Andrew Breitbart and exposing ACORN
Politics, Videos SV January 11, 2017
Andrew Breitbart was a Conservative activist, journalist, author, editor, radio personality and the list goes on. He understood the Left so much so that he knew exactly how to intimidate the Left. Breitbart even referred to John Podesta as his mortal enemy. He also supported the exposure of corruption of ACORN that catalyzed the downfall of its reputation and ensuing bankruptcy. You can watch the documentary, Hating Breitbart, to better understand who he was and what his legacy stands for today. It was reported that he died from natural causes on 1 March 2012, and the peculiar timing of his death has sparked much speculation.
All the Sunday Morning Shows Pursued the Russian Ties to Trump’s Campaign – Never Mentioning Farkas
Politics April 3, 2017
ABC’s Martha Raddatz, Fox’s Chris Wallace, NBC’s Chuck Todd, and CBS’s John Dickerson all clearly exposed their liberal agenda this weekend concerning Russia and the possible ties to the Trump campaign. While some briefly discussed the topic of surveillance and unmasking of Donald Trump and members of his campaign team they continued to circle back to alleged Russian ties to the Trump campaign. Not one mention of the bombshell revelation concerning surveillance by Fox New’s Adam Housely. Housely reports sources with evidence of high up official(s) in the intelligence community that Trump and his campaign team were under surveillance even before he was became a nominee. It seems to be all four missed the revelations in the Evelyn Farkas interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. Farkas was a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for the Obama Administration. Farkas admits to Brzezinski that there was surveillance. Farkas’ admission, “That the Tump folks, if they found out how we knew about… the Trump staff’s dealing with Russia, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods.” It seems to be that the media is more interested in a story with no evidence concerning Russia, opposed to stories that could prove the accusations. With plenty of inculpatory evidence they completely overlook “the Clinton cash” or John and Tony Podesta.
Detective Rod Wheeler releases statement concerning the Death of DNC staffer Seth Rich
Featured, News May 22, 2017
Former Homicide D.C. Detective Rod Wheeler has released the following statement concerning the death of former DNC staffer Seth Rich. Wheeler, “I am still of the personal opinion that his murder may be tied to his employment.”
**UPDATE 5/23/17 – Rod Wheeler called into our live show this morning on to speak to us about his statement. This is video from that segment:
Rod Wheeler
Washington, DC
May 22, 2017
Statement Regarding the Seth Rich Investigation
To whom this may concern,
In March of 2017, I was introduced by way of a telephone conference call, to Joel Rich, Mary Rich, Aaron Rich and Molly Rich, surviving family members of Seth Rich. Seth Rich was murdered in the District of Columbia in July of 2016.
The Rich’s were aware of my background as a criminal investigator, specifically as a former police homicide investigator. They indicated that they had seen my many appearances on the Fox News Channel commenting and analyzing dozens of criminal cases and have always been impressed by my knowledge and experience.
The Rich’s engaged my services to assist with gathering information and evidence, in an effort to try to assist the Metropolitan Police Department identify the person(s) responsible for the murder of Seth.
Recently, there has been much discussion in the national media surrounding my revelation that I believe that Seth’s death could be possibly linked to his former employment at the DNC, or with relationships with others connected to his employment. I am still of the personal opinion that his murder may be tied to his employment.
Currently I am prohibited to go into any detail surrounding my investigation and its findings. However, I do want to say this:
Since accepting the request of the Rich family to assist them in this investigation, I have always been focused on one thing, and one thing only; finding out who is responsible for the death of Seth. I feel as if I was making good progress and getting very close to developing a motive. Further, I can say that I have developed what I believe to be persons of interest, that I essentially would like to talk to further regarding information that they may have surrounding Seth’s death. I am of the personal opinion that the information/article reported by FoxNews Channel last Tuesday was essentially correct and worthy of further investigation. That is exactly why when I first learned of this new information developed by a FoxNews investigative journalist, I immediately called the DC Police to inform them.
The homicide detective unit at the Metropolitan Police Department has recently reached out to me to visit with them and exchange information surrounding the case. I believe that under the direction of Chief Peter Newsham, the Metropolitan Police Department is very capable of solving this and other murders in the District of Columbia. However, for them to be successful in this investigation, there can be no influence or interference whatsoever from others outside the department…period.
Finally, by way of this statement, I humbly ask the Rich family to please allow me to release either my full report or a summary thereof of my findings up to date, with regards to the investigation. Before release, I would be happy to redact the names and addresses of all persons mentioned in the report.
I wish the Rich family the very best and sincere hope that the person(s) responsible for causing the death of Seth, is soon brought to justice.
For further information, please contact my legal advisor Larry Friedman at 972-788-1400, [email protected]
Rod Wheeler
Washington, DC
Watch for Coming Warrants and Arrests in the Imran Awan Investigation
News, Politics July 27, 2017
Former D.C. Homicide Detective, Rod Wheeler, connects the dots in the Imran Awan case. Wheeler says that Awan is a little fish in a big pond. He went on to say that he could possibly be our “DNC Russian Hacker.” Wheeler tells our viewers to watch in the coming weeks for search warrants and arrests related to this case. Imran Awan was arrested at Dulles International Airport while trying to flee the country. Awan was on Congresswoman and former DNC Chair Wasserman Schults’ payroll up until last Friday. Detective Wheeler said that Imran Awan had the highest level of security clearance and worked for several Democrat Congressmen. He also had full access to the DNC server. The DNC has yet to turn the server over to the FBI and makes their own claim that it was Russian hacking that exposed 60,000 emails. Could this be tied to the Seth Rich murder? Real news that the liberal media refuses to run.