Descent into Disarray
Opinion August 15, 2019I’m not sure if what we see and hear from the Democrats right now is some clever new stratagem designed to amaze and mystify us if not deceive us outright, or might be the manifestation of the realities of life, that nobody wants to hear them anymore. Mass shootings and other social disasters are like iron filings to magnets for the media and the Democrats trying to find some plausible reason to impeach President Trump they can sell to voters.
Of course stories that don’t fulfill their narrative, like the mass murders going on daily in Chicago’s black neighborhoods, are ignored. Murders committed by illegal immigrants already kicked out of America multiple times, are excused for some socially touchy excuse.
This score of Democrats campaigning to replace Donald Trump, are like freaks in a midway sideshow. They tell blatant lies so often that they actually start believing them themselves. The Democrat party has no platform that Americans could rally around, but they have twenty different offerings, all sounding the same theme, ‘get rid of Trump, get rid of guns, abandon your religious beliefs and trust us,’ that not only confuses people, but bores ‘em to death as well. Think “tune out.” Speaking of religious beliefs, if Islam refuses to neutralize their beliefs, and Democrats refuse to chastise them, why then should Christians even consider neutralizing the teachings of Christ? Think about that one.
The Democrats pursuit of Trump is in disarray. What happened to “Mueller?” Two years of wasted money and time only to proved that Donald Trump was right all along. Only Jerry Nadler, the nimrod Democrat committee chairman, still believes there’s hope that the discredited Muller investigation, that treasonous exercise by the Deep States FBI, DoJ and the CIA to overthrow the President, might still contain some fragment of evidence the could sweep Trump from office. He’s delusional and there’s evidence enough to call the ‘white coat detail’ to escort him from his seat as chairman to the nut house. Adam Schiff has already turned cold on Mueller.
To be sure, the Democrat Party of JFK, no longer exists. Today’s party, however they want to call themselves, are dangerous because they’re now openly communist in their philosophies, fascist in their pronouncements and delusional in their beliefs. Americans are in no way Marxist oriented, except perhaps, for the recent graduates from our Marxist infested colleges filling our voter rolls. Where does the Left’s Shock Troops, the black clad Antifa’s, come from? Do they act for the Democrat like Hisbollah and Hamas does for Iran? Just asking!
Apart from lacking ideas, the Democrat Party has become the party of excuses because they have no solutions except first, they need to regain power so they can make society fair by leveling the playing field so that all citizens, rich and poor alike, can suffer equally like we see in Venezuela right now. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? The Democrats are in disarray and are intent on taking the rest of us down with them.
But enough of disarray, how about corruption? Once, it took old time politicians several years in congress to become corrupt and amass the wealth that made them millionaires in retirement. Radical activist AOC, a pole dancing socialist bar tender, inside of one year as a freshman congress-woman, has already skimmed off more than a million dollars in campaign donations to satisfy her lust for fine living. Well, reportedly, her Chief of Staff, author of the Green New Deal, actually did it but the buck stops with her. It does for everybody else.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (14Aug19)
Mueller’s Coup: “Losing an illusion Makes Us Wiser Than Finding a Truth.”
Opinion July 25, 2019The final word on the circus that was Mueller’s testimony, that can be safely taken away after yesterdays Democrat debacle, is that Trump won and Hillary didn’t. The Democrats are in serious damage control but, their ship is still sinking. It’s over and cannot be undone.
If nothing else, at the very least we have learned that Robert Mueller, simply by his ineptness and lack of knowledge of anything in the report that bears his name, by even it’s kindest interpretation, must be considered a co-conspirator of the Clinton cabals treasonous attempt to bring down Donald Trump and end the Trump presidency.
This is because he agreed to lend his good name and reputation as a front to the plotters and their nefarious scheme that by all accounts has collapsed as a dismal failure. In fact, the Mueller Investigation itself should be lumped into the total picture of a treasonous “coup” against President Trump started by the machinations of the Clinton campaign and the DNC using US counterintelligence laws as cover to commit their crimes.
After the day long embarrassing spectacle at the two Congressional hearings, the spin by media light weights, CNN and MSNBC, was breathtaking, both in their positive conclusions for proving Trump should be impeached and denial that things went as bad for them as it did. Wisely, many individual left-wing media reporters did acknowledged the worst for the Democrats.
But, the show must go on, so publicly congratulating themselves for their efforts, the Democrats like drowning men grasping at straws are awash in their own lies but they don’t care. Their actions and reactions should qualify the TDS crowd as truly mentally challenged, but most certainly as dangerous risks to the public who does not support them.
The worst of this two and a half year exercise in treason was that the coup plotters are known, all of them. Their motives have been revealed and their scheme(s) thwarted. What remains is for Attorney General Barr to start the last round-up, corral these cretans for federal branding, impanel Grand Juries and start the needed repairs by public trials.
Mueller acted as a shameless figurehead for the shadowy coup plotters hiding behind the pretense of personal dignity for which he was esteemed. For two plus years, Americans held their breaths under the common idea that Mueller, a Republican, a combat decorated marine officer, a long serving and capable member of the Dept. of Justice and honest Director of the FBI, stood sacrosanct in his reputation for truth Justice and the American way. But alas, “losing an illusion makes us wiser than finding a truth.”
Expect detailed examinations into Mueller’s work history. Causal inquiries have already revealed flaws in his form of applying Justice that adversely impacted innocent people beyond those affected in this particular investigation. Time is long and Justice never dies.
Mueller set his own course and it led him astray. I do not feel sorry for him. He’s pathetic and must understand that a good reputation once sullied, is sullied forever. I expect his next gig, if not in a court room as a defendant, will be at a “comic-con” convention somewhere. Let us hope so. This was an evil, tawdry business and for Mueller, an imbroglio that cannot be defended. His ratiocination skills, if his testimony was any evidence, left him long ago. Sad. Very sad.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
Anatomy of Corruption
Opinion May 20, 2019Anatomy of Corruption
Americans are just now realizing how close to the brink of oblivion we were had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election. Nothing could be more palimpsest than the quickly unfolding layers of official corruption, once denied, that is the “Deep State.” There’s one and its tentacles run deep.
Mueller’s inquiry left no stone unturned in trying to prove that Trump and/or his campaign team colluded with the Russians causing the anointed one, Queen Hillary, to lose, while avoiding completely Hillary Clintons and the DNC’s real collusion with the Russians. Answer to those questions now fall to Attorney General Barr who’s already batting away the tears of fear from those who will be affected. The Buck should stop at Obama. He owns it all.
As Atty. General Barr’s investigations commence into finding the cause and effect, the Who, What, Where, When and Why any investigation requires, the How shows the starting results that the conspirators own clumsiness revealed. It makes gangrene look good by comparison.
Government normally works like a poorly oiled machine with lines of communication up and down, often interrupted by mid-level managers who don’t like the goals sought or want to alter already decisions made. The now revealed layers of corruption shows how deep the rot had permeated the FBI, DoJ, CIA, IRS and DCI, each with some law enforcement element to it that could send any one of us to prison, for anything or for nothing. Scary!
In ancient times, groups of similar’s gathered together for protection. A leader was selected based upon his ability to fight and protect them (Clans). Societies then divide themselves into smaller groups (Septs) under the titular leadership of the main Chief by cooperation and agreement and acknowledgement of that up chain of command. Its called respect.
In our times, leadership, like in Congress, by right, goes to the oldest, not the best. When those groups divide because they don’t get along, then leadership has to be decisively brutal. For example, Nancy Pelosi, a nitwit, is “Speaker” not because she’s a tough leader who drinks wine from the skulls of her enemies, but because she’s the oldest. AOC on the other hand, in her first two months in her tribe, has already challenged Pelosi for the leadership, not practically, but figuratively because people naturally follow the popular leader.
Too retain their power, and its ‘perks,’ a leader, including their hangers-on, have to be respected. Where is it in the Democrat Party today? Twenty-three Democrat wannabe’s presidents clawing with each other for hegemony over the others, only stopping short of bashing in the others skulls?
They do this while Americas real Clan Chief, the wizard of human relations, Donald Trump, contemptuously looks down from his seat in the Oval Office and mocks them cruelly for their incompetence, ignorance and weakness. Trump has shown Americans what Presidential leadership should be. Interruptions to the flow of authority by deep state implants will soon end. Trump will then be free to continue breaking away the chains of socialism the Democrats have been hanging around American’s necks for decades. Disrespectful threats to Trumps leadership fall off his back like water off a ducks back.
Who can have any respect for Rep. Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiffer, whiners both, incapable of striking a fatal blow. They are leaders because of being in Congress far too long, not because they know what the hell they’re doing. But they can do no less because they too have been corrupted by the very machine they live in, political power. Nadler has his ‘subpoena power’ How’s that working for him? Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (19May19)
The Failed “Putsch”
Opinion April 29, 2019The Failed “Putsch”
The Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the DoJ’s “Putsch” against President Trump, under Obama’s leadership, has failed! Mueller, after squandering $25 million dollars, more or less, and two plus years of valuable time, couldn’t close the deal for the Progressives that President Trump criminally conspired with the Russians to deny Hillary Clinton her rightful place as President. Because It never happened!
America has had only one political traitor who remains in the history books, Benedict Arnold. But, I think when the smoke clears after this tawdry Mueller business, the wreckage of the Deep State will be complete and a few more pages will be added to the history books on American traitors.
An hidden organization like a “Deep State” only works because people don’t want to be involved. They rely on their elected representatives to legislate, while obeying the Constitution in doing so. But, many low level functionaries in government, syncopates to Socialism, who occupy positions that make the machine work for the elites, are there to do their masters bidding or, do mischief if necessary.
Compliancy sets in, laws are ignored, illegal standards become rote and before you know it, Americans have gotten used to the slow changes that have overtaken their lives. Then came Trump, determined to Make America Great Again. The protected class, in their panic, couldn’t allow that and the leaders felt it their duty to put a quick end to the obstructionist. And they couldn’t! So, with the final conclusion of the Mueller investigation, a new door opens. Americans will be shock with the revelations that are coming.
When a “Putsch” fails and the players are exposed for their treachery, then their former victim(s), Trumps administration, are entitled to use that very apparatus of government, and the very law that the traitors employed, to set about to repair the damage by ripping out the bitter weed of Socialism by its very roots.
The focus now is on outraged judges of the FISA Court. They now know the FBI lied to them and that is the starting point for Trumps swamp draining exercise. We haven’t heard much from that quarter yet, but believe me, a whole bunch of Judges are so outraged and betrayed by former FBI Director Comey, CIA Director Brennan, DoJ’s Sally Yates, McCabe, that, figuratively, heads will roll. The misuse of the FISA court was central to Obama’s governmental abuse of power. To weaponized his governments intelligence and law enforcement agencies to go after domestic political enemies, is the “Putsch. “ That it was done by a political party that is all-in for Marxism, reveals how close to disaster America actually ventured. In the end, the machinations of the plotters was so clumsy, so inept, that one must step back in awe and wonder if any of the legitimate work they may have done to protect America from foreign spy’s, was effective.
Obama’s DoJ and FBI, were the biggest abusers of power I’ve seen in my lifetimes. If the highest levels of government felt free to trample over the process by which presidents are elected, think what it could do to us deplorable’s..It has already affected Carter Page and Paul Manafort. If a newly elected President can be hounded by unelected elites from within the government, then we’re not safe at all, none of us, This is Orwell’s world of Big Brother, the world Hillary Clinton would have reveled in if she was president.
We now hear silly comments about ‘apologies.’ Nonsense! It’s too late for Apologies. Any given should be ignored by the President, and indeed, I suspect if he could, the perpetrators would be headed for a firing squad. That is the only remedy left to stop the Progressives cold in their scurrilous plans to fundamentally change America. The sure fear of execution for treason is a neutralizer for future politicos who think the American system is out of date and should be changed, by them.
Over two years of orchestrated defamatory allegations against Trump were based on lies, deceit, fake news, anonymous sources and leaks, and should not endear apologies. Two things are clear. The fourth estate, the media, complicate in this ordeal, is corrupt and its leadership also needs to be purged; and our systems of higher education, controlled by socialist unions, needs to be cleansed.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, so, let’s go do something about it.
Short Takes – The Questions About Mueller
Opinion August 1, 2018The Questions About Mueller
It continues to amaze me that the Leftist media and their lackey’s in the Democrat party continue to asseverate the now thoroughly debauched GPS Fusion report as the one, truthful, legitimate document upon which Mueller can continue his persecution of Donald Trump. It’s as though they wish to preserve the Fusion report as a recently found lost book from the Gospels.
The Left’s attitude of complete contempt for the Congress was clearly manifest with the Congressional hearing of Mr. Peter Strzok, formerly an important cog in the anti-Trump FBI-DOJ cabal fixated on preserving the Clinton crime family and the Clinton Foundations money laundering scheme by pinning her nefarious activities to Trump’s campaign. They just can’t stand to lose but, by losing, they themselves stand in the cross hairs of judicial retribution and they know it. That’s why they are fighting so hard against Trump, to save themselves. Mueller isn’t the God sent angel the Left would have us believe. He has a history of targeting innocent people that has left an indelible stain on American jurisprudence. Can Justice be trusted?
A review of Mueller’s working history shows that he is capable of being quite ruthless in using the tactics of threats, harassment, prosecution for minor offenses and even forcing witnesses into bankruptcy, to admit to or claim anything against his target. Currently it’s the President of the United States, and the few who have lost to Mueller’s tactics, like Lt.Gen. Flynn, Paul Manafort and now Trumps personal lawyer, Mike Cohen, are evidence enough of his complete ruthlessness to protect the deep state. it certainly appears Mueller will do what it takes to bring down Trump except for one missing item…. accepting the truth.
What did Eric Holder of Fast and Furious (not the TV show) fame have to say about former FBI Director Mueller? “I’ve known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he’s just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can.” Holder knows him. As Attorney General he was Mueller’s boss when Mueller was Director of the FBI. He has seen Mueller at work when Holder himself was obstructing justice and being held in contempt of Congress. He knows Mueller framed innocent people without remorse, but what can he say but good things? Peas in a pod!
It “shocks, shocks” the system realizing that Mueller’s history of connivence reveals his true dark character. Placed as he was by Deputy Atty. General Rob Rosenstein, in a position to conduct a ‘coup’ against a lawfully-elected President, signals just how far down the toilet American politics has descended under the protection of a corrupt DOJ.
You can figure any Republican who say “Bob Mueller will do a good job as Special Counsel,” or “Mueller has a great reputation for being fair,” and knows Bob Mueller, are “Never Trumpers” who desire President Trumps removal from office by any means necessary, be it inditement, chicanery, past business practices, emoluments, or consorting with weird women. They do not know , or care, about the many outrageous problems found in Mueller’s professional history. These people believe they are cultivating votes for a future run as a Senator or even President perhaps, like John Kasich for example.
Mueller, like Comey, were never trained Special Agents of the FBI. They were lawyers before, they were lawyers after and they are still lawyers. Many assume lawyers, especially with long careers in the DOJ would make great Directors of the FBI. Not so! A capable director with years of field experience, who comes up through the ranks is far better prepared to keep the FBI out of cut-throat politics than lawyers. Comey, Strzok and Mueller are exceptions.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way Now, go get ‘em! (27Jul18)