Short Takes – Recusal, Just What the Hell is it and Why?
Opinion January 10, 2018Recusal, What the Hell Is It, and Why?
The DoJ is reviving the Clinton email investigation. Just what that mean for true justice is unclear. The FBI already investigated the Clinton email case and excused her for being naughty. What’s next? My beef is that Jeff Sessions recused himself for some inane reason I have yet to fathom, lest it be that early into the Trump administration, still uneasy on their feet and fearing what the Democrats would do to retaliate against Republicans at a later time, it was a small gesture of appeasement. Whatever it’s justification to the AG, it really irked the boss.
In hindsight, we see now that not only was it unnecessary, but it created its own set of problems that will occupy the media and Democrat fundraising efforts for years. Democrats may be down, even near extinction, but they’re not out… yet. Until Donald Trump, Republicans were afraid of offending Democrats. The “Never Trump” crowd still are and that includes long time Republican politicians like Jeff Sessions. I’m not saying he’s bad, he just needs to be reeducated in the art of political judo and realize his strengths, and then, go get ‘em!
Nobody complained aloud when Obama’s AG, Eric Holder started deadly gun running operations to Mexican drug gangs, or launched schemes to take over city police departments under the “Hands up, Don’t Shoot,” meme. Nobody screamed about his failure to inquire why Hillary sold American uranium to the Russians and received in return, vast donations to the Clinton Foundation. If they did, the leftist media didn’t report on it.
Neither did anyone demand to know why Loretta Lynch met secretly with Bill Clinton on a Arizona airport tarmac just before the election of Donald Trump, or why she allow James Comey to do her job of excusing Hillary. Was there a conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming President? Of course there was! You have to be an idiot to not see that.
But now, we’ get to the really consequential stuff like threatening America’s national interests and compromising the nations security by her ‘unintentional’ mishandling of American secrets and systems. Despite what former FBI director James Comey opined about Hillary’s lack of ‘intent’ to harm America, the fact remains she did and any ‘lack of intent’ is of no consequence to the rule of law or the pursuit of justice. This tawdry Mueller affaire, is a cobbled together fallout attempt to cover up Hillary’s crimes and place them on Trump’s shoulders. It’s working in reverse.
The question now is how will Jeff Sessions undo the damage Holder, Lynch and Comey may have done to American justice? For Hillary, there was no Grand Jury empaneled to hear evidence, Comey decided that by himself; therefore, there was no indictment, and no trial, so any issue of double jeopardy does not apply. Hillary staffers, Huma Abedin, Donna Brazile and others, can now be considered co conspirators and interrogation under Miranda warning, and be squeezed like they squeezed General Flynn to admit to lying to the FBI. That’s all it takes.
Who is going to take responsibility for destroying the evidence of Huma’s and Donna’s laptops? That’s a crime and because an FBI person does it, makes it no less a crime. I can tell you, no agent would do such a thing without being told to do so. There will be a scapegoats. There has to be, so expect underlings like FBI Agent Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page to fill that bill. They’re young, they were in heat. and they are sure patsy’s for protecting the higher up’s.
I think President Trump has lit a fire under Republicans and the earth is starting to move. Watch the exodus of deep state employees flee for retirement or new jobs in industry.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (08Jan18)
How Will President Donald Trump Pay for the Border Wall
Featured, Politics April 20, 2017The media won’t be happy until they see a picture of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto presenting President Donald Trump with the BIG check. You know the Publishers Clearing House size check that has written in the memo area “Mexico payment for the wall”.
Congress has to pass a spending appropriations bill before the end of April to prevent a government shutdown. Trump is asking for money to start the famous wall. You know the one, Mexico will pay for.
Attorney General, Jeff Sessions along with Homeland Security Secretary, John Kelly stress we need to start construction of the southern border barrier now.
Sessions is determined to shut down America’s worst criminal gang MS-13. Kelly warns that the next major attack will come from terrorist groups like ISIS partnering up with Mexican drug cartels. Both Kelly and Sessions sound the alarm on the enormous amounts of opiates, heroin and cocaine coming across the border. Just recently Maryland Governor Larry Hogan signed a State of Emergency to deal with opiate addiction problem.
The media keeps asking how we are going to pay for the wall? We have paid for the wall. We have paid with the blood of our children butchered by illegal alien gangs like MS-13. We have paid with the lives of our children who are dying daily from drug addiction.
Don’t accept your congressman asking how we are going to pay for the wall. Tell them they need to support the President and the wall is already bought and paid for!
All-Star Panel – Air Stikes in Syria and How Would You Best Describe The President of the United States
Featured, Politics April 7, 2017Every Friday the All-Star Panel discusses the political issues of the week. Issues we covered this week:
- President Donald Trump’s response to Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, use of chemical weapons.
- The media never seem to describe The President in a positive way. We talk about the positive words that we would use to describe President Trump
- How do you think President Trump’s cabinet members are doing? Rex Tillerson – Secretary of State, Jeff Sessions – Department of Justice, Nikki Haley – U.N. Ambassador…
Don’t miss “Good Morning From the Office with #BKP” every weekday morning at 8 am. You can watch it live on, YouTube – @FYNTV, or on Facebook @FetchYourNews.
Former FBI Director James Comey Fired by President Trump – Announcement Brings Chuck Schumer to Tears
Politics May 10, 2017President Donald Trump accepted the recommendation from Assistant Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to remove James Comey from his position as FBI Director. Many Democrats like Senator Chuck Schumer are asking “Why now?”
Democrats continue to reference Comey as the man leading the investigation concerning the Russians. Maybe they forgot that the FBI is an entire agency and can continue investigations without James Comey. A year after the fact, no one has any evidence of a direct connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government.
On July 5th, in a statement Comey said there was evidence of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handling classified information but he could not prove her intent. Democrat Senators and the media say Comey’s firing resemble the famous “Saturday night massacre” by President Richard Nixon. This is where President Nixon fired Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. In the show today BKP explained how there is nothing about Watergate that resembles Donald Trump firing James Comey.
We also look at the coincidence that President Bill Clinton fired FBI Director, William Sessions, on July 19th and Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster’s body was found in Fort Marcy park on July 20th.
The bottom line is President Donald Trump fired Comey because he was no longer effective and able to run the agency. “The Director of the FBI must be someone who follows faithfully the rules and principles of the Department of Justice and who sets the right example for our law enforcement officials and others in the Department. Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey, Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI.” – Attorney General Jeff Session
Second Special Counsel Would Boost DOJ’s Credibility
State & National December 6, 2017ICYMI: A Second Special Counsel Would Boost the DOJ’s Credibility
WASHINGTON—This op ed by Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) first appeared in RealClearPolicy on December 5, 2017.
Recently, the House Judiciary Committee conducted an oversight hearing of the Department of Justice (DOJ) that allowed representatives from both parties to question Attorney General Jeff Sessions. In response, some have asserted that appointing a second special counsel to investigate decisions made by the DOJ in 2016 would be a partisan maneuver, damaging the independence of the Department.
I too am concerned about preserving the independence of the Justice Department — which is precisely why Judiciary Committee Republicans have called for a special counsel to investigate matters outside the scope of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
The Judiciary Committee’s letters have been belittled as “a laundry list of Republican grievances about Clinton and former FBI director James B. Comey.” But they document persistent and unanswered questions about the independence of the DOJ, and specifically whether it may have been compromised under the Obama administration. These letters are themselves tools of oversight to be used on behalf of the millions of Americans whose democratic government owes them answers.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s independent e-mail server warranted a DOJ investigation, even if former Attorney General Loretta Lynch provided one in name only. (Actually, she failed to deliver even that, instructing former FBI Director James Comey to call the investigation a “matter.”) Americans are well-stocked with outstanding questions about how the DOJ handled these issues, and the specter of favoritism still looms over the Obama DOJ. The possibility that the department made decisions to aid a political candidate is a potential threat to democracy — one that deserves a DOJ investigation today just as it did in 2016.
At the same time, I recognize that some of my friends across the aisle lack confidence that a Republican-appointed DOJ would conduct such an investigation impartially. Hearing those concerns, I submit that a second special counsel offers Americans the opportunity to pursue answers to these questions without even the appearance of partisan impropriety. After all, independent counsels are like dentists: They scare everyone who hasn’t flossed.
Concerns about DOJ investigations and appointing special counsels too often come to us frosted in hyper-partisan language. This obscures the crux of the liberal argument against the move: Neither the DOJ under Attorney General Jeff Sessions nor an independent special counsel is capable of investigating Clinton. According to this logic, there exists no credible path for investigating potential favoritism on the part of America’s chief law enforcement officials. It would follow that the world’s strongest democracy is impotent when it comes to pursuing objective, unfettered, non-partisan accountability of its own federal agencies.
As a member of the committee charged with exercising oversight of the entire Department of Justice and the representative of approximately 700,000 Georgian voices, I have a bit more faith in the checks and balances that undergird our justice system — including the utility of the special counsel position.
Party loyalty aside, the DOJ made many decisions last year that have led to a host of unresolved questions, and the American people deserve answers. For example, why did former Attorney General Lynch direct former FBI Director Comey to mislead the American people on the nature of the Clinton investigation? Why did Mr. Comey prepare a statement ending the investigation into former Secretary Clinton before interviewing 17 key witnesses, including the former secretary herself?
These and other questions about the independence of the DOJ continue to cast a shadow on our nation’s justice system. By addressing them directly, a second special counsel could strengthen the DOJ’s credibility, reestablishing its reputation as a non-partisan agent of justice.
Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) is Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference and a member of the House Judiciary Committee.
All-Star Political Panel with Bruce, Rick, BKP, and Jane
Politics July 28, 2017Today the All-Star Panel covered a wide range of topics: failed Obama-care, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, and the President’s speech to the boy scouts just to name a few. The panel was divided on a couple of the topics today which doesn’t happen often. Listen in to hear what topics they were not all in agreement on. To join the All-Star Political Panel come up to Sycamore Crossing every Friday morning at 8:45 am.