Mueller’s Coup: “Losing an illusion Makes Us Wiser Than Finding a Truth.”
Opinion July 25, 2019The final word on the circus that was Mueller’s testimony, that can be safely taken away after yesterdays Democrat debacle, is that Trump won and Hillary didn’t. The Democrats are in serious damage control but, their ship is still sinking. It’s over and cannot be undone.
If nothing else, at the very least we have learned that Robert Mueller, simply by his ineptness and lack of knowledge of anything in the report that bears his name, by even it’s kindest interpretation, must be considered a co-conspirator of the Clinton cabals treasonous attempt to bring down Donald Trump and end the Trump presidency.
This is because he agreed to lend his good name and reputation as a front to the plotters and their nefarious scheme that by all accounts has collapsed as a dismal failure. In fact, the Mueller Investigation itself should be lumped into the total picture of a treasonous “coup” against President Trump started by the machinations of the Clinton campaign and the DNC using US counterintelligence laws as cover to commit their crimes.
After the day long embarrassing spectacle at the two Congressional hearings, the spin by media light weights, CNN and MSNBC, was breathtaking, both in their positive conclusions for proving Trump should be impeached and denial that things went as bad for them as it did. Wisely, many individual left-wing media reporters did acknowledged the worst for the Democrats.
But, the show must go on, so publicly congratulating themselves for their efforts, the Democrats like drowning men grasping at straws are awash in their own lies but they don’t care. Their actions and reactions should qualify the TDS crowd as truly mentally challenged, but most certainly as dangerous risks to the public who does not support them.
The worst of this two and a half year exercise in treason was that the coup plotters are known, all of them. Their motives have been revealed and their scheme(s) thwarted. What remains is for Attorney General Barr to start the last round-up, corral these cretans for federal branding, impanel Grand Juries and start the needed repairs by public trials.
Mueller acted as a shameless figurehead for the shadowy coup plotters hiding behind the pretense of personal dignity for which he was esteemed. For two plus years, Americans held their breaths under the common idea that Mueller, a Republican, a combat decorated marine officer, a long serving and capable member of the Dept. of Justice and honest Director of the FBI, stood sacrosanct in his reputation for truth Justice and the American way. But alas, “losing an illusion makes us wiser than finding a truth.”
Expect detailed examinations into Mueller’s work history. Causal inquiries have already revealed flaws in his form of applying Justice that adversely impacted innocent people beyond those affected in this particular investigation. Time is long and Justice never dies.
Mueller set his own course and it led him astray. I do not feel sorry for him. He’s pathetic and must understand that a good reputation once sullied, is sullied forever. I expect his next gig, if not in a court room as a defendant, will be at a “comic-con” convention somewhere. Let us hope so. This was an evil, tawdry business and for Mueller, an imbroglio that cannot be defended. His ratiocination skills, if his testimony was any evidence, left him long ago. Sad. Very sad.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Extent of the Deep State
Opinion February 12, 2019Extent of the Deep State:
The extent of the imbedded Deep State, an unholy corruption of ignorant worker bees in the peoples government is so pervasive, so tight and so protected that its very existence is mind blowing. That Obama weaponized federal agencies as political tools for the socialist Democrat party is undeniable but, I’m convinced that the rot started as far back as the Whitewater investigation in Arkansas as the Clinton’s began their political rise. Comey, the unlamented former director of the FBI was a young DoJ attorney in that inquiry then and other inquiries that protected the Clinton crime racket. He rose favorably through the ranks as a trusted confident, with their rise from State House to White House, owing his advancement to the only person who could be trusted to stand as a bulwark against potential future prosecution, Hillary Clinton.
We saw the IRS scandal with Lois Learner denying conservative groups lawful tax exemptions; we saw James Clapper, the DNI, lying to congress, We saw Clinton loyalist, James Comey, following Mueller in the FBI, doing what was expected of him, and the two incompetent AG’s, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, all doing what was required of them to protect the machine and do the machines bidding.
It wasn’t a fluke that Obama defeated Hillary Clinton as the 2008 Democrat nominee because Obama presented an opportunity the Left couldn’t resist using, an articulate, clean, half black Senator as candidate. But it was of little matter because Obama proved himself incompetent both as a political leader and a policy maker yet, it was still the Clintons who called the shots. Everything Obama laid his hand to failed, including his Director of the CIA, the muslim, John Brennen. They have all lied to Congress, lied to investigators or were abetted by them, for the sole purpose of denying justice and yet, they all remain unaccountable for their crimes.
Now, apparently still protected by the corrupted deep state, employees who once worked diligently to ensure Hillary succeeded as President on her second try, faced a formidable opponent, a businessman, like no one they ever met before. Losing again, Clinton’s Democrat deep state is determined to destroy that businessman, Donald Trump, or ruin his presidency.
That ‘destroying Trump part,’ totally exposed as a fraud and fake investigation is, in fact, seditious, an illegal plot to overthrow a sitting president. Every excuse they’ve used to justify warrants against Trumps staff people has turned out to be bogus. No accusation has come close to meeting the standards of charge, proof and inditement required by criminal law, yet some innocents have yielded to the pressure because of the onerous costs of their defense.
Mueller himself was hired even when justification for a special council was not met. Mueller did not qualify as a special counsel because he was an insider with conflicts of his own. Comey recommended him. Instead of legally hiring unbiased investigators, He hired an all Democrat hit squad loaded with Hillary’s henchmen. The people they squeezed to turn on Trump were ambushed, tricked and illegally spied on even after any legal justification to do so, collapsed.
These people should be headed to the slammer for the worst anti-gov’t plot in US history. No Republican even contemplated such an action against Obama but now the new Democrat congress, under the leadership of Comrades Pelosi, Schiff, Waters & Schumer, using the odious apparatus of Democrat House Committee hearings, on the flimsy pretense of unmasking corruption and criminality in the Trump Administration will be frustrated by their failures. Trumps favorability this very day, is 52%, and they don’t know how to handle it except by blunt force.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
What’s with the Gestapo Tactics by Progressives? Power!
Opinion January 28, 2019Have we already forgotten the Elian Gonzales fiasco when Bill Clinton’s Attorney General sent in her Storm Troopers, agents encased in Kevlar, armed to the teeth, to kidnap one little Cuban refugee boy and forcibly return him to Father Fidel? The one scene that remains locked in the memory is the frightened wee lad huddled in a closet with a masked and helmeted federal agent shoving an AR-15 in his face.
Do we forget Waco, Tx. where Storm Troopers attacked a religious compound with a tank and an army of Federal Agents on some BS pretext to stop them from practicing their religious beliefs? In the ensuing melee, the Feds crashed their RV into the building setting it ablaze and burning nearly sixty people to death, most of them little children.
Before their sacrificial immolation to the gods of Socialist Progressivism, the Waco bunch, Branch Meridians, sought to protect themselves by the last constitutional means available to them, the 2nd Amendment, and paid the supreme penalty for their perfidy. Sadly, a few agents got in the way of return fire and were hit, yet, the progressive government of Bill Clinton found justification in the governments criminal action and the whole sad event was soon forgotten.
Ruby Ridge is another case remindful of the governments application of Gestapo tactics, also used during the Clinton administration. The public, seeing what was unfolding couldn’t believe what was happening, right here in our America. A woman holding her baby, inside the door of her home, was shot dead by a federal sniper and, after all was said and done, the target of their attack still went free and the govt. had to pay him reparations, fees and expenses. They could never return to him his wife and mother of his child.
Now, with the Progressive Deep State still in functional control of the DoJ and the FBI, early morning raids by a host of armed federal agents, CNN in tow to record their bravery, pounded on the door of their target, a sixty-eight year old man, demanding he immediately open up and let them in. That is Gestapo and, I might add, Soviet KGB style terrorism to their own populous, to demonstrate, in the world theater of government inevitability, that we deplorable’s had better not resist when they come after us no matter the pretext.
At the moment, even as Special Prosecutor Mueller’s case against President Trump collapses, the object of what we are witnessing remains the Deep States desperate need to destroy Donald Trump, before he can finish God’s work. Trump is probably the best and most effective real leader America has seen since Abe Lincoln.
The current House of Representatives under the leadership of demented House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will squander their next two years fruitlessly protecting Mueller and his important inquiries into the already discredited Trump-Russian collusion nonsense, while obstructing the Presidents determined efforts to tear down Obama’s destructive legacy of incompetence, and prevent him, through lawsuits filed in cooperative progressive manned federal courts, from completing the goals he promised and we want.
Progressivism is a curse on society. It has no constructive alternative to any society based on freedom and liberty. When in control, they must “lead from behind” (push), mandate solutions that fit all, requiring all citizens to comply. And, they must squander tax payer money on importing voters, by hook or crook, that will keep them in power. Power is their opiate.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the only way. Now, go get ‘em!
Who’s Really Obstructing Justice?
Opinion January 14, 2019Who’s Really Obstructing Justice?
With the Democrats now in complete control only of the House, they’ll use it as a child would a sandbox, a place to play with their toys, scatter sand in others children eyes and run off and pout if things don’t go their way. The frustration of their inaction will mount, because everything anti-Trump that comes out of their legislative sandbox or supports progressivism in any way, will simply die a natural death on Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell’s desk.
But, not to worry. Apart from two years of dysfunctional Democrat legislative nonsense, it will also be two years of orgasmic democratic presidential pandering by the old guard, and the new far left Socialists, both sides aimed at defeating Americas most remarkably successful President since Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump. Figure some Republicans to join in in this scenario too.
They all hate him. He ruined all their plans; he defeated their champion, queen Hillary, exposing the depth of Deep State corruption. He revealed the multiple high crimes and misdemeanors on the Democrats part and, he immediately set about destroying Obama’s legacy of leading from the rear by reversing Americas economic decline by over regulation, by restoring Americas damaged foreign policy, and by halting the transition of socialism into American culture.
Nancy Pelosi, whose grasp of her party’s leadership, as tenuous as her scattered thought process, is fixated on destroying Trump but she has lost control of her machine. The newly minted Democrat-Socialist congresspersons however, want Progressive legislation first, i.e.: all that free stuff, and they will be pulling her to the far left to comply, or pushing her out.
Among Nancy’s mental aberrations is her fixation on Trumps impeachment and the only tool she can possibly use now, is that silly Russian collusion business, glorified by the long suffering Mueller Investigation, already discredited as an unproven pack of manufactured lies.
That brings me to ask this question. Who is really “Obstructing Justice?” Is it Trump? I don’t think so. It’s the Deep State machine coiling up like a rattlesnake to defend itself from the inevitable, that is obstructing justice. With a corrupted DoJ, FBI and IRS in charge of the legal system, we then know that the true obstruction of justice is assured. Americans see that!
Anyway, that’s what Pelosi and Schumer will continually raise every time any hint of a threat to end the Mueller witch hunt is raised. Their constant rallying cry will be “obstruction of justice” endlessly repeated by their MSM propaganda mouth pieces. Does anyone watch ‘em anymore?
For Democrats it may be too late. The cat’s out o the bag. Pelosi and Schumer are not dealing with our standard run-of-the-mill weak-willed politician turned President. Remaining President is Trumps primary goal because he sees, as clearly as through a windex clean window, the dangers to the America he loves. Also, he implicitly understands that his base loves America too and hired him to do exactly what he is doing, dismantling the Deep State. They will suffer no commie-socialist politician(s) or leftist fake news organizations, to take him down.
Americas defense, its national security and foreign policies, were left in tatters by the corrupt politicians of the Progressive Left especially H. Clinton in Obama’s first four years and the dunce, John Kerry, as Secty of State, in the last four. Losing to Trump was not a good plan. It wasn’t expected, it wasn’t prepared for and, like children drowning in a sand box, their reaction to it was predictable, even these two long years later. TDS lives on!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Short Takes – Disintegration By Their Own Hand
Opinion January 19, 2018Disintegration By Their Own Hand
The more Democrats take offense at Trump’s personality quirks, the more they try to create damming issues out of his ‘tweets,’ the more they struggle against the will of the voters who put Trump in office, the deeper they descend into the quicksand of the irrelevance they’re already facing. They are a wounded party that is seriously divided, and lacking adult leadership.
For example “Dickie” Durban, sat on a Senate committee arguing with the Secretary of the DHS about what word Trump actually said about S__t hole countries, that she was present at. Well, Dickie was there too. So what? Dicky reveals mendacity at its worse but he’s really exposing the Left’s descent into oblivion. Their dysfunction is evident and destructive, to them, and they don’t see it. Their disintegration is well underway.
The three Democrat senators and the three Republican senators, supposedly presenting a compromise DACA plan to the President like he asked for, actually didn’t present any new plan at all as Trump wanted, but offered instead a rehash of the Democrats same old compromise, amnesty for DACA’s or no spending bill.
And, as always, the compromise came in with the usual suspects in the GOP agreeing to the Democrat agenda. I thought that at the last election we were through with that nonsense. In other words, the Democrats have thrown the dice and are willing to shut down the government, thinking Trump will cave just like Republicans always do, thereby securing for them the future of the Democratic voting base. “Dickie” Durban even threatened Trump with withdrawing the support of the Congressional Black Caucus. It must have shocked him (Dickie) when Trumps told him he didn’t care about the CBC, their demands or what their opinion was. Trump fends off all such attacks from the hysterical Left leaving them bereft of suitable answers except obstruction.
Mueller’s investigation opened a veritable can of worms, for the Democrats. Mueller still threatens to interview Trump, under Miranda warning presumably, to attempt to extract any level of negative admission from him that could be hung around his neck. All this, while the case against Hillary Clinton’s negligence and gross mishandling of America’s Top Secret/SCI/NOFORN communications, felonies by the way, and her grubby hand in the Uranium One business, is regaining strength. Once that ball gets rolling it will sweep up all before it. Clearly, the institutional deep state wall that was protecting the Clintons is disintegrating.
The Clinton cabal of DoJ & FBI enablers and protectors is peeling off like onion skins beneath the knife and the eye stinging burn of criminal culpability is drawing attention to the mess that Clinton made. It’s a race to see who goes down first, Trump or Hillary. Today, new FBI Director Wray seems intent on mending the Bureau’s torn ties to Congress by dismantling the Comey led ring that enameled the Clintons and the DNC to wallow in criminality without consequence. As demanded, the FBI has finally delivered subpoenaed documents to Congress concerning the decision making process that led to Comey’s decision not to prosecute Hillary, or anyone else, for recklessly compromising national security. It’s a wide net being thrown and will harvest many.
Hillary was a damaged candidate and the Left wouldn’t believe it. If they did, it was ignored and against all pundit predictions, Hillary, the key to protecting the Deep State, lost her rigged election to a real non political firebrand, exactly what Americans wanted. No more giving in to demands of socialist Political Correctness. No more free flow of illegals and their strings of family, no more national socialism. Elections do have consequence.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (18Jan18)
Donald J. Trump is our President Elect of the United States of America!
Election, Featured November 9, 2016Trump wins! Donald J. Trump wins the Election and is our President Elect of the United States of America! Make America Great Again!
Andrew Breitbart and exposing ACORN
Politics, Videos SV January 11, 2017Andrew Breitbart was a Conservative activist, journalist, author, editor, radio personality and the list goes on. He understood the Left so much so that he knew exactly how to intimidate the Left. Breitbart even referred to John Podesta as his mortal enemy. He also supported the exposure of corruption of ACORN that catalyzed the downfall of its reputation and ensuing bankruptcy. You can watch the documentary, Hating Breitbart, to better understand who he was and what his legacy stands for today. It was reported that he died from natural causes on 1 March 2012, and the peculiar timing of his death has sparked much speculation.
Morning Monologue 9/16/16
GMFTO September 18, 2016Panic in Brooklyn and citizens start realizing the falsehoods and foul play in the Clinton Campaign.
Snowden: A Hero or a Traitor
Politics, Videos January 10, 2017Is Snowden a hero or a traitor? The NSA Stellar Wind program violated constitutional rights. Why is an American, who is revealing an illegal program, punished? Edward is still in asylum in Russia. Will Trump compromise with Snowden when Putin hands over Snowden?
Snowden: A Hero or a Traitor Part ll
Politics, Videos January 10, 2017Is Snowden a hero or a traitor? The NSA Stellar Wind program violated constitutional rights. Why is an American, who is revealing an illegal program, punished? Edward is still in asylum in Russia. Will Trump compromise with Snowden when Putin hands over Snowden?
Short Takes – What’s Behind the Story?
Opinion December 5, 2017What’s Behind the Story?
The ecstatic hoopla by Democrats and the liberal media surrounding Lt.Gen. Flynn’s plea of guilty of lying to the FBI, is too early, too gleeful and really, too devoid of connection as to have much meaning to the Left’s real aim of bringing down the Trump administration. Flynn’s dilemma is a side story that will not affect Donald Trump. The media’s quiver is empty of poison arrows.
The Washington Post, as far back as January of this year, reported the FBI’s investigation of Gen. Flynn for suspected collusion with the Russians, revealed no evidence of collusion, treason or any other form of skulduggery. Flynn wasn’t the FBI’s target, the Russian Diplomat he was speaking to was and there are FISA rules that govern Americans 4th amendment rights when speaking to foreigners.
General Flynn, it must be remembered, was a National Security Advisor in Barack Obama’s administration. It was Gen. Flynn who argued against Obama’s characterization of Islam as a peaceful religion and stood by his assessments that Islam was in fact, a dangerous terrorist threat to the US, no matter what name they called themselves. Obama hated him but did not fire him. It was Donald Trump who fired him because Flynn lied to Vice Pres. Pence. It’s as easy to understand as that.
In the few days that Gen. Flynn did act as President Trumps security advisor, before Trumps inauguration, any contact Flynn had with any foreign country, Russia included, was totally necessary and lawful. That’s what the FBI found and the Washington Post reported last January.
But, Gen. Flynn is apparently a liar and got fired for it. Whatever he said to FBI investigators that was untrue, could not have had anything to do with the Trump administrations post election contacts with the Russians.
So, why the media’s jubilation? They hope something, if it’s screamed out loud enough and often enough, will become true. News is hard to report on when Trump sets the agenda every morning with his “tweets.” The only other prevailing story they can possibly write about is the acquittal of Kate Steinle’s murderer by a jury in the Renegade city of San Francisco, a story they would rather forget because it reveals the real sickness of the Liberal, Progressive’s agenda.
Trump will never be associated with the crimes like are now being revealed against Loretta Lynch and her supposedly clandestine meeting with Bill Clinton in Arizona or, the Clinton’s money laundering foundation, that are all ripe for the pickings. The Fast and Furious gun running operation Eric Holder scammed us with, is a crime waiting to be adjudicated. Dead Americans were the result of Holders action, not to mention the hundreds of Mexican citizens murdered at the Cartels hands with his stolen firearms. That’s nearly as bad as Benghazi and Hillary’s plotted overthrow of Gadaffie that left Libya in ISIS hands; or, the smuggling of arms to ISIS in Iraq and the “rules of engagement” that all but neutralized our troops on the battlefield.
There is yet to be investigate by a Grand Jury, the DNC and Clinton Campaign’s role into the fake “GPS Fusion Report” that triggered a CI Investigation sending Mueller off on his search and destroy mission. Flynn’s a side story, the Democrat Party is where the real felons lurk and they’re ripe for prosecution. First, the FBI and DoJ must be purged of its Progressive thinkers, its Obama holdovers and its leakers of inside information. When that happens, the real story’s will come out and there can’t be enough paper or ink to record ‘em all.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (03Dec17)
BKP on the Final Debate Trump vs. Clinton
GMFTO October 20, 2016The Donald vs. Clinton Fight Night in Vegas!
BKP breaks down the Final debate that took place last night in Las Vegas, Nevada at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
Realism in a Real World
Politics, Videos January 6, 2017Sissine discusses international relations theories, realism and liberalism. Emphasizing the importance that America remain a realist state.
Trump Drains the Swamp!
GMFTO October 19, 2016Donald Trump says he will drain the swamp! Listen and find out as BKP lets you know who’s really getting nervous!