The Readjustment Will Be Painful


The Readjustment Will Be Painful

We’re in for a rough ride in the next few years readjusting ourselves, as a democratic country,
from our experiment with Socialism to a return to the representative government our
Constitution demands. Competing forces are tearing us apart. Thank a Democrat.

The war cycles are converging; the economic cycles are converging and the demise of the long
established welfare state, gifted to us by decades of Democrat control of tax payer dollars, is
facing its own end of cycle. President Trump is doing what he promised he would do and it’s
painful to the “Establishment.”

When I say welfare cycle, I especially include the billions of tax payer dollars gifted to the NFL in
tax breaks over the years based on the demonstrably false pretext that new stadiums in major
cities would be economically healthy for those communities. The money making NFL is taking a
soon to be unbearable financial hit against their incomes. Supporting politically correct stands
for team “unity,” by mostly over paid, nearly illiterate black players refusing to pay due respect to
to America’s traditions, also on false pretexts, has rilled the middle Americans that have
supported them. I think the NFL has miscalculated their business model.

What we have here is one race, blacks, finding an opening through which they can attempt to
dominate America’s other races, on the pretext they are still the victims of what slavery from
over two hundred years ago, is still doing to them. The black dominance in the NFL and NBA
have made them believe they can in fact, achieve political dominance as well, or, so that’s what
the race grifters have told them. Being overpaid, highly praised athletes, has convinced them to
push anti-Americanism into the face of their fans. The envelope of their personal incompetence
that justifies their massive salaries, is exposed. Tell that to a combat infantryman in Iraq.

What about slavery? Talented young black players annually come to the NFL’s auction block in
bids for their skills. Like the gladiators of Roman times, once bought, they are expected to suit
up, enter the arena and demonstrate their talents, and they get paid big money for it. Roman
gladiators, if they didn’t get killed outright, didn’t do too bad either, in their day.

Did you know the NFL League owners voted to move the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas? Did
you know the Las Vegas citizenry said “No Thanks” to building them a shiny new stadium? Did
you know that this very Sunday, (01Oct17), the black team members of the NFL’s Oakland
Raider’s, punishing their white quarterback for refusing to “take the knee” with them, allowed
him to be sacked multiple times, hiked the ball out of cadence breaking up the plays, and that
receivers dropped his passes multiple times that, in effect, threw the game?

After Sunday’s mass murder in Las Vegas, does the NFL really believe they can get the tax
payer money needed to build a stadium? I don’t reckon that will work, do you? In fact, I think
that if anyone has investments in anything associated with the NFL or NBA, might start
reconsidering their investment portfolio before the awful cycle of collapse hits them as well.

The Indianapolis Colts have doubled down on supporting team ‘unity’ and will continue the
practice of “taking a knee.” Colts team owner Jim Irsay, publicly said: “Our players are hurting,
our people are hurting, our neighborhoods are hurting, and kneeling was a direct response to
that.” The logical question is: Hurting from what? Things are changing and rapidly. The status
quo no longer applies so get ready.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (04Oct17)

We’re Blind To What’s Coming


We’re Blind to What’s Coming

Let’s see if we can figure this one out. ISIS claims 64 year old Stephen Paddock, the mass murderer in Las Vegas, was a convert to Islam fulfilling their call to conduct lone-wolf attacks in the West. Almost Immediately the FBI tells us there’s absolutely no such connection; and this conclusion from an agency that is still trying to pin Trumps November election victory to Russian collusion.

The shooter may, or may not, be a convert to Islam but I’ll bet he was really a deranged Democrat who voted for Bernie Sanders. His daddy, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was a psycho bank robber, prison escapee and once on the FBI’s ten most wanted list.

The Islamic State, of course, immediately claimed credit for the mass shooting in Vegas that greeted us early this Monday morning. ISIS also claimed the attacker had converted to Islam only a few months ago. Quoting the ISIS propaganda source, Amaq, they said: “The Las Vegas attack was carried out by a soldier of the Islamic State and he carried it out in response to calls to target states of the coalition.”  Maybe? They’ll claim about anything but…?

Following the same sources, we now learn that ISIS is stepping up their game, possibly to be in synch with planned riots and confrontations planned by the deranged anarchists, “antifa, Black Lives Matter, New Black Panther Party,”, demanding that Donald Trump be removed from his office. They want Trump gone and civil conflict, they believe, is their vehicle to do it. Throw in the Jihadists threat, like ISIS, the lone wolf attacks and the screaming propaganda drowning out voices of common sense, and the way to war may soon be on us. It will not be nice.

Paddock may, or may not, have been ordered by ISIS to do this wicked deed. But, we do know that ISIS is calling for more lone wolf attacks, in Chicago, Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Philadelphia, home of the first Colonial American attack against Great Britain. Islam likes anniversaries and use them as excuses to pillage and murder and, make their statement.

ISIS spokesman Abu Al-Hassan Al-Muhajir is reported urging lone wolf attacks in America, Russia and Europe. Al Hassan said: ‘Know that our war with our enemy is an all out war and the interests of the enemy can be easily targeted,’  Make sure they are preoccupied with their own safety, thus diverting their attention away from your Caliphate.’  Should we take him at his word? Probably!  If we are to protect ourselves we must know our enemy even when our leaders insist that Islam is a religion of peace and that we are all haters, racists and Islamaphobes if we don’t accept them as is, Shariah law and all. Not on my watch!

The tawdry NFL issues spawned by Colin Kaepernick two years ago over due respect to our flag and National Anthem, the assault against Confederate statues and battle flags, and the massive destruction to Puerto Rico by hurricanes Irma and Maria, not forgetting Harvey, is taking our attention away from the enemy at the gates. Jihadists are here and more are coming.

We will soon be overrun by twelve hundred years of inbreds from the middle-east whose only hope for racial salvation is through re-creation with non tainted women of the West. It cannot be done without submitting—to Islam.

We’ve been warned. There is a threat to Trump that if he doesn’t step down from office, “all hell will break loose.” Can we believe that? Yes, if the dementia displayed by the Progressives and their acolytes against Donald Trump are any guide to go by, we had better be prepared.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ‘em! (02Oct17)

Short Takes – War and Rumors of War


War and Rumors of Wars

If you’re reading this then the chances are you probably know that the people of Iran have risen up in the streets of Tehran and every other major metropolitan areas of the country to bring down their fascist government of Islamic ayatollahs. If you didn’t know that, your getting your news from the wrong sources. CNN for example, directs its entire focus of today’s news on Trump’s Tweets. CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NYT & WaPo, have all entered the Twilight Zone of organized dementia that defy explanation. Worse, they don’t seem to know that.

If you’re learning this for the first time, believe it, it’s happening! Blood is flowing in the streets of Iranian cities and towns because the Ayatollahs security forces, men who haven’t yet faced their own distraught families on opposite sides, are still willing to gun down protesters as ordered.

Make no mistake Iran, as a third rate nation, is still the world’s most dangerous exporter of terrorism, and despite their fancy uniformed “Kuds forces,” their freshly painted tanks and shiny rocket launchers passing in review in grand parades, militarily, they have little consequence except as supporters of conflicts and world wide terrorism. Like fascist Germany, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, the Kuds force, perform like the waffen SS of Nazi fame, a political police force trained as combat units. Their main purpose, to control their own population.

Iran was an oil producing nation so, where does their money come from to afford all this? Barack Obama helped by bribing them with billions of dollars in cash, supposedly not to go nuclear. That’s a fact. Where did vast cache of Obama’s free cash go? Much of it went into the private bank accounts of ayatollahs and government leaders. Some of it can be recovered through international banking processes but most of it went to support the Kuds forces, to finance Hezbollah in Lebanon, ISIS and Assad in Syria and Iraq, and support other reckless military adventurism in Yemen and, against their own Kurds in their north. What news outlets like CNN won’t even bring up is Obama’s hand in the affair or the extensive military losses being suffered by ISIS and the Revolutionary Guard forces by Trump’s reversing the Rules of Engagement.

Absolutely none of Obama’s largess to Iran went into their economy. None of it, The people are starving, their economy produces no incomes, inflation is killing ‘em, everything is directed to supporting the Islamic regime, spreading terrorism, forcing Shariah on other people, murdering Gays by hanging or precipitating them from roof tops, imprisoning protesters and torturing dissidents. It is the sum total of fascism, clothed in the garments of a major religion. It is Obama’s fascism and he wanted it here in America.

America is in distress. Thankfully, at last, we have a leader who sees the future, knows the cause of our problems and is fearless in telling the world that America will no longer be their patsy will no longer face problems with the indecision or compromise that invites insult, nor support programs that do not reflect the basic rights of human beings. It’s over.

We can thank Barack Obama for his fecklessness, his treacherous machinations of Americas true purpose in the world and his destructive attempts at social engineering American into the trash heap of history right alongside the ancient Romans. He didn’t quite get us there but he tried awfully hard and his party, the Democrat party, a totally Socialist expression of totalitarian in the Marxist mold, are still trying their darnedest to make it happen. Conservatives need to rejuvenate the Tea Party’s and get to work. The Democrats are. What are we waiting for. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (04Jan17)

President Trump, ISIS, and Kim Jong-Boom-Boom


Watch the non-nuclear ‘mother of all bombs’ in slow motion as it bombed Nangarhar, Afghanistan. President Donald J. Trump decided to strike ISIS at a critical source. Exactly how powerful was this bomb?

And looking into the strange background of North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un, nicknamed, Kim Jong-Boom-Boom. What is he up to? Trouble as usual…

Trump’s Air Strike on Syria Puts the World on Notice

Featured, Politics

In Friday’s Opening Monologue #BKP talks about the difference in the response concerning Syria using chemical weapons of President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump. In one air strike did Donald Trump return the U.S. to it’s World Leader Status and put ISIS, North Korea, Russia, and China on notice. The American superpower is back!


Short Takes – What’s Behind the Story?


What’s Behind the Story?

The ecstatic hoopla by Democrats and the liberal media surrounding Lt.Gen. Flynn’s plea of guilty of lying to the FBI, is too early, too gleeful and really, too devoid of connection as to have much meaning to the Left’s real aim of bringing down the Trump administration. Flynn’s dilemma is a side story that will not affect Donald Trump. The media’s quiver is empty of poison arrows.

The Washington Post, as far back as January of this year, reported the FBI’s investigation of Gen. Flynn for suspected collusion with the Russians, revealed no evidence of collusion, treason or any other form of skulduggery. Flynn wasn’t the FBI’s target, the Russian Diplomat he was speaking to was and there are FISA rules that govern Americans 4th amendment rights when speaking to foreigners.

General Flynn, it must be remembered, was a National Security Advisor in Barack Obama’s administration. It was Gen. Flynn who argued against Obama’s characterization of Islam as a peaceful religion and stood by his assessments that Islam was in fact, a dangerous terrorist threat to the US, no matter what name they called themselves. Obama hated him but did not fire him. It was Donald Trump who fired him because Flynn lied to Vice Pres. Pence. It’s as easy to understand as that.

In the few days that Gen. Flynn did act as President Trumps security advisor, before Trumps  inauguration, any contact Flynn had with any foreign country, Russia included, was totally necessary and lawful. That’s what the FBI found and the Washington Post reported last January.

But, Gen. Flynn is apparently a liar and got fired for it. Whatever he said to FBI investigators that was untrue, could not have had anything to do with the Trump administrations post election contacts with the Russians.

So, why the media’s jubilation? They hope something, if it’s screamed out loud enough and often enough, will become true. News is hard to report on when Trump sets the agenda every morning with his “tweets.” The only other prevailing story they can possibly write about is the acquittal of Kate Steinle’s murderer by a jury in the Renegade city of San Francisco, a story they would rather forget because it reveals the real sickness of the Liberal, Progressive’s agenda.

Trump will never be associated with the crimes like are now being revealed against Loretta Lynch and her supposedly clandestine meeting with Bill Clinton in Arizona or, the Clinton’s money laundering foundation, that are all ripe for the pickings. The Fast and Furious gun running operation Eric Holder scammed us with, is a crime waiting to be adjudicated. Dead Americans were the result of Holders action, not to mention the hundreds of Mexican citizens murdered at the Cartels hands with his stolen firearms. That’s nearly as bad as Benghazi and Hillary’s plotted overthrow of Gadaffie that left Libya in ISIS hands; or, the smuggling of arms to ISIS in Iraq and the “rules of engagement” that all but neutralized our troops on the battlefield.

There is yet to be investigate by a Grand Jury, the DNC and Clinton Campaign’s role into the fake “GPS Fusion Report” that triggered a CI Investigation sending Mueller off on his search and destroy mission. Flynn’s a side story, the Democrat Party is where the real felons lurk and they’re ripe for prosecution. First, the FBI and DoJ must be purged of its Progressive thinkers, its Obama holdovers and its leakers of inside information. When that happens, the real story’s will come out and there can’t be enough paper or ink to record ‘em all.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (03Dec17)

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