Yemen and, against their own Kurds in their north. What news outlets like CNN won’t even bring up is Obama’s hand in the affair or the extensive military losses being suffered by ISIS and the Revolutionary Guard forces by Trump’s reversing the Rules of Engagement.
Absolutely none of Obama’s largess to Iran went into their economy. None of it, The people are starving, their economy produces no incomes, inflation is killing ‘em, everything is directed to supporting the Islamic regime, spreading terrorism, forcing Shariah on other people, murdering Gays by hanging or precipitating them from roof tops, imprisoning protesters and torturing dissidents. It is the sum total of fascism, clothed in the garments of a major religion. It is Obama’s fascism and he wanted it here in America.
America is in distress. Thankfully, at last, we have a leader who sees the future, knows the cause of our problems and is fearless in telling the world that America will no longer be their patsy will no longer face problems with the indecision or compromise that invites insult, nor support programs that do not reflect the basic rights of human beings. It’s over.
We can thank Barack Obama for his fecklessness, his treacherous machinations of Americas true purpose in the world and his destructive attempts at social engineering American into the trash heap of history right alongside the ancient Romans. He didn’t quite get us there but he tried awfully hard and his party, the Democrat party, a totally Socialist expression of totalitarian in the Marxist mold, are still trying their darnedest to make it happen. Conservatives need to rejuvenate the Tea Party’s and get to work. The Democrats are. What are we waiting for. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (04Jan17)
Changing the Toxic Environment of Fox News
Politics April 24, 2017All the major media outlets are abuzz over Fox’s recent release of Bill O’Reilly and what is being called the toxic environment of the network. You would think the toxicity would be sexual harassment considering the accusations towards Roger Ailes and recently Bill O’Reilly. Not that we don’t think that the accusations about O’Reilly and Ailes could be true, and yes Fox has had to pay out millions of dollars to settle several lawsuits. However that is not the toxic environment that James and Lachlan Murdoch are genuinely trying to change at Fox News. Fox News has been known over the last 20 years as the conservative media alternative to CNN and MSNBC.
Before turning the power over to his two sons, Rupert Murdoch sided with anything Roger Ailes wanted to do. Why not, when the network is the number one and is bringing in a billion dollars? The two sons have much more liberal views. In fact James and his progressive minded wife Katherine, have long been embarrassed of certain elements of Fox News. They trash Donald Trump on their Twitter feed quite often. It is very clear that the goal is to move Fox News to the left. The remaining talent at Fox makes a pretty good paycheck and it’s best to seem they are satisfied with the new direction the company is going.
The coveted 8 o’clock times slot now belongs to the Fox News, up and coming superstar, Tucker Carlson. What better way to say you are going in the total opposite direction, no pun intended, than Bill O’Reilly is to have your first guest be (Bruce) Caitlyn Jenner. Jenner not only identifies not only as a female now but also as a Republican. Really? That’s who Tucker picked for his first debut guest or is this a clear signal for Carlson’s conservative viewers to see transgender, Republican tolerance. Now that’s what I call changing the direction of the network.
How Will President Donald Trump Pay for the Border Wall
Featured, Politics April 20, 2017The media won’t be happy until they see a picture of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto presenting President Donald Trump with the BIG check. You know the Publishers Clearing House size check that has written in the memo area “Mexico payment for the wall”.
Congress has to pass a spending appropriations bill before the end of April to prevent a government shutdown. Trump is asking for money to start the famous wall. You know the one, Mexico will pay for.
Attorney General, Jeff Sessions along with Homeland Security Secretary, John Kelly stress we need to start construction of the southern border barrier now.
Sessions is determined to shut down America’s worst criminal gang MS-13. Kelly warns that the next major attack will come from terrorist groups like ISIS partnering up with Mexican drug cartels. Both Kelly and Sessions sound the alarm on the enormous amounts of opiates, heroin and cocaine coming across the border. Just recently Maryland Governor Larry Hogan signed a State of Emergency to deal with opiate addiction problem.
The media keeps asking how we are going to pay for the wall? We have paid for the wall. We have paid with the blood of our children butchered by illegal alien gangs like MS-13. We have paid with the lives of our children who are dying daily from drug addiction.
Don’t accept your congressman asking how we are going to pay for the wall. Tell them they need to support the President and the wall is already bought and paid for!
EXCLUSIVE: Texts Show Apparent Conspiracy to Fix GOP Primary
Election, Featured, Politics September 14, 2017There has been another bombshell Thursday in the ongoing saga of Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional district. New information obtained by shows an apparent attempt to sway the upcoming GOP Primary to replace the retiring Rep. Charles Dent.
Screenshot text messages show a group conversation between Lehigh County Party Chairwoman Jessica Banotai, Lehigh County GOP Executive Director Trevor Waldron, and others conspiring to smear Conservative candidate Justin Simmons.
The messages expose brutal tactics in what is supposed to be a neutral, intraparty race, including a suggestion from Banotai to “…get a billboard in Justin’s district and put that hitler youth photo of him on it?”
In addition to Banotai’s willingness to compare Simmons to Adolf Hitler on a billboard, she also outlined tactics to utilize Republican Party resources to “use the YR page to troll the s**t out justin by sharing and liking all Ryan’s announcements.”
The “Ryan” she refers to is the other candidate in the Primary — PA House Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, 35. Mackenzie has served in the PA House since 2012 and is considered by most the “Establishment Candidate,” and “handpicked successor to Dent.”
According to her LinkedIn page, Banotai, 28, is also the Finance Director and successful fundraiser for Charlie Dent for Congress. A separate blog also lists her as having worked with Republican Sen. Pat Toomey.
Waldron, who in addition to his role as Executive Director of the Lehigh County GOP also serves as Field Director for Congressman Dent. He quickly chimed in to the Hitler suggestion with, “we can make that happen.”
The connection between Dent, Bonotai, Waldron, and others appears to be a smoking gun that proves accusations made earlier in the week. Simmons alleged an attempt by GOP insiders from the 15th District to “stack the deck” in a manner reminiscent of the actions of the Democratic Party against Bernie Sanders in 2016.
However, unlike the alleged DNC corruption, the latest revelations in Pennsylvania seem to offer hard evidence in favor of Simmons’ claims.
The match up between Mackenzie and Simmons was portrayed by The Morning Call as a “Hatfield’s and McCoy’s race” between what they described as two longtime rivals.
Simmons, 31, has also served in the PA House of Representatives since 2010. In an exclusive interview with FYNTV on September 11, he alleged a history of campaign rigging within the Pennsylvania establishment regarding Mackenzie.
When he first ran for State House in the 134th District… there was a special election and the party hierarchy greased the skids for Ryan, they cleared the field in the special election for him, he hasn’t had an opponent since.
This is just the latest in a series of events that have unfolded since the election and inauguration of President Donald Trump. Dent, a seven term Congressman, has been vocal in his opposition to both the candidacy and Presidency of Trump that included several appearances on Liberal mainstream media outlets. This resulted in a Conservative rally against him.
Since Simmons initial announcement to run against him, Dent made and abrupt retirement announcement and Mackenzie entered the race the following day. Earlier this week, reports also surfaced that a plan existed within the PA GOP Establishment to have Dent retire before his completed term. This would ensure party insiders the ability to choose the candidate in a Special Election, thus providing Mackenzie with the power of the House Republican campaign machination. Below is a video in which Good Morning from the Office host BKP reached out to Dent via phone call. Dent would neither confirm or deny rumors of retirement prior to the end of his term.
Simmons has since called for the resignation of all involved.
Stay with as more developments occur.
Will Charlie Dent Retire clearing the way for Republican Establishment Candidate Ryan Mackenzie?
Featured, Politics September 14, 2017Last week Pennsylvania 15th District Congressman Charlie Dent announced he would not seek an 8th term. One thing Dent did not say in his announcement is if he would complete his current term.
Just days before Dent’s announcement PA State Rep from the 131st District, Justin Simmons, announced he would challenge Dent for the 15th District seat.
The day after Dent’s announcement PA State Rep from the 134th District, Ryan Mackenzie, threw his hat into the race. Sources tell FYN that Mackenzie was with Dent the night before Dent made his announcement.
Mackenzie is being called Dent’s hand picked candidate. In an interview with FYN Simmons said Mackenzie is a part of the state establishment, the Republican establishment candidate. Simmons had the nerve to oppose Dent. We can’t find any information which indicates Mackenzie was prepared to oppose Dent before Dent announced he would not run.
Remember Dent did not say he would complete his term. Sources tell FYN Dent plans to retire. If he retires the voters won’t get a chance to pick the next 15th District Republican candidate through the primary process. The Governor will call for a special election. The voters will lose their voice.
Five counties make up the District; Lehigh County, Berks County, Dauphin County , Lebanon County and Northampton County.
Pictured L-R Lehigh County Rep Chairman Jess Banotai, Berks County Rep Chairman Joe Rudderow, Dauphin County Rep Chairman Dave Feidt, Lebanon County Rep Chairman Casey Long, & Northampton County Rep Chairman Lee Snover.
The Republican County Chairman “Party Bosses” from each county will pick Delegates. These Delegates will then vote for their candidate to run against a Democrat candidate. The Democrats have the same process.
Sources tell FYN that the cards are stacked in favor for Mackenzie and if Dent retires he will most likely become the Republican Candidate.
Dent is a liberal Republican who has opposed President Trump at every turn. Dent finds every TV camera he can in order to say something negative about President Trump. Darlin’ Charlie Dent reminds many PA Republican of Darlin’ Arlen Specter. Dent is the Co-Chair of the liberal Republican Tuesday Group.
The PA Republican establishment must remember, without the support of Senator Pat Toomey or Charlie Dent, Donald Trump won Pennsylvania. So without votes from Trump supporters the 15th District could easily go to a Democrat.
Could Dent be preparing for a run for Governor?
We called Dent to ask him if he is retiring.
My interview with Justin Simmons
My next article “How the PA 15th resembles the GA 6th between (R) Karen Handel and (D)Jon Ossoff with different results
Catch our daily show 8 AM M-F on FYNTV.COM
#BKP’s opinion on local, state and national news and politics
Republicans Never Learn – (D) Jon Ossoff Almost Flipped the GA 6th District
Politics April 19, 2017Will (R) Karen Handel embrace or distance herself from President Donald Trump? Will Trump voters come out and vote for Karen Handel? How hard will Dan Moody, Judson Hill, and Bob Gray work to convince their voters to vote for Karen Handel? If Fulton County is the Republican stronghold of the district then why did Ossoff get 41,269 votes? Ossoff received almost as many votes in Fulton County as Gray, Handel and Moody combined. Donald Trump is President of the United States because he did not used the “Republican Playbook.” By using the playbook the Republicans almost lost the 6th district. When will Republicans learn to throw the playbook out the window – Trump style?
If Jon Ossoff Loses the Election, You Can’t Say the Media Didn’t Try to Help
Politics April 18, 2017A runoff seems to be certain in the GA 6th Congressionaldistrict special election to replace HHS Secretary Tom Price, taking place today. Democrat Jon Ossoff looks to be guaranteed one of the runoff spots; the second spot will be left open to Republican Dan Moody, Karen Handel, or Bob Gray. If you are tired of all of the commercials and think they will end tonight… Think again. There will be just as many commercials but now it will be narrowed down to just two candidates. So get ready ready for another two months of political campaign ads, because election day is June 20th.
If Ossoff wins at least 40 % of the vote tonight there is a good chance that he will be able to win the election in June to become the new Congressman of the GA 6th. A runoff election is generally won by the opponent that can get their voters back to the polls. Just like most sports; the team that has the momentum wins. It is going to be questionable as to whether the Republicans can coalesce and change the momentum of the game.
If Democrats just take the voter role from tonight, with the amount of money they have coming in nation wide; they will be able to do anything necessary to get the voters back to the polls on June 20th. If the top Republican is only in the area of 20% of the vote tonight they have the challenge of getting that 20% back to the polls in addition to the margin needed to win from the Republicans they ran against. If Karen Handel is the front runner can you really see Bob Gray, Judson Hill, Dan Moody and the rest of the Republicans out begging their voters to return to the polls. BKP sees them half heartedly endorsing her, but not aggressively working for her campaign.
Ossoff has many media outlets to thank for their media coverage, not to mention this morning’s MSNBC’s 15 minute Ossoff infomercial. Morning Joe and Mika Brzezinski spent about 15 minutes talking about President Donald Trump’s poor polling numbers. BKP strongly believes the poor polling report was to lead the voters of the 6th district to believe the country is turning on President Donald Trump. They continued by telling their audience that in less than 100 days of his presidency the American people have tuned him out. That gave Mika a perfect segway into, “Up next: A special election that could spell trouble for the GOP.”
MSNBC’s Political Correspondent, Casey Hunt, proceeded with what we consider a Jon Ossoff infomercial. Hunt dedicated only about 15 seconds of her report to Republicans Bob Gray and Karen Handel. Hunt was even able to find, in her non-biased reporting, a Republican in the district that voted for Jon Ossoff. Republicans go into every election already behind one strike knowing the media is against them.
In today’s segment BKP reminds people of the late Andrew Breitbart’s comments concerning Congressman John Lewis – “The orchestrated lie.” President Donald Trump had the nerve to call John Lewis a liar. Republicans never want to offend anybody, want to play the middle of the road, and know how to lose an election. BKP is concerned that Republicans attacking Ossoff’s youth and fondness for Star Wars, may have been non-beneficial. Did Republicans miss how Star Wars is to all age groups? Maybe Republicans don’t remember a college keg party? REALLY… Democrats are organized. If they win the 6th district, the next stop is winning The House, and the grand finale will be redistricting in 2021. A must watch segment. Republicans beware… This may be offensive… Because it’s the truth!
All the Sunday Morning Shows Pursued the Russian Ties to Trump’s Campaign – Never Mentioning Farkas
Politics April 3, 2017ABC’s Martha Raddatz, Fox’s Chris Wallace, NBC’s Chuck Todd, and CBS’s John Dickerson all clearly exposed their liberal agenda this weekend concerning Russia and the possible ties to the Trump campaign. While some briefly discussed the topic of surveillance and unmasking of Donald Trump and members of his campaign team they continued to circle back to alleged Russian ties to the Trump campaign. Not one mention of the bombshell revelation concerning surveillance by Fox New’s Adam Housely. Housely reports sources with evidence of high up official(s) in the intelligence community that Trump and his campaign team were under surveillance even before he was became a nominee. It seems to be all four missed the revelations in the Evelyn Farkas interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. Farkas was a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for the Obama Administration. Farkas admits to Brzezinski that there was surveillance. Farkas’ admission, “That the Tump folks, if they found out how we knew about… the Trump staff’s dealing with Russia, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods.” It seems to be that the media is more interested in a story with no evidence concerning Russia, opposed to stories that could prove the accusations. With plenty of inculpatory evidence they completely overlook “the Clinton cash” or John and Tony Podesta.