Hershel Walker’s running for the people
Featured News, News, Politics October 6, 2021ELLIJAY, Ga – Republican Senate Candidate Hershel Walker wants everyone to understand that he wants what’s best for Georgia.
Walker, Heisman winner and UGA great, spoke with FYN about his decision to run for Senate and why he felt now was the time.
“I decided I didn’t like what was going on,” Walker stated about the direction of the United States. He’s a firm believer in law and order and lower taxes, and if that makes him a Conservative, he’s okay with that.
Walker’s spoken with members of the military for several years and regularly talks about sacrifice. He decided it was time to practice what he preaches and could no longer sit on the sidelines.
The former Olympian loves America and the diversity found in this country. Right now, he’s dedicated to hearing from Georgians and Americans about the problems they’re facing and how he can help them.
Walker hopes to restore some trust in elected officials.
School choice and law and order are two more areas of focus for Walker. He stated that every child should have an opportunity to attend the school of their choice; zip code shouldn’t matter.
As for law and order, Walker’s met with some officers who informed him that 70 percent of the drugs coming across the border also go through Atlanta, Ga.
Former President Donald Trump endorsed Walker almost as soon as the candidacy announcement was made. However, Walker clearly stated, “Trump is not running.” He’s here for the people of Georgia and hopes to visit all 159 counties before the election. This campaign will focus on Georgians, not the media.
To add to that, Walker spoke about his love of Georgia and how it’s his home. He did live in Texas, but his “life and love is Georgia.” Walker clarified that everything about his campaign is “legal” and claimed they’re doing everything “the right way.”
Check out the entire interview below:
Favorito addresses the hurdles leading up to the ballot audit
News, Politics May 24, 2021ELLIJAY, Ga – November 2020 election integrity lawsuit plaintiff Garland Favorito labeled the obstacles facing the ballot audit a “battle between establishment and grassroots” Republicans.
On Friday, Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero granted the motion to unseal ballots in Fulton County.
The ballots will be scanned to produce 600 dpi dots per inch) high-resolution images for a forensic audit. However, only the court and Fulton County employees will be allowed to handle the ballots.
Petitioners and Respondents council along with the court will convene on Friday at the ballot’s location to discuss further protocols.
Following the order, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger released a statement:
“From day one I have encouraged Georgians with concerns about the election in their counties to pursue those claims through legal avenues. Fulton County has a long standing history of election mismanagement that has understandably weakened voters’ faith in its system. Allowing this audit provides another layer of transparency and citizen engagement.”
Favorito remarked the statement was “carefully crafted as not to lie” when read the statement. He asked if Raffensperger was in favor of election transparency then why did his office file an amicus brief against their lawsuit through the Attorney General.
He added that the Secretary of State has issued more “roadblocks” than Fulton County itself. He stated that Raffensperger is “adamantly opposed to election transparency in the state.”
The Secretary of State’s Office has conducted three recounts of the November Election, including a hand recount.
All three came back confirming the election results. During the almost daily press briefings following the November election, Gabriel Sterling, Secretary of State Election Official, tried to quell claims of widespread voter fraud and asked individual voters to report and suspected issues to their office.
Earlier in the year, the state board of election aced on more than 300 cases of voter fraud, several were referred to the Attorney General for prosecution.
Raffensperger’s also voiced support of Georgia voter reform efforts, claiming it would not result in voter suppression. He added on Twitter that he’s always encouraged voters to use legal channels when pursuing election disputes in their counties.
Ask The Doc! Ascites And Spindle Cell Sarcoma
Community May 2, 2021This week, the Doctors discuss Ascites in a patient whose lung Cancer is being treated by the Jimmy Carter Immune Therapy. What is it? How is it treated? They also touch on the Spindle Cell Sarcoma. How serious is it? What are the different kinds of Sarcomas? The doctors also give a brief Covid update.
Lack of leadership: Vernon Jones attacks Governor Brian Kemp
News, State & National April 14, 2021ELLIJAY, Ga – Former State Representative and Trump ally Vernon Jones continued to flirt with the idea of running for Georgia Governor as a Republican.
Jones switched the Republican Party in January after previously stating he had no plans to do so. However, his tweets “if I were governor” suggested he wants to primary current Governor Brian Kemp (R).
At 10 a.m. at Liberty Park on Friday, April 16, Jones will make an announcement whether he is running or not. If he does announce, it’s like Trump will endorse him.
He’s promised an “overhaul” of Georgia’s election system if he was governor but didn’t go into details.
As for switching parties, Jones asked for the same treatment as past Republicans who started out as Democrats, such as former Governor’s Sonny Perdue and Nathan Deal. If reelected, Kemp will be the first life-long Republican to reattain the office since Reconstruction.
Jones added that not everyone agrees, and no one should expect 100 percent agreement. He claimed that Democrats disagreed with his conservative nature for 30 years, and now, he no longer has to abide by their rules.
Kemp’s leadership or lack there of was the focus of Jones talking points. He wanted to know why Kemp let MLB pull the All-Star game from Georgia, what actions did he take to prevent it? Did Kemp speak with Delta about their objections to SB 202. According to Jones, Kemp’s failures to address voter integrity issues months ago, cost Georgia money.
Accusing Kemp of hiding and letting the General Assembly clean up his mess, Jones attacked the governor for not taking a proactive role in November 2020. He didn’t call a special session to discuss election issues. Several Democrats and Republicans have praised Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) for not bending to the will of Trump during that time.
However, other Georgia voters lost faith in the system after the General Election. Legislators spoke at length during the 2021 Session about constituents calling to express their voting concerns.
Joe the Distractor
Opinion, Politics March 29, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
The glacial speed with which Joe Biden consulted his note book to find the prepared answers to softball questions from pre-selected left-wing alleged journalists at his first ‘presser,’ belies the flank speed with which the Democrat-Marxist cartel who runs his administration, is pushing America into the hands of the socialist New World Order crowd starting with HR-1, Federalizing all of Americas 10th Amendment granted voting rules. The DC Swamp is quickly refilling!
Forget Joe Biden. Forget what he utters, forget he’s really a phony CiC, and view him as a Tim Conway like character only there to distract us away from our real problems, the Left’s continuing pursuit of the destruction of our God given, Constitutionally protected rights best served under a conservative Representative form of government, not the totalitarian state Pelosi and Schumer are trying to impose. We’re somewhere in the middle of the completion of the UN’s Agenda 21 Project to do just that! Have we forgotten it already?
Are Americans now so gun shy that we’re afraid to stand up and resist these really silly crackpot social reengineering schemes so beloved by Democrats? Are the majority of Americans now so afraid of defending the centuries of historic accomplishments by our Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Roman-Italian Christian ancestors they we’re willing to fall prey to the Lefts loud screams of racism and Islamaphobia? This is a political issue, not a racial one. If we are supposed to be ashamed of being White, then why do so many White Conservatives welcome politically reborn Black and Latino citizens into our ranks? Ask this question: Why do so many White Liberals want us to accept a political system that has failed every time and every where it has been tried, except when under the heel of oppressive State surveillance like China uses?
Have American become so frightened by the blathering’s of a small fraction of our populations Liberal weirdo’s threatening our history and culture, that we won’t stand up and defend it? Are we willing to circle up like a flock of frightened sheep so we don’t stand out for personal ridicule and abuse? It appears we are!
If our government is supposedly one that operates by the “Consent by the People,” then by whose consent does Pelosi and Chucky Schumer presume that American’s want to dwell happily together in an imposed government of ‘equity’ as “Comrades?” By whose consent must we meekly surrender our means of self defense and other rights, from the hoards of criminals who will not surrender their guns at all? The government won’t protect us. They won’t even protect us from the clear specter of fraudulent national elections. And then we’re gifted with watching poor ol Joe at his first press conference, distracting us with his stumbling BS about how many millions of vaccinations his administration has administered, how face masks are essential, hoe awful President Trump really was, some weird nonsense about a President Harris and, there is no crisis at our southern border while the media fawns over his brilliance.
These issues come up daily and questions about them are ridiculed by the media because they don’t fit the Leftist agenda. And even then, in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary they are still shameless in reversing, ignoring or staging counter arguments that belies the truth with outright lying and manipulation of video evidence. It also proves that Joseph Goebbels was right: “Tell a lie often enough and it will be become the truth…” Its pure propaganda as an art form and comes at us like a malicious steamroller, nearly invincible, almost unstoppable and, if we don’t take corrective action soon, like right now, surely inevitable! Don’t let Joe distract us from the dangers! He’s a putz and will soon be gone. Then the real assault on internal American rights, western civilization and culture and our history will begin.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (27Mar21)
Shafer talks party cohesion following Trump Endorsement for re-election
News, Politics March 25, 2021Endorsed by former President Donald Trump, Georgia GOP Chair David Shafer is running for re-election for Chair. After his official announcement to run for re-election, he faces challenges in the party to keeping the party cohesive and united in the coming elections.
With some Republicans already calling for a GOP 2.0 separation among Republican supporters, Shafer said he got a mix of good and bad news from the recent election process. Growth in the party is obvious, but breakdowns in the election came as Shafer said changes were made “outside of the law” by the State Elections Board and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
The vast increase in absentee ballots coupled with a failure in verifications was just a surface issue as Shafer stated the offices were obviously overwhelmed. On top of that, he pointed out the refusals to allow poll watchers easy access, sometimes making them stand as much as 50 feet away when they were allowed to watch.
Unmanned drop boxes and rampant ballot harvesting were part of the massive issues in the election according to Shafer.
Yet, he is looking forward and trying to bring people in the party back together in forward motion to retake the safety and security of the elections.
Raffensperger blamed Shafer for issues saying he was responsible for exact match signatures. Shafer responded saying it was absurd as Raffensperger changed laws entering into a consent agreement without consulting the Republican Party. The betrayal in March showed his Democratic Party affiliation.
Shafer said Raffensperger made it so much harder to throw out non-matching ballots and the change in laws were unilaterally altered from the laws he voted on.
An example of some of the unrest in the party, Shafer agreed that 2022 could be difficult as he has already heard several county chairman in the Republican Party not running for re-election because they are wanting to contest races in the state. As a leader of the State GOP, he hasn’t called for Raffensperger’s resignation, but he has been a part of several lawsuits trying to, as he says, “make sure the laws are carried out.”
In one final question, when asked about any possibility to see him on the ballot in major offices in 2022, he replied that he felt his best place to be helpful is continuing as the State Chairman.
Shafer said, “The real danger to this country is posed by the Democrats. We have got to pull everyone back together and defeat Raphael Warnock in 2022 and preserve our Republican majority so the Democrats don’t do to Georgia what they are currently doing to America.”
Kamala’s View of Veterans……..MUST READ
Opinion, Politics March 24, 2021Submitted By George McClellan
What’s In Our Political Future?
Opinion, Politics March 23, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
We have good news and bad news. The good news is that several RINO Senators, Richard Burr (R-NC), Rob Portman (R-OH), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Dick Shelby (R-AL) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) have all decided their usefulness as conservative politicians isn’t working. Some say their retirements will deal a major blow to the Republican establishment’s inner circle.
By God, I hope so! The bad news is I don’t see Mitt Romney’s name on that list. The operative notion in the above paragraph is the “Establishment Republicans inner circle.” What got these people into an “inner Circle?” Longevity in office? Because they are good guys or better statesmen? Naw, I don’t think so. It’s because they were willing to go along to get along.
These people, allegedly supporters of Republican Conservative principals, whose primary concern as Republicans was to Keep America Great, support their constituents and protect the American way, went astray! Their less than conservative voting records betray them!
They joined hands across the aisle with the Americas Cancel Culture party (Marxists) intent on just the opposite, Americas destruction. What possible blow to the Republican Party can their departures bring? None! With friends like those who needs enemies? The board is being swept clean of their type and so shall it be! They must be replaced with real conservatives.
What kept them there? Invitations to the cocktail circuit? When in power, committee or sub-committee chairmanships, bribery or other monetary rewards? Joe Biden made influence peddling a lucrative art form. Many Republicans apparently learned from his success, sought to ride the crest of Deep State security and monetary reward and now find themselves suddenly incapable of facing the growing fascism menace that the Progressives are throwing at ’em.
Not many people who want to get involved in government have Donald Trumps deep business insight into the decadent human behavior that draws other people into the sphere of the deep state Oligarchs. In Congress today the numbers can’t be counted on both hands. Jim Jordan comes to mind as does the fiery Marjory Taylor Greene. Ranking Republican McCarthy is the keeper of the House’s elite establishment Republicans and that remains ethereally fungible.
As Pelosi’s Congress hasn’t yet risen above the level of her obsession with Trump Derangement Syndrome, passing anti-American spending bills to bankrupt America and scaring the nation with fears of horrible new Covid strains lurking just over the horizon, is not a good platform for the newest Republican women just elected, to start their own individual voting records.
The Democrat Party is evil. Pelosi wants to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene completely from Congress because of her feisty denouncement of her Marxists programs destroying America, but not remove Eric Swallwell for being a Chinese spy or worse, a Chinese dupe, a fellow traveler who can be appealed to by his carnal desires for Fang – Fang and other honey traps.
On the State level, two Blue State governors, Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo, three if we count Virginia’s Gov. Northern who refused to resign, still stubbornly run their states like dictators and all three have been challenged for being either being politically incorrect, ie: inappropriately touching women, killing thousands of seniors, or simply ruining their States GDP into the dirt. Who replaces these corrupt people when the time comes? Conservatives better start looking for more Donald Trumps and Marjory Taylor Greens. They’re out there, Remember, keeping our freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (21Mar21)
George Orwell’s New Speak and Other Nonsense
Opinion, Politics March 11, 2021Written and submitted by George McClellan
The more things change the more they stay the same, not necessarily so, but old words and phrases once used by radical elements in pre-Soviet Russia to define and vilify who they were against, have simply become new words and phrases in pre-Maoist Americas meaning exactly the same thing with the same end in view, collectivization and complete state control. The only difference being, they are talking to new audiences, our past two generations of lost young Americans. We saw it coming, we were warned and we still let it happen: Antifa’s & BLM!
In Russia’s revolution of 1917, the term “Class Struggle,” was coined to represent the fight by the Marxist Proletariat (workers and soldiers), against the Bourgeois (royals, land owners, farmers & industrialists). That term today has been remolded to “Cancel Culture,” a “Woke” attack against Americas middle class; instead of peasants & soldiers, versus producers, we’ve been relegated by our betters through hate and envy, into separate class structures as victims, the easier for Marxists to either glorify and raise or vilify, demean and ultimately destroy, according to the “New Speak” theme of the Day! It changes daily!
Case in point, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, a tough talking, in your face, git’er done blowhard Italian politician, once the darling of the Democrat Party destined for Presidential greatness, his legacy alas, now in tatters because the “Woke” crowd has deemed him a liability and no longer an asset. Cuomo strayed from the strict Marxist path, exposed himself to compromising ridicule and now faces the fate of George Orwell’s poor hapless citizen, Winston Smith. Cuomo will probably not get a bullet in the back of his head, but will suffer a life forever in obscurity, unsung, unloved and destined to become a pitiful example of failing to adhere to strict Marxist dogma. Any Democrat who strays is expendable to Party discipline, except idiots and sexual predators who become President. They will be protected! Cuomo will go down fighting, but he will go down. The Democrat Motto: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else” didn’t work! Cuomo tried but failed and to Big Brother, failure is not an option. Womanizing is okay just so long as you don’t get caught at it. Let the Party provide your sexual entertainment, Don’t seek it yourself, it’s not prudent, and as often fatal!
In the time of Rome’s greatest peril, encircled as they were by Barbarians, Visigoths and Huns, the feckless Roman emperor’s produced Circus’s and bloody entertainments to pacify its citizens so they wouldn’t notice their treasury being squandered by frivolity, unproductive enterprises and worst, leaving unpaid soldiers to fume. We see this right now with Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion spending bill (forget Biden, he’s nothing). This is all Pelosi and Schumer doing the bidding of the corporate New World Order crowd. Not to forget, China is sitting on the horizon patiently bidding its time, ready to become the masters of the New World Order.
Speaking of circus’s, how did Megan and Harry suck the air out of such really pressing news items as he border crisis with Biden’s invited disease laden, unskilled peasant wannabe laborers crashing our borders to infect our American culture while receiving free stimulus money, housing and healthcare to boot? The Party of Pelosi and Schumer fed billions of our treasury dollars into failed Blue States and Blue City coffers to restore their bankrupt union pension funds while other unAmerican distractions, like legitimizing sexual perversions, damaging real women’s rights, and worst, leaving unaddressed the threats our protectors of society, policemen, firemen and soldiers must endure all while still trying to pacify us citizens with circus type entertainments so we don’t see the coming disaster! Megan & Harry be damned! Americans have got to get their heads out of their arse’s and Democrats out of Govt.!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (10Mar21)
Sadder Words Couldn’t Be Written
Opinion March 11, 2021Submitted By George McClellan
He’s a marked man for the rest of his life!!!
So where does he go now? Where can he live? What is the impact on his family. As one top general said yesterday, he’s a great leader without a country.
The changes that are coming will have time to affect senior citizens and will impact their children and grandchildren.
The coronavirus impact on our country is mild compared to what lies ahead.
Now you understand why there was never any action against the Clinton’s or Obama.
How they destroyed emails and evidence and phones and servers,
how they spied and wiretapped,
how they lied to the FISA Court,
had conversations on the tarmac, sent emails to cover their asses after key meetings,
how Comey and Brennan and Clapper were never brought to any justice,
how the FBI and CIA lied, how the Steele Dossier was passed along,
how phones got factory reset,
how leak after leak to an accomplice media went unchecked, – why George Soros is always in the shadows,
why they screamed Russia and pushed a sham impeachment,
why no one ever goes to jail,
why no one is ever charged,
why nothing ever happens.
Why there was no wrongdoing in the FISA warrants,
why the Durham report was delayed.
Why Hunter will walk Scott free. (Diaper wearing Joe will give his whole family pardons)
Why the FBI sat on the laptop.
Why the Biden’s connection to China was overlooked and then they unleashed the perfect weapon, a virus that could be weaponized politically to bring down the greatest ever economy and usher in unverifiable mail in voting.
Why the media is 24/7 propaganda and lies,
why up is down and down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right.
Why social media silences the First Amendment and speaks over the President of the United States.
This has been the plan by the Deep State all along. They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016. He messed up their plans. Delayed it a little. They weren’t about to let it happen again. COVID-19 was weaponized, Governors helped shut down their states, the media helped shame and kill the economy, and the super lucky unverifiable mail in ballots were just the trick to make sure the career politician allegedly with hands in Chinese payrolls that couldn’t finish a sentence or collect a crowd, miraculously became the most popular vote recipient of all time.
You have just witnessed a coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, the end of our constitutional republic, and the decline of capitalism into the slide toward socialism. What will happen next?
Expect the borders to open up. Increased immigration. Expect agencies like CBP and INS and Homeland Security to be muzzled or even deleted.Law enforcement will see continued defunding. The electoral college will be gone. History erased. Two Supreme Court Justices might be removed. The Supreme Court will be packed. Your 2nd Amendment will be attacked. If you have a manufacturing job or oil industry job, get ready. If you run a business, brace for impact. Maybe you’ll be on the hook for slavery reparations, or have your suburbs turned into Section 8 housing. Your taxes are going to go up, and businesses will pay more. I could go on and on.
There is no real recovery from this. The elections from here on will be decided by New York, Illinois, and California.
The Republic will be dead. Mob rule and appeasement will run rampant. The candidate who offers the most from the Treasury will get the most votes. But the votes voted won’t matter, just the ones received and counted. That precedent has been set. “Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, ‘Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?'” Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Ladies and gentlemen, you will now lose your Republic. You turned from God. You turned from family. You turned from country. You embraced degeneracy culture. You celebrated and looked to fools. You worshipped yourselves selfishly as you took for granted what men died to give you. You disregarded history and all it teaches. On your watch, America just died a little. It’s likely she’ll never be the same again. Some of you have no idea what you’ve done. Sadly, some of you do.
And who has the guts to share this with friends and family that voted for Biden?
“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority”~ Booker T. Washington
Republican lawmakers vote with Democrats to give lower tuition rates to illegal aliens than Americans in Georgia
Immigration Politics - A pro-enforcement View, Politics March 6, 2021Written And Submitted By D.A. King
House panel advances HB 120 out of committee
A Republican-controlled Gold Dome committee has voted to advance legislation that would give illegal aliens lower tuition rates in Georgia than Americans and legal immigrants from most other states.
The bill, HB 120, was sponsored in the legislature by Dalton Republican Kasey Carpenter and has more Democrat cosigners than Republicans. Pro-enforcement opponents of the legislation began furious calls and emails to their legislators and Republican Speaker of the House Rep. David Ralston soon after the approval.
Advanced out of the twenty-five member House Higher Education Committee Thursday, the illegal alien friendly measure passed by a vote of 16-4, with
several Republican panel members staying away from the hearing. Committee Chairman Chuck Martin (R- Alpharetta) was clearly a proponent of the bill
and openly worked to adjust language to help future “undocumented workers” get a new, lower tuition deal in Georgia’s public universities and the state’s technical college system.
A notable “yes” vote came from Rome
Republican Katie Dempsey who seems to have experienced a liberal evolution since 2011 when she was a co-sponsor of the widely publicized, pro-enforcement ‘Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011’ (HB87).
“Voting with the Democrats to give special treatment to illegal aliens over Americans is not what we sent Republicans to Atlanta for” said one angry Rome GOP voter who wished to remain unnamed for fear of local reprisals.
The bill proposes to change state law so as to reward illegal aliens with deferred action on deportation with wording that would allow them to pay no more than ten percent higher tuition rates than the instate rate. Currently illegal aliens in Georgia must pay out-of-state tuition that is three to four times higher than the instate amount.
Before he voted “yes” with the Democrats, Rep. Bert Reeves thanked the sponsor for his “courage”
in proposing the bill to help the effected illegals. Reeves also cited what he claimed were “unfair” attacks and “blatant lies” involved in the already widespread opposition to Carpenter’s illegal alien bill.
Reeves is not listed as a cosigner on HB 120. Powerful business interests who seek more affordable foreign labor are pushing the legislation.
Gold Dome watchers note that Carpenter has repeatedly presented his bill as applying only to illegal aliens who are beneficiaries of former President Barack Obama’s “DACA” program. Despite media reports, none of the previous versions of his bill actually contained any reference to DACA. The current version approved by the House panel does in fact limit the new lower tuition rate to DACA recipients. But it also says “nothing in this Code section shall be construed to require in-state tuition classification for individuals not lawfully present in Georgia.”
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and a federal appellate court have both made it clear that illegal aliens with DACA status are nevertheless illegal aliens and do not have legal status or “lawful presence.”
In March 2019 The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled against a group of DACA recipients who claimed “lawful presence” for admission purposes in Georgia’s university system. As reported by the liberal Atlanta Journal – Constitution newspaper, that court said “as DACA recipients, they simply were given a reprieve from potential removal; that does not mean they are in any way ‘lawfully present under the (INA) act.”
It is not clear if this legal information has made its way to Georgia legislators or if Republican Gov. Brian Kemp would sign a bill into law that insures illegal aliens pay less tuition in Georgia’s post secondary education system than Americans and legal immigrants living in other states.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security estimates are that Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona.
The bill can be read on the General Assembly website. The House committee vote record can be seen in a post on ImmigrationPoliticsGA.com. Contact information for individual Georgia House Reps can be found on the legislature’s official website. Speaker Ralston’s office phone is 404-656-5020.
Having passed out of the Higher Education Committee HB 120 must be approved in the Rules committee and then be voted on by a majority of members in the full Republican-controlled House chamber before midnight, Monday, March 8, which is known as “Crossover Day.”
D.A. King is president of the Dustin Inman Society and proprietor of ImmigrationPoliticsGa.com. He is not a member of any political party.
Fate of voter ID reform bill (HB 228) could hang on “expert” testimony of SoS General Counsel Ryan Germany
Immigration Politics - A pro-enforcement View, Opinion March 4, 2021Written And Submitted By: D.A. King
“The reality is that foreign nationals or “non-citizens” can easily obtain a Social Security number. It is a very “typical occurrence.”
A version of this investigative commentary was originally posted on ImmigrationPoliticsGA.com.
In his long testimony to a legislative committee chock full of senior House members, Georgia Secretary of State General Counsel Ryan Germany passed on a remarkable amount of inaccurate and incomplete “facts” last Friday. From where this writer was sitting, it appeared the assignment was to kill the measure at hand, HB 228.
The bill is aimed at voter ID integrity.
The hearing in the Special Committee on Election Integrity admittedly involved “in the weeds” details on immigration law. But it also dealt with Motor Voter registration, Georgia driving credentials, ID Cards given to U.S. citizens and foreign nationals and the security measures involved in the issuing process. In addition to Germany’s, the general lack of knowledge of many of the legislators was quite extraordinary.
Example? In a state where legislators endlessly seek to increase foreign labor, who can obtain a Social Security number seems to be a deep and mysterious unknown.
From a transcript of the hearing on voter security and “proper identification” at the polls:
Committee member and Speaker Pro-Tem Jan Jones to Ryan: “So I guess follow up if you’re not a citizen, you wouldn’t have social security number?”
From the witness podium: Sec of State General Counsel Germany: “Uh, I believe it’s possible to have a social if you’re not a citizen, but it’s,
but it’s not, it’s not, um, a typical occurrence by any means.”
That’s not accurate Mr. Germany.
The fact that Ryan Germany was put in a position to influence the outcome of pending legislation and apparently does not know his statement to the House Speaker Pro Tem is wildly wrong should be alarming to all concerned.
The reality is that foreign nationals or “non-citizens” can easily obtain a Social Security number. It is a very “typical occurrence.”
Virtually every legal immigrant (green card holder) in the U.S. – and we take in about a million every year – is given a Social Security number and they are under no obligation to ever become American citizens. As is mentioned further down, tens of thousands of illegal aliens are issued Social Security numbers.
In a response to another question from Speaker Pro Tem Jones, SoS General Counsel Germany told her “… non-legal residents cannot get driver’s licenses or IDs in Georgia.”
In his testimony, Germany repeated the above claim: “So, um, that means that when, when they’re checking their status at DDS, when you’re checking either citizen or, you know, legal resident, um, because it’s non-legal residents cannot get driver’s licenses or IDs in Georgia.”
That’s not accurate, Mr. Germany.
For brevity here, let’s consider the more than twenty thousand illegal aliens who are beneficiaries of Barack Obama’s ‘Deferred Action on Deportation for Childhood Arrivals’ (DACA recipients) who have Georgia drivers licenses and/or official ID Cards – and Social Security numbers.
This is due to the fact that the REAL ID Act contains a section (MINIMUM DOCUMENT REQUIREMENT AND ISSUANCE STANDARDS… (Sec. 202, (2) (B) ) which says illegal aliens with deferred action on deportation (and other categories of administrative status) have “legal status” for purposes of drivers licenses and ID cards only. That status does not transfer out of that narrow regulation.
For example, these illegal aliens with DACA have Georgia drivers licenses and ID Cards but are not allowed instate tuition rates at USG/TCSG schools. While he is stone silent on the entire issue as governor, in 2018 even then-candidate Brian Kemp recognized that “illegal immigrants” with DACA do not qualify for the Hope scholarship. Why? Because they are, using the words of Ryan Germany “non-legal residents.”
In a March, 2019 opinion the 11th circuit appellate court noted the obvious “As DACA recipients, they simply were given a reprieve from potential removal; that does not mean they are in any way ‘lawfully present under the (INA) act.”
Even the liberal AJC reported it. We noted that decision in 2019 with notes on how public benefits are administered in Georgia.
Text of HB 228 as introduced here.
Bonus for General Counsel Ryan Germany and the Georgia legislature:
*Georgia’s Attorney General Chris Carr makes it clear that DACA recipients do not have legal status.
*From the Associated Press: “Some illegal immigrants can get Georgia driver’s licenses.”
It is very possible Mr. Germany lacks this knowledge. The committee considering HB 228 should not have similar gaps of information.
On the topic of REAL ID compliant credentials, Germany informed the committee considering DDS-issued credentials used as voter ID that “…since 2012, I believe (DDS) has only issued Real IDs for driver’s license or state ID.”
Not exactly, Mr. Germany.
As I type, I am looking at my own Georgia drivers license issued in January 2016. It is not REAL ID compliant. It has no gold star. What Germany omitted in his expert education to legislators in the HB228 hearing is the fact that if anyone obtains both an ID card and a DL DDS will only make one document REAL ID Act compliant – which is noted with the gold star in upper right corner.
It should be made clear – again – that the illegal aliens with Georgia-issued drivers licenses and ID Cards are given the same credentials as U.S. citizens with the exception of the words “LIMITED TERM” on top.
Here, we insert an April, 2019 news item from the liberal AJC: Georgia leads nation in motor voter registrations
“Amid heated battles over voting rights, Georgia has emerged as an unlikely national leader in automatic voter registration, according to a study this month by the Brennan Center for Justice. The study estimated that 94% more voters registered in Georgia than if the state hadn’t implemented automatic voter registration in September 2016.”
House Bill 228 is designed to make human and/or systemic error resulting in illegal voting much less possible. The bill closes a loophole in current law that does not prohibit foreign national’s drivers licenses and/or ID Cards from acceptance as “proper identification” at the Georgia’s polls and clearly marks these documents with “BEARER NOT A U.S. CITIZEN – NOT VALID VOTER ID.”
The committee hearing HB 228 seemed to reject the multiple liberal media stories presented documenting foreign nationals being registered to vote through the Motor Voter system. But it was clear they hung on every word from General Counsel Ryan Germany.
That is accurate, Mr. Germany
It is not apparent that one of Germany’s most important statements came in his answer to another question from Speaker Pro Tem Jan Jones when she asked “is it possible though for a non citizen, um, to accidentally be registered to vote, say at the county level, if they go to their county board registration to register that.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s impossible” was the reply.
That is accurate, Mr. Germany.
A parting note on DDS testimony at the same hearing
“A Georgia DL/ID is not proof of lawful status in the U.S. so it is important to note that an expired LIMITED-TERM card does not mean the person is in the country illegally.” – statement on the DDS website as of 2:25 PM March 2, 2021.
We are focused on testimony in committee from “experts” to legislators with apparent wide gaps in knowledge of immigration law and how secure credentials are issued in Georgia. It’s a good place for a quick note on the video testimony of Ms. Shevondah Leslie who is Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) | Director of Governmental Affairs and Communications.
Space here does not allow extensive coverage, but Leslie effectively told committee members multiple times that everyone who is issued a Georgia drivers license and/or ID Card is “lawfully present.”
To repeat information offered above, the federal government – the source of immigration laws that decide status – tell us something quite different. So does a former federal immigration judge. It is long past time that responsible lawmakers pay attention.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) puts it a different way:
“Current law does not grant any legal status for the class of individuals who are current recipients of DACA. Recipients of DACA are currently unlawfully present in the U.S. with their removal deferred” – here.
Again, more than twenty thousand DACA recipients alone have Georgia drivers licenses and/or ID Cards. There are other categories of illegal aliens with state ID credentials.
In response to inquiries from past state legislators, DDS has revealed that the SAVE system does not confirm “lawful presence” for DACA recipients – but rather temporary employment authorization. That phrase notes that Obama gave these illegal aliens a work permit and an SSN. It does not in any way contradict the laws from congress as noted in the 11th circuit appellate court decision.
The problem with SAVE.
In response to questions on the non-citizen drivers licenses a DDS spox once told a news outlet
“DDS has not changed the policy regarding driver’s license and/or identification card issuance to non-citizens. Those non-citizens in Deferred Action Status are eligible for GA licenses and IDs per the Federal Dream Act (assuming that they meet all other GA licensing criteria).
We hope that it does not come as news to readers here that the DREAM Act failed to pass in congress multiple times. There is no “federal DREAM Act.” You can read that one here.
A DDS liaison once assured a state legislator, in writing, “we don’t issue cards to illegal aliens.”
There is much more information available for lawmakers who want to make educated decisions on all matters immigration and “non-citizens”– and that issue is crucial to HB 228 which is focused on clarifying and ease of recognition the ID we give to foreigners in Georgia.
For Georgians curious as to why there is massive and powerful opposition to adding clarifying wording on credentials issued foreign nationals, it should be noted that a very important goal of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce is more, not fewer foreign workers in “the number one state for business.”
Any change in marking these documents is counter to the already announced goal from the business lobby at the leftist Georgia Budget and Policy Institute.– drivers licenses for all “immigrants” legal or not. Election integrity comes behind that ambition for far too many obedient people in power in Georgia.
Like in California.
Note: A link to the official video record and transcript of the February 26, 2021 hearing can be accessed on the ImmigrationPoliticsGA website.
The US Armed Forces is Becoming a Woke Institution
Opinion, Politics March 3, 2021That Damn Vaccine, My Body, My Choice!
Opinion, Politics March 2, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
A news headline reports: “Vaccination can end the coronavirus but public has to be willing to change its pandemic ways.” I wish to speak to that. Willingness to participate is based on trust and the rogue Marxist government of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer, hardly instills trust. If Americans are unwilling to participate, then they must be forced to comply.
Biden is tossing out the term “mandate” as it applies to wearing these ineffective masks to hopefully, prevent the spread of the China Virus. But we also see the idea of a ‘mandate” being extended to include these experimental vaccines that may, or may not be useful but could be harmful to the one’s submitting to it. The very term “Mandate” rests on the utilitarian principal that: “the right course of action is that which serves the best interests of the greater number of people” or, as Karl Marx framed it: “From you according to your ability, to you according to your need.” In other words, what can you do for the State?
For the American Marxist party today (Democrats), that implies Collectivism, “Can’t we all just get along?” Unity, or getting along as Democrats term it, means submission to their dogma, without compromise or discussion. The word ‘Islam’ by the way, means submission! Fifty percent of free thinking Americans have not yet condemned themselves to become slaves to the State. We can still ‘opt out’ as they say. The pro abortion crowd likes to proclaim: “My body, my choice!” Does that not also apply to having ones body injected with foreign substances that nearly half of Americans don’t trust or want, or does it only apply to pregnant women coerced into agreeing with infanticide simply to solve their problem of making a poor decision? If this untested experimental drug is so wonderful, why should it be mandated?
Ask yourselves these questions: (1) If you are vaccinated, can you still spread the CV-19? The Quick Answer is: Yes! (2) How long does the experimental vaccine last? Ans:they don’t know! (3) The CDC has confirmed that some re-infections have occurred after vaccination. True or false? Ans: True! (4) Does the experimental vaccine provide an immunity stronger than natural immunity? Ans: They don’t know! (5) Will re-vaccination be required if the experimental vaccine mutates to evade the vaccines intended purposes? (6) Is there the slightest outside chance that the rNA experimental vaccine can alter or affect ones own DNA to create illnesses in the future or even turning folks into creepy transgenders or worse? Just asking! You might think up more questions yourself.
Collected statistics reveal a close 50-50 split between those Americans eagerly wanting to infect themselves with the experimental vaccine and as many who ardently refuse to do so. Consider this important number, one that is rarely discussed publicly: if the deaths of nearly 500,000 (half a million) Americans can be attributed to the China Virus, including a Florida motorcycle rider in a collision and a passel of gang hoodlums in Blue cities for CV-19 related lead poisoning, how does that explain why the 1.3 Million folks who died here last year of Tuberculosis (TB) not trigger a pandemic? I don’t recall a mask wearing mandate being required for that epidemic, do you? No matter, most of ’em were illegal immigrants from south of the border anyway welcomed here by Obama and Joe so they don’t really matter, do they? Well, they matter to me because that’s what’s about to flow over our open southern border under China Joe Biden again, thousands of disease ridden human beings welcomed into our country so they can vote Democrat. And that’s a big reason why Americans don’t trust government with their money, with their medicine or with their lives. But, all was exposed by Donald J. Trump. The Deep State is a vast cesspool of ignorant puppets run by puppet masters above to preserve itself!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (27Feb21)
Georgia Chamber of Commerce distributing letters on House floor asking for “yes” votes on bills that appear to dismantle existing illegal immigration laws
Immigration Politics - A pro-enforcement View, Politics February 25, 2021Written And Submitted By D.A. King
Professional licenses are public benefits in Georgia. The Georgia Chamber of Commerce is well aware of that fact as they opposed the law that created it. I was there.
The people who run Georgia are tired of any delays involved in the process of verifying the lawful immigration status of applicants for public benefits.
Georgia law (OCGA 50-36-1) put in place in 2006 and improved several times after that says that applicants for public benefits must swear they are either U.S.citizens or eligible aliens on a notarized affidavit. They are supposed to show “Secure and Verifiable ID.” Then, that lawful presence status is supposed to be checked in a federal database called SAVE (SAVE is not doing their job correctly and we will expose that fact after the session). But the state law still stands.
Professional licenses are public benefits. Contrary to the mislabeling by numerous state and local departments that administer public benefits, this is not a “citizenship affidavit” – but a verification affidavit. One need not be a U.S. citizen to qualify for public benefits but must be a lawfully present alien.
The Georgia Chamber of Commerce is asking House members to vote yes on at least two bills, HB 34 and HB 268. While we have not had time to carefully study these bills, a quick appraisal tells us they are designed to provide “reciprocity” with other states on professional licenses – and to skip the verification process described above.
Do we want to rely on California or New York for immigration verification?
If an individual who has a license to be an occupational therapist in California or New York, for example, relocates to Georgia, the plan is to eliminate much of the licensing process here to put this person to work almost instantly – and to bypass the Georgia law for immigration verification. We would be relying on liberal California, the illegal alien Capital of the world for most of our licensing process.
These bills are apparently on the Rules calendar today – which means they will likely see a vote. I have notified several members with the below-emailed information and they tell me they will now vote “no” – and that author (s) are not aware of the existing law.
This issue is not new
We have been here before under the Gold Dome, just a few weeks ago with: “Libertarian pushed Gold Dome ‘reciprocity’ bill…”) would dismantle screening process for illegal aliens accessing professional licenses.”
This sort of thing is normal procedure in the state Capitol. You may want to forward this to your state Reps to let them know what you learned here.
The below was sent via email to several members and to Kim in Speaker David Ralston’s office this morning:
“After a very quick look: HB 34 has no language I can see that requires compliance with OCGA 50-36-1 (verification of lawful presence for public benefits). Professional licenses are public benefits. A yes vote is a vote to dismantle existing law on illegal immigration – in a state with more illegals than AZ. The senate will take careful note of that fact. I promise. A 30 second “isn’t it true” question should wake people up? I assume the same for CofCommerce HB268. Reciprocity write-up below.
Unless I have missed it in a big hurry here they all need: “Nothing contained in this Code section shall be construed to invalidate, override, or amend any licensing compact entered into by the State of Georgia or to permit the issuance of a license without verification under Code Section 50-36-1.”
Updated – Libertarian pushed Gold Dome ‘reciprocity’ bill (HB147) would dismantle screening process for illegal aliens accessing professional licenses *UPDATED WITH ADDITION OF IDENTICAL SENATE BILL (SB45) INFO
Military spouse not automatically a legal immigrant. Wash Post story:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/this-army-veteran-served-his-country-will-his-undocumented-wife-be-deported/2017/03/29/c60429c8-09bf-11e7-a15f-a58d4a988474_story.html “ end of my email.
Below are two letters put on House member’s desks on the floor today.