The Purge Is On!


I stand back in amazement as the Democrat party implodes struggling to find a way to defeat Trump and still remain relevant to their hopeful changing America’s political position from a Representative Constitutional government to a socialist one. It can only end in a civil war!

The Democrat Party has almost been totally absorbed by Socialists but a major change is underway to move the party to Marxism. The childish new Marxists in their ranks are getting tired of the slow progress the Party is making in fundamentally changing America and want action now! Among other things, the Democrat party may soon be bereft of any remaining old white people (Liberals) who have run the party since the days of Jim Crow and the KKK.

The pointed attack on Nancy Pelosi as a racist, by the ‘Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse’ clearly signals the new direction the Democrats are going. Some decrepit Party remnants like Chuckie Schumer, Steny Hoyer and a few more, remain to kiss up to the Marxists in what is a futile attempt to forestall the inevitable. The can’t because the purge is on.

To the new congressional radicals who are serving their true political leader, Saikat Chakrabarti, AOC’s Chief of Staff, the Democrat Party means nothing except the vehicle by which to gain votes and power. The Party’s political direction is changing and Nancy will not be its leader.

Sanctuary cities and states acting in defiance of federal laws on immigration are the front line of AOC’s socialist cabal’s assault on Federal legitimacy. The question becomes an issue found in the 10th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and there’s a lot of room for maneuver in how to interpret them. The 10th simply enumerates the powers retained to the states, or not, and the powers of “the people.” The 14th amendment is all about civil rights and includes, arguably, who is and isn’t an American. So, with the confusion found there, illegal immigrants can’t be illegal if they can come here, regardless of the laws forbidding it, and establish themselves as US citizens. Having a baby here help’s.

We already know, from existing video’s that Pelosi and Schumer once totally agreed with the position President Trump takes on illegal immigration enforcement, and did so until Trump tried to build the wall. We are approaching a state of anarchy with many “Blue” States and Progressive Federal judges interfering with Trump’s enforcing Immigration laws.

For a city or state to resist federal immigration laws and get away with it, is evidence enough that creeping Soviet style socialism is already here in our local governments. I’ve outlined this before but it can’t be said enough. Take Los Angeles for example. Mayor Eric Garcetti has ordered his Chief of Police, Michael Moore, to absolutely not cooperate with ICE on deportations of illegals even those who have criminal records and were ordered out by courts.

Garcetti is therefore not really a ‘Mayor’ but a “Commissar,” in the soviet mode, while Chief Moore has simply become his “Political Officer,” not to enforce the law, but smother it for the good of the Party. When these Commissars order confiscations of Constitutionally protected rights, like our guns, then anarchy will breakout and there will be blood in the streets. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland are all great examples of other cities embracing socialism and smothering their citizens with the threats of armed fascist hooligans swarming the streets to beat up people who disagree with them. Even now, some media voices are encouraging street thugs to emulate the Colonials at Concord and Lexington and resist the evil king Trump.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

“My, Oh My, What A Wonderful Day”


“My, Oh My, What A Wonderful Day”
“Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, My, oh my, what a wonderful day, plenty of sunshine headin’ our way, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee ay” … Brilliant sunshine as a matter of fact, as the Mueller Report will soon go into historic hibernation for future presidential scholars and doctoral students to pick over for their theses’ on how not to conduct an overt act of conspiratorial political treason against a president who is demonstrably tougher than they are.

Now, that it’s all over but the shouting, what will come out of it? Arrests, trials and imprisonment I hope, but we can’t bet on it as judicial corruption now even spreads to special people, as in the case of the very stupid and untalented actor, Jussie Smollett, released without charge because, presumably, he’s a stupid, untalented black actor. But that’s another story.

The Democrat Party, having worked so hard for so long and to nearly achieve their goal of Socializing America only to have the presidential prize snatched away from them by a bunch of deplorable’s who voted for an outsider, are truly experiencing the effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Their behavior is exposing for all to see, the real dangers of allowing unworkable religious and political philosophies to participate in our Representative government as equals.

We have been warned that we would enter a revolutionary phase in American politics, not seen since the blood letting of the Civil War, after Obama became president; one faction fixated on enslaving the entire American population to total government control, for their own good, a sure recipe for more blood letting, while the other faction, preaching the absolute need to ‘conserve’ the Constitution as the leading light and guide of our proven Representative form of government. Alas, never the twain shall meet. We’re in a death struggle.

Out of the mishmash of contending political belief’s, burning like the nuclear core of a growing star, grew a new political faction, the elected elites, composed of idiots who believed their own propaganda that got them elected, who then hired the busy little worker bees who make the bureaucratic Deep State, safe in their sinecure of federal employment, to run the show, make rules without our elected representatives approval and start heading America into the hands of a bureaucratic state not to be meddled with…. until Trump. Dog gone it!

Long ago, the leftists consumed the Democrat party and after doing so, the Progressives consumed the liberals and now, the Progressives are being eaten by Marxists, and soon, no
doubt, the Marxists will be consumed by tyrannically driven Communists, with all the odious apparatus of the Stalinist state to protect it, like the BLM’s, Antifa’s, anarchists and nihilists.

We can sing that happy song now, but these creatures of the Left refuse to be defeated and are already seeking the high ground to pivot to another tactic to stop Trumps rampage through their tattered plans for Americas internal conquest. Pelosi talks Health Care, AOC her Green New Deal, others rants that “the economy is not working for working people,” that the nation needs to alter course so “parents can put food on the table” and “no one is left behind” and, that damn wall had better not be built. Just tugs at the heart strings, doesn’t it?

The Left simply will not admit the truth, inconvenient as it may be, that Trump’s economic boom is benefiting all working people. The truth is not one of their operative words, deceit and lies are what works for them. The Democrats are on the ropes. Now is the time to strike them hard, spare no effort to destroy them before they destroy America. The coup criminals now exposed, cannot be allowed to go free. They must be destroyed, the sooner the better.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

SOTU 2019, The Fallout


SOTU 2019, The Fallout
“America never has been and never will be a “socialist country!” Yeah, “USA, USA, USA.”
For visuals, the Democrats sat on their hands and sulked. President Trump’s speech revealed a lot of truths to the eye of the beholder. His remarks were what conservative Americans wanted to hear because for two years, the president has kept his word, or has tried to while tDemocrats have only worked to obstruct him, not because of policy differences, but because it was Trump.

Not missed was the visual statement by Democrat female members of congress, including House Speaker Pelosi, all attired in white, that reminded me of pigeon droppings adorning the ground beneath a statue of Lenin. They made clear their point that they are socialist and want to make America socialist too. The only time they seriously became animated was when President Trump talked about the growing number of women in government, business, industry and politics, especially in the House of Representatives. Then they celebrated themselves.
For the next two years, the Congress will be in the hands of idiots.

The President cleverly celebrated as examples of true Americana, three World War II combat veterans, a couple of holocaust survivors, a shot up Border Patrol officer and a wee girl fighting cancer sitting with the First Lady in the gallery.

He specifically referred to Dachau, the Nazi’s first concentration camp near Munich which was liberated by American soldiers. The two holocaust survivors had to have been little boys when they were liberated and, at least, one had to have been a Jew. This was the Presidents forceful statement against the growing semitism in the United States abetted by the Socialists in the Democrat Party who fail to rail against it, favoring instead that Americans should accept Islam as a religion of peace. Those exact words weren’t used but the meaning was clear.

Of the most pressing issues facing America, how to stem the hoard of peasant invaders clambering at our southern borders to get in, Trump said a “wall will be built” but stopped short of declaring a national emergency. Why? because the disappointed Democrats were ready with instant law suits in the 9th District, to call a halt to any such national emergency. The president faces an option here as well. He could simply defund the 9th District Courts and let ‘em work on that while the wall is being built.

The issue of late term abortions, made legal in New York state and tried in Virginia apparently, were commented upon by the President demanding a Federal law that prohibits such monstrosities. Democrats for example took the Virginia Governors controversial pro late-term abortion comments out of the news by an attack on a black face and KKK photo. Now, we talk about that racist incident instead of the murders of live baby’s. Let’s not forget Kermit Gosnell, now in prison for life, for doing just that.

Foreign policy and wars were not neglected either. A government of business, must have wars to sustain its productivity. Trumps career was erecting buildings not blowing them down and he spoke to loss of treasure fighting such wars in the middle-east for two decades, that should come to an end. The political problems of a failed Socialist government in Venezuela, manifested by the mass exodus of citizens into neighboring countries, was also not ignored but a cautious approach helping its own citizens to overthrow the dictator Maduro, was implied.

During his speech his constant theme was “Choosing Greatness.” Trump raised five areas on which both Democrats and Republicans campaigned and should therefore find agreement, among which were jobs and fair trade, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, reducing the costs of healthcare and prescription drugs, creating a legal immigration system and pursuing a foreign policy agenda that “puts America’s interests first.” How can anyone object to that? Because its was a successful Donald Trump pushing Make America Great Again agenda.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Let’s Pretend


Let’s Pretend
Why do Republicans pretend they are “negotiating” with Pelosi when she is not negotiating and has said so often? She stands pat on “No money for the wall!” The Democrats have absolutely no interest in protecting America, American’s or America’s sovereignty! Their only goal is to regain and keep total power, with illegal voters if that’s what it takes.

Pelosi and Schumer have shown their fear and loathing of Donald Trump. Cancelling use of the House Chamber for the State of the Union was her first shot at Trump and was met with rising resentment. Eight hundred thousand out of work non essential government drones is really of little consequence to the millions of real working Americans who have benefitted from Trumps “Make America Great Again” economic and trade policies.

Pelosi further shows her contempt of the President by allowing New Jersey (12th Dist.) Rep., Bonnie Watson, to invite an illegal alien to the gallery during the rescheduled State of the Union Speech. Trump could send over Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or someone, to read his speech. That would do nicely. After all, we are pretending we hold each other in due respect, aren’t we?

I should suspect that that illegal invader, Morales is her name, would be immediately detained upon her arrival and turned over to ICE for deportation. That would be showing Trump’s belief in enforcing immigration laws as well as a proper contempt for Pelosi leadership. After all she is not an equal to the President. But, he won’t do that, at least not publicly. Too, hasn’t Rep. Watson opened herself up for prosecution by flaunting America’s immigration laws? Will she be held accountable? Naw, of course not! We’re still pretending we respect the rule of law and Democrats can’t be prosecuted because their intentions are good and they only “mean well.”

The Democrats derangement of Donald Trump is reflected daily not only by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority leader, Chuckie Schumer’s actions, but the Never Trump GOP’s reaction, pretending to solve the immigration problem by negotiating with Democrats. It should be clear by now, that that is a needless exercise in futility. The Democrats will not negotiate, period! This was the canard that led John McCain astray, his earnest belief in comity and the hands across the aisle business, i.e.: capitulation to Democrats. It never works!

Our labor force employment rate is 62.3%, and Nancy Pelosi pretended to said: “The GOP attitude disrespects workers, dishonors our values and damages our economy.” Right! That’s the voice of a true believer, a Marxist shouting into a tin cup so she can hear her own echo. That is the message the Democrats want all Americans to accept as the pathway to Socialism.

The Democrats, now openly on board supporting policies of infanticide, are pushing state laws that encourage abortions on demand; by keeping open Americas borders for the invasion of the peasant class; by proposing economic killing policies with their “New Green Deal,” and killing capitalism as a philosophy of theft. That is the Socialist mantra we’ll face during these next two years. In their determination, squads of Democrat politicians, some new ones, are lining up to challenge President Trump in 2020 for the leadership of the our country.

William Pitt once said: “Where law ends, tyranny begins.” We need only look at the events unfolding in Venezuela today to realize that truth. Socialist Venezuela is where Democrats will take us. Where Democrats don’t pretend, as their mask of death has been ripped off, is their hypocrisy is exposed and the future of America, if they succeed, is clearly visible on the streets of Venezuela. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Kasich’s Mad Dream, and Then Came Trump


Kasich’s Mad Dream, and Then Came Trump
“Breaking News:” John Kasich, the unemployed former Governor of Ohio has signed on with CNN as a political commentator. Now, how can that possibly be “breaking news?” CNN has morphed from a news agency into the Current Narrative Network for advancing Democrat propaganda that few people seriously watch for any reason except for laughs. The reason is that John needs a platform if he seriously wants to stand for President against Donald Trump.

The governor himself has become something short of a laughing stock simply because he insists on nursing the mad dream of becoming the neoconservative president of America. Going to CNN will not advance his cause. His daily struggle to convince us that Trump still remains a danger to America, and he could do better as the President, is a pipe-dream.

Kasich, once a congressman, is a product of the old Wash. DC world of ‘go along to get along,’ politics of comity with your enemies through bipartisanship, hands across the aisle, consensus on policy (so long as it’s socialist), that sort of thing. Kasich’s had his shot. He left the DC Swamp to become Governor of Ohio figuring that was his best chance of achieving his dream. As he lost to Trump (4th place), does his opinion even count any more? Neo-Conservatism was voted out of the Republican Party with Trumps election and John Kasich ain’t going to bring it back. To maintain a public platform for airing his opinions, only CNN, and maybe MSNBC, remain to fulfill his mad dreams and, will, who really cares?

This is Kasich’s official internet announcement: “We are excited about what this means for Gov. Kasich and his growing ability to weigh-in on the issues that Americans care about. We expect to see him continue calling on Washington to end the non-stop politicking an actually do something to offer real solutions to America’s challenges. What’s our (t)ask today? It’s simple. With more interviews comes more things to share and grow Gov. Kasich’s message and audience,” followed by the standard plea for a donation. I’ll give John an ‘A’ for Attempting, but now, he should just go away, he’s out of the game and his time is up!

Pelosi and Schumer, Harry Reid before them, John Boehner and Paul Ryan, like Kasich, are all products of that once elite social club of poor politicians turned rich by the longevity of their political service. Then came Trump and the whole fabric of political comity has been ripped asunder.

Despite his dreams, John can’t fix his damaged image, the one Trump gave him on the debate stage in 2016. He can bloviate his opinions on CNN until he actually becomes one of them, a socialist in name as well as deed but, he hazards his integrity to continue this career path if it’s only a job he needs.

If viewers of CNN are expected to waste their time considering John’s opinion, then they can watch any of the talking heads on CNN. They don’t need John Kasich. CNN needs Kasich because for them, he is the once enemy who has seen the light and will become their useful idiot. For the anti-Trump CNN, having an alleged Republican fall into their hands like a ripe banana, is pure gold. Of course they’ll give him as much free airtime as he needs to challenge Donald Trump in 2020. Kasich will serve as a leftist pawn, his persona trapped in the mire of their progressive (socialist) dogma. John will die there, lost but not forgotten. A pity!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

The New Face of Washington Politics


The New Face of Washington Politics

Trump has irrevocably changed the face of political leadership. Immediately after his shocking ‘Blitzkrieg” against Obama’s economic stifling legacy, the Deep State went into panicked disarray. Recovering, in their clumsy attempts to restore balance to the political field and retain their political gains, they inadvertently exposed the treacherous techniques employed by the Democrats to destroy their opponents. But, this is no secret. One need look no further than Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to learn how they do it.

Remember when Harry Reid announced on the Senate floor that sources told him that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid any income taxes? Reid was not challenged to prove it. It wasn’t until after Romney lost that Reid, when challenged, simply dismissed the notion by saying “well, it worked. We won didn’t we?” Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else.

The newest evidence of successful Democrat shenanigans against a Conservative candidate now being exposed, is in Judge Roy Moore’s loss to the Democrat, Jones, in Alabama’s senatorial election to replace Jeff Sessions. Internet savvy Progressives tried the Russians social media attacks they used in our last presidential election, i.e.: face book and Twitter to launched their own false flag attacks to discredit Roy Moore. It worked!

The newest Progressive darling on the political scene, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, is revealing herself to be the most incompetent and uninformed person in the 116th Congress. She has publicly stated that it’s okay to lie so long as what she ‘feels’ needs to get done, get’s done.
She’s good for Republicans. As long as she can grab a microphone and enlighten us with her anti-American political bias’s, we should be safe. By her own words she reveals herself as a complete dingbat, but, let’s not stop her.

For example, her “Fair Share” tax hike idea on the wealthiest 1% of Americans, solely to support her “Green New Deal” is being politely entertained by the media while the propaganda value she thought it had is obvious to all. Socialism has never worked, never will work and, an economic major who doesn’t understand economics will be the gift that keeps on giving. Whether Nancy Pelosi likes it or not, AOC has become the new face of the DNC.

The DNC has been creeping to the left for decades. The shift has been so slow and methodical that their real intentions have camouflaged. Trumps election has forced us to face the reality of our near extinction. In the preceding decades the Democratic Party has been slowly eliminating our freedoms and our liberty and we haven’t even noticed. Remember the frog in a cold pot of water metaphor? AOC, as a new Representative, has immediately turned the heat up to a boil and the Democrat establishment is now forced into damage control. That’s the new face of the Democrat party, one run by progressive lunatics.

New House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, Eliot Engel, plans to dissolve the House subcommittee on terrorism and focus instead solely on investigating Donald Trump. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is now in full swing and Nancy can do little to slow its effects. Time and treasure will be wasted, nothing will be accomplished and the Wall will be built in one form or another. They can’t stop that either because they’re dealing with a real leader, not some ‘milquetoast wannabe politician turned President.

The real danger to America, apart from Islam, is the Democrat Party. It will not be compromised with if they have to move one inch backward. They will give nothing to the President because their growing Progressive base would violently abandon them. Compromise will not happen so long as one party holds a knife behind their back. Conservatives should be very wary of reaching across the aisle. It’s as dangerous as a walk in Chicago’s south-side.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Call in the Clowns


Call in the Clowns

Regardless of what the leftist fake news media would have us believe, there are some real problems in the Democrat party at several levels that could very well damage it for a long time.
Not thinking is one of them, making false assumptions based on past success’s is another.

Among the first things for conservatives to seriously consider before over-reacting to the Left’s antics, is to know that if what falls from their mouths is any evidence of their intellectual acumen, then what we are really witnessing now, under Pelosi and Schumer, is not a serious political party debating what’s good for America, but a circus side show with Trump as the ring master.

Common sense appears to be totally lacking, overtaken by Marxist ideology. Crowing about the rule of law or constitutional restraints are simply erratic thought processes on our part if we do not understand the Left’s real mission, a socialized one world government with them in charge. The consequences of an out of date document (the US Constitution) that limits government, not encourages it, is the key to how and why they behave as they do.

In defense of their objectives, they utter comments of absolute stupidity in the belief the masses will agree with them. How about this quote, supposedly from a Vermont State Democratic Senator: “We must be able to arrest people before they commit crimes. By registering guns and knowing who has them, we can do that, if they have guns they are pretty likely to commit a crime.” How about, “Homicide is the leading cause of murder.” by Shelia Jackson Lee; or “May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers means little…” That’s from the Democrat House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Oh yes, she has more. For example: “If we hadn’t fought the war on terror, the VA wouldn’t be having so many problems.” I like this one, also from the incredible Nancy Pelosi: “Building a wall will violate the rights of millions of illegals.” She also said: “We should only deport illegal aliens if they do something illegal,” and this gem, “Just because someone is here illegally doesn’t mean they broke any of our laws.”

We can’t leave out Maxine Water: “The next Supreme Court Justice should be an illegal immigrant.” Did she really say that? Don’t forget Hank Johnson, the Rep. from Atlanta, Ga. who opined, at a finance sub-committee hearing his fear that the island of Guam could be in danger of capsizing if the US Marine Corps landed a brigade of marines there.

Chuckie Schumer can’t be left out. He said: “Time and time again, we find “Progressive” laws getting struck down. And, it’s always, always the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says, and it’s time for that to end.” Say what?

Indian princess & Presidential hopeful, Elizabeth Warren told us: “we need judges to be advocates of Progressive laws, not people who will bow to the whims of the Constitution, putting its extremist values of freedom of speech and freedom of religion against our agenda.” And not to be omitted, Sen. Cory Booker opined: “we’re sick and tired of the Constitution sitting in the National Archives, manipulating everything we do.”

These silly Progressive clowns, really believe that they want to run our government but without the constraints of law. They make up laws as they go along like children do in the school play ground. To even consider that idea could quite possibly ignite another bloody civil war. Are we ready for that?

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

The Democrat Collapse; Can it Recover?


In the wake of Karan Handles election victory over the youthful Democrat candidate Jon Ossoff in Georgia’s 6th District special election, and three other less newsworthy special elections elsewhere in the US, it is only now starting to dawn on democrats that they might actually have a real leadership problem. Already accusative fingers have pointed to Nancy Pelosi, not that she’s not a dedicated Progressive, but because she has become the elderly face of the growingly dysfunctional Democrat Party and an albatross around the party’s neck.

In my essay of 19 June 2017, The Democrat Party’s Future?, I rhetorically asked:  “Who else do they have who could possibly stand for POTUS? Count any Democratic Senator or Congressman out.” A betrayed Bernie Sanders, at 79, will go his own way. Princess Elizabeth Warren may not even be reelected again as senator in her home state. Besides, she’s seventy, while Nancy Pelosi is 80. And Joe Biden? Naw, at 78, he’s just a silly ol’ goose that has lost his luster! Schumer is delusional and will never leave the Senate. The reality is now setting in.

Already young democrat congressmen, some we have never heard of before, are being interviewed by radio hosts, both progressive and conservative on the Democrat party’s problems, and their response is the same. Their elderly leadership is totally out of any ideas except the imperative that Trump be impeached and replaced with their champion Hillary Clinton who won the majority vote. Of course, they won’t recognize that the voter registration fraud investigation now underway, has already revealed enough ineligible voters found makes Trumps claim, that he actually won the popular vote, a reality. Forget Hillary too. She’s through.

One or two mentioned that the Democrat congressional leadership is so focused on alleged Russian interference in the election, collusion and collaboration, and Comey’s illegal firing, none of which have any basis in truth, that they failed to watch their backs while Trump goes about happily repealing and replacing the hundreds of Obama’s restrictive rules and regulations strangling the American economy.  Americans want jobs. Nobody cares about Russia. One interviewee even noted the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer railing on about the GOP’s repeal and replacement of the failing Obamacare without Democrat input into the GOP’s plan, which was exactly what the Democrats did when forcing Obamacare on a willing American public.

The Democrat party, having long ago embraced socialism, has cunningly, slowly and most intentionally set about dividing Americans. The ADA was integral to that effort. In his Progressive enthusiasm at seeing the coming end of America, Obama chucked the final spear that divided us and assumed that all Americans would gladly go along with it. They didn’t!

Today, there is no political unity in our ultra-polarized country, and honestly, there shouldn’t be. The polarization exists because the Marxist side wants to “fundamentally transform” America, meaning to destroy the things that make America exceptional. There will never be a return to bipartisanship such as the #Never Trump Republican, John Kasich envisions, because Democrats are really not our friends holding different opinions. They are dyed in the wool, hard line communists of the Marxist variety and do not intend to lose the gains they have spent decades creating without a fight, even if it spills out onto our streets. As we see, it already has. Democrat hostility and character assassination is political theater meant to fool the base into thinking the party is on their side and cares for them. Sadly, Republicans elites too often feel it their duty to appease the left and defend their corruption.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (23Jun17)

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