BKP makes endorsement in Georgia HD7

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Many have called and texted me wondering if I was going to back someone in the runoff. I have made that decision. 

The people of Georgia House District 7 need a representative that understands our North Georgia values:  That is obviously not Sheree Ralston. Throughout the campaign it became clear she doesn’t have a clue about any of the issues. Remember what she said was her legislative priority, when our law enforcement responds to a call to have a clinician in the car with them. Ask your local law enforcement if they want a counselor to join them when responding to a call. Remember when she said that mental health legislation is a work in progress… but could not tell the voters what that means….

We need someone who doesn’t have to rely on someone else to write the answers to questions for them, someone who will listen and study the issues, someone who will represent the people and not Atlanta. I am endorsing Johnny Chastain for HD7. Johnny needs our vote, needs you to call your neighbors and ask them to vote and will need financial support. He is running against the establishment of a well funded machine. Let’s pull together and elect Johnny Chastain as our Rep for HD7.


Collins submits resume to Governor Kemp for Senate Seat

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Ga Rep Collins

Georgia, – Georgia Governor Brian Kemp began a process to fill U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson’s seat this week. The Governor set up a website requiring the potential candidates to submit a resume. FYN has learned Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) has submitted his resume for consideration. The seat will be filled following Johnny Isakson’s retirement effective December 31, 2019, and the chosen applicant will serve for the remainder of his unexpired term.

Rep. Collins is a United States Representative from Georgia’s 9th congressional district. Collins has served the 9th District since 2013. Previously, he was a state representative in the Georgia House of Representatives, representing the 27th district, which includes portions of Hall, Lumpkin, and White counties.

Georgia’s 9th District Representative is considered to be a front runner for the Senator seat. This would leave a vacancy and the question of who will replace Collins.

So who will be the new US Representative in the 9th District? According to our information, if appointed, a special election would occur. What names will surface in the 9th District hoping to take Collins’ place? FetchYourNews will follow closely and update as more information becomes available.


Fetch Your News is a hyper local news outlet that covers Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, Union, Towns and Murray counties as well as Cherokee County in N.C. FYN attracts 300,000+ page views per month, 3.5 million impressions per month and approximately 15,000 viewers per week on FYNTV.com and up to 60,000 Facebook page reach. If you would like to follow up-to-date local events in any of those counties, please visit us at FetchYourNews.com

Will Charlie Dent Retire clearing the way for Republican Establishment Candidate Ryan Mackenzie?

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Last week Pennsylvania 15th District Congressman Charlie Dent announced he would not seek an 8th term. One thing Dent did not say in his announcement is if he would complete his current term.

L-R  Mackenzie -Simmons

Just days before Dent’s announcement PA State Rep from the 131st District, Justin Simmons,  announced he would challenge Dent for the 15th District seat.

The day after Dent’s announcement PA State Rep from the 134th District,  Ryan Mackenzie,  threw his hat into the race. Sources tell FYN that Mackenzie was with Dent the night before Dent made his announcement.

Mackenzie is being called Dent’s hand picked candidate. In an interview with FYN  Simmons said Mackenzie is a part of the state establishment, the Republican establishment candidate. Simmons had the nerve to oppose Dent.  We can’t find any information which indicates Mackenzie was prepared to oppose Dent before Dent announced he would not run.    

Remember Dent did not say he would complete his term. Sources tell FYN Dent plans to retire. If he retires the voters won’t get a chance to pick the next 15th District Republican candidate through the primary process. The Governor will call for a special election. The voters will lose their voice.

Five counties make up the District; Lehigh County,  Berks County, Dauphin County , Lebanon County and Northampton County.

Pictured L-R Lehigh County Rep Chairman Jess Banotai, Berks County Rep Chairman Joe Rudderow, Dauphin County Rep Chairman Dave Feidt, Lebanon County Rep Chairman Casey Long, & Northampton County Rep Chairman Lee Snover.

The Republican County Chairman “Party Bosses” from each county will pick Delegates. These Delegates will then vote for their candidate to run against a Democrat candidate. The Democrats have the same process.

Sources tell FYN that the cards are stacked in favor for Mackenzie and if Dent retires he will most likely become the Republican Candidate.

Dent is a liberal Republican who has opposed President Trump at every turn. Dent finds every TV camera he can in order to say something negative about President Trump. Darlin’ Charlie Dent reminds many PA Republican of Darlin’ Arlen Specter. Dent is the Co-Chair of the liberal Republican Tuesday Group.

The PA Republican establishment must remember,  without the support of Senator Pat Toomey or Charlie Dent,  Donald Trump won Pennsylvania. So without votes from Trump supporters the 15th District could easily go to a Democrat.

Could Dent be preparing for a run for Governor?

We called Dent to ask him if he is retiring.





My interview with Justin Simmons



My next article “How the PA 15th resembles the GA 6th between (R) Karen Handel and (D)Jon Ossoff with different results

Catch our daily show 8 AM M-F on FYNTV.COM

#BKP’s opinion on local, state and national news and politics

Republicans Never Learn – (D) Jon Ossoff Almost Flipped the GA 6th District


Will (R) Karen Handel embrace or distance herself from President Donald Trump? Will Trump voters come out and vote for Karen Handel? How hard will Dan Moody, Judson Hill, and Bob Gray work to convince their voters to vote for Karen Handel? If Fulton County is the Republican stronghold of the district then why did Ossoff get 41,269 votes? Ossoff received almost as many votes in Fulton County as Gray, Handel and Moody combined. Donald Trump is President of the United States because he did not used the “Republican Playbook.” By using the playbook the Republicans almost lost the 6th district. When will Republicans learn to throw the playbook out the window – Trump style?

If Jon Ossoff Loses the Election, You Can’t Say the Media Didn’t Try to Help


A runoff seems to be certain in the GA 6th Congressionaldistrict special election to replace HHS Secretary Tom Price, taking place today. Democrat Jon Ossoff looks msnbcto be guaranteed one of the runoff spots; the second spot will be left open to Republican Dan Moody, Karen Handel, or Bob Gray. If you are tired of all of the commercials and think they will end tonight… Think again. There will be just as many commercials but now it will be narrowed down to just two candidates. So get ready ready for another two months of political campaign ads, because election day is June 20th.


If Ossoff wins at least 40 % of the vote tonight there is a good chance that he will be able to win the election in June to become the new Congressman of the GA 6th. A runoff election is generally won by the opponent that can get their voters back to the polls. Just like most sports; the team that has the momentum wins. It is going to be questionable as to whether the Republicans can coalesce and change the momentum of the game.Jason McCarter- 6th district Republican that voted for Jon Ossoff


If Democrats just take the voter role from tonight, with the amount of money they have coming in nation wide; they will be able to do anything necessary to get the voters back to the polls on June 20th. If the top Republican is only in the area of 20% of the vote tonight they have the challenge of getting that 20% back to the polls in addition to the margin needed to win from the Republicans they ran against. If Karen Handel is the front runner can you really see Bob Gray, Judson Hill, Dan Moody and the rest of the Republicans out begging their voters to return to the polls. BKP sees them half heartedly endorsing her, but not aggressively working for her campaign.


Ossoff has many media outlets to thank for their media coveratrump pollsge, not to mention this morning’s MSNBC’s 15 minute Ossoff infomercial. Morning Joe and Mika Brzezinski spent about 15 minutes talking about President Donald Trump’s poor polling numbers. BKP strongly believes the poor polling report was to lead the voters of the 6th district to believe the country is turning on President Donald Trump. They continued by telling their audience that in less than 100 days of his presidency the American people have tuned him out. That gave Mika a perfect segway into, “Up next: A special election that could spell trouble for the GOP.”


MSNBC’s Political Correspondent, Casey Hunt, proceeded with what we consider a Jon Ossoff infomercial. Hunt dedicated only about 15 seconds of her report to Republicans Bob Gray and Karen Handel. Hunt was even able to find, in her non-biased reporting, a Republican in the district that voted for Jon Ossoff. Republicans go into every election already behind one strike knowing the media is against them.


In today’s segment BKP reminds people of the late Andrew Breitbart’sOssoff, Lewis, and Johnson comments concerning Congressman John Lewis – “The orchestrated lie.” President Donald Trump had the nerve to call John Lewis a liar. Republicans never want to offend anybody, want to play the middle of the road, and know how to lose an election. BKP is concerned that Republicans attacking Ossoff’s youth and fondness for Star Wars, may have been non-beneficial. Did Republicans miss how Star Wars is to all age groups? Maybe Republicans don’t remember a college keg party? REALLY… Democrats are organized. If they win the 6th district, the next stop is winning The House, and the grand finale will be redistricting in 2021. A must watch segment. Republicans beware… This may be offensive… Because it’s the truth!

Georgia Election Results ~ District 54

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