If Jon Ossoff Loses the Election, You Can’t Say the Media Didn’t Try to Help


A runoff seems to be certain in the GA 6th Congressionaldistrict special election to replace HHS Secretary Tom Price, taking place today. Democrat Jon Ossoff looks msnbcto be guaranteed one of the runoff spots; the second spot will be left open to Republican Dan Moody, Karen Handel, or Bob Gray. If you are tired of all of the commercials and think they will end tonight… Think again. There will be just as many commercials but now it will be narrowed down to just two candidates. So get ready ready for another two months of political campaign ads, because election day is June 20th.


If Ossoff wins at least 40 % of the vote tonight there is a good chance that he will be able to win the election in June to become the new Congressman of the GA 6th. A runoff election is generally won by the opponent that can get their voters back to the polls. Just like most sports; the team that has the momentum wins. It is going to be questionable as to whether the Republicans can coalesce and change the momentum of the game.Jason McCarter- 6th district Republican that voted for Jon Ossoff


If Democrats just take the voter role from tonight, with the amount of money they have coming in nation wide; they will be able to do anything necessary to get the voters back to the polls on June 20th. If the top Republican is only in the area of 20% of the vote tonight they have the challenge of getting that 20% back to the polls in addition to the margin needed to win from the Republicans they ran against. If Karen Handel is the front runner can you really see Bob Gray, Judson Hill, Dan Moody and the rest of the Republicans out begging their voters to return to the polls. BKP sees them half heartedly endorsing her, but not aggressively working for her campaign.


Ossoff has many media outlets to thank for their media coveratrump pollsge, not to mention this morning’s MSNBC’s 15 minute Ossoff infomercial. Morning Joe and Mika Brzezinski spent about 15 minutes talking about President Donald Trump’s poor polling numbers. BKP strongly believes the poor polling report was to lead the voters of the 6th district to believe the country is turning on President Donald Trump. They continued by telling their audience that in less than 100 days of his presidency the American people have tuned him out. That gave Mika a perfect segway into, “Up next: A special election that could spell trouble for the GOP.”


MSNBC’s Political Correspondent, Casey Hunt, proceeded with what we consider a Jon Ossoff infomercial. Hunt dedicated only about 15 seconds of her report to Republicans Bob Gray and Karen Handel. Hunt was even able to find, in her non-biased reporting, a Republican in the district that voted for Jon Ossoff. Republicans go into every election already behind one strike knowing the media is against them.


In today’s segment BKP reminds people of the late Andrew Breitbart’sOssoff, Lewis, and Johnson comments concerning Congressman John Lewis – “The orchestrated lie.” President Donald Trump had the nerve to call John Lewis a liar. Republicans never want to offend anybody, want to play the middle of the road, and know how to lose an election. BKP is concerned that Republicans attacking Ossoff’s youth and fondness for Star Wars, may have been non-beneficial. Did Republicans miss how Star Wars is to all age groups? Maybe Republicans don’t remember a college keg party? REALLY… Democrats are organized. If they win the 6th district, the next stop is winning The House, and the grand finale will be redistricting in 2021. A must watch segment. Republicans beware… This may be offensive… Because it’s the truth!

Jon Ossoff Meets his Opposition: Not Republicans, but Democrats, Slotin wants to know where’s Ossoff’s financial report & why the DNC and DCCC are showing candidate support

Featured, Politics

The Georgia Sixth District Congressional Forum, hosted Sunday, March 12th in Roswell,GA by ‘Needles in a Haystack,’ had over 500 attendees.  The democratic voters and candidates hope to ‘flip the sixth,’ by changing the historically, congressionally Republican led district to a Democratic district.

According to a straw poll taken at the forum, Jon Ossoff is the most supported candidate by a landslide. Yet, the other candidates; Ragin Edwards, Ron Slotin, Rebecca Quigg and Richard Keatley made clear they are still in the race.

Not only does Ossoff have the expressed support from the Sixth District according to the straw poll; but according to Ossoff, his campaign has raised over three million dollars in only seven weeks. Further, he is covered more than any other Democratic candidate by national media; including the New York Times, Esquire and Heavy.

While other candidates at the forum expressed the need for unification among the Sixth District Democrats, Ossoff stated he believes the effort to flip the sixth district has unified the Democrats already. Evidently, Ossoff is not on the same page as the other candidates.

Slotin has extensive political experience. He has served two terms in the State Senate, was involved in the passing of the HOPE Scholarship, has volunteered for various organizations in the sixth district for over fifteen years and more.


slotinSlotin stated, “I have the best chance to beat the Republicans in the runoff in this election.” Slotin then threw a curveball when he asked the audience, “I want to know if anyone is here from the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) or the National Democratic Party? Because I want to ask them, why are they getting involved in this election?” Slotin said “You don’t see the RNC (Republican National Committee) getting involved with Republican Candidates”  Slotin brings up interesting points.

Further, Slotin attacked Ossoff at the forum for not yet filing his federal campaign finance reports. Slotin stated, “Jon did not turn in his financial statements.” Ossoff replied by stating that the deadline for finances is not until April 18th.

(Pictured 6th District Congressional Democratic Candidate Ron Slotin)

Meanwhile, Keatley encouraged voters to stay open-minded to all candidates by stating, “Suspend your judgement, there are many forums coming up.” He also stated, “The people in this district should decide who wins this election,” and finally, “It’s about communicating with people and having a face that they know is not bullshitting them.”

Click here to watch the full forum video



James Thompson, Rural America Model Democrat Candidate


From Wichita, Kansas to Roswell, Georgia – If Democrats have any hopes of recapturing The House of Representatives in 2018 they will need to reconnect with rural America. James Thompson turned out to be the picture perfect Democrat candidate. Thompson opposed Kansas State Treasurer, (R) Ron Estes, for the Kansas 4th Congressional district. This was a special election to replace Mike Pompeo, who is now the CIA Director. Democrats are trying to figure out how to reconnect with voters in the heartland.

Kansas is a very red state, so red that Donald Trump won by 27 percent and Pompeo won reelection to the seat with a 30 percent margin. Questions surround why a Democrat was able to get 48 percent of the vote. Estes won the seat with 53 percent of the vote.

During Thompson’s campaign it was somewhat difficult to recognise he was running as a Democrat. There was noticeable distance between him and the party. Also, what should not go unnoticed is that his campaign highlighted pro-second amendment, veterans, families, government waist, along with most of issues important to middle America. This kind of campaign could easily confuse voters that do not pay attention to part lines. But when it’s over, Thompson is a Democrat. If he had won he would definitely have followed the direction of Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.

#BKP questions whether the voters in Witchita Kansas did not see Estes as a strong candidate, have already turned against President Donald Trump, or are they holding the Republicans in The House of Representative responsible for not repealing and replacing Obama Care. Democrats will continue to take the temperature of the country as they move towards the 6th district of Georgia, where (D) Jon Ossoff has the lead among 18 candidates. Ossoff’s campaign has approximately 8 million dollars to spend, thanks in large part to the DCCC, MoveOn.org, and liberal publications like the Daily Kos.

Lets to the comparable; A district in Kansas that Trump won by 27 percent, the Republican could only win 53 percent to the Democrat 48 percent. Now fast forward to the 6th district in Georgia, that Trump only carried by 1.5 percent and the Democrat has 10 times more campaign cash to spend than Thompson had in Kansas. If the Democrats win on April 18th it will set the tone for the 2018 elections. If Republicans win it will be just another tax day.


Tax Tips with Beth Bennett – Deadline is April 18th!

Business, Featured

Tax season is quickly coming to an end. The deadline, April 18th, is almost here. Call 706-635-5563 today and make your appointment with an H & R Block tax professional. Today Beth talks to us about the importance of filing your taxes or filing an extension by the deadline. She tells us about the penalties, interest, and fees you could be looking at if you do not file by the 18th. Also, Beth does a quick review of some of the important tax tips that she has talked about in her past segments. Due to the deadline falling during the holiday weekend this year, Beth Bennett’s H & R Block Highlands Crossing location will be open on Sunday, April 16th from 1 – 5 PM to ensure they are able to take care of your tax filing needs.



Republicans Better Address Health Care, Tax Reform, and Build a Wall or Risk Losing The House in 2018

Featured, Politics

Does the thought of Nancy Pelosi once again being Speaker of the House terrify you? After the failed attempt to repeal and replace Obama Care the American people put health care squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans. Republicans will need to pass health care, tax reform and fund the construction of a wall on our southern border. April 18th we will find out how much trouble the Republicans may be in with voters. That’s election day in the 6th Congressional District of Georgia. Democrats need 24 seats to take over The House. If their candidate, Jon Ossoff, wins that may put in motion what Democrats hope to be 23 more seats in 2018.

There are 435 seats in The House of Representatives. See the statistics of past years below:

– 2004 –

  • Republicans: 232  
  • Democrats: 202

A difference of 30 seats.


  • Democrats: 233
  • Republicans: 202                                                  

The Democrats won 31 seats and took control.


President Obama was elected.

  • Democrats: 257
  • Republicans: 178

The Democrats won another 21 seats.                               


Republicans take back control.

  • Republicans: 242
  • Democrats: 193

The Republicans increased 63 seats. This was the largest single shift in an election cycle.


  • Republicans: 234
  • Democrats: 201

The Republicans lost 8 seats.


  • Republicans: 247
  • Democrats: 188

The Republicans gained 13 seats.


  • Republicans: 241
  • Democrats: 194

The Republicans lost 6 seats.

24 seats is what the Democrats need to take back over control.

Who will hold The House of Representatives in 2018?



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