President Trump Has No Choice but to Deal with North Korea After 24 Years of Failed Democrat Policy

Featured, Politics

In this segment we discuss the 24 years of failed North Korean policy by highlighting three Presidents and six Secretary of States. President Bill Clinton – Secretary of State Christopher Warren and Madeleine Albright. President George W. Bush – Secretary of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. President Barack Obama – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

North Korea continues to test fire ballistic missiles that they claim can cary a nuclear war head to the West coast of the United States. Now President Donald Trump is left with a 24 year disaster that he will likely have to deal with within the first 100 days of his Presidency.


Realism in a Real World

Politics, Videos

Sissine discusses international relations theories, realism and liberalism. Emphasizing the importance that America remain a realist state.

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Sissine discusses personal beliefs regarding Israel’s rights to Jerusalem and the peculiar agenda displayed in the Charter of the United Nations.

State National 3/28/16


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