What’s In Our Political Future?
Opinion, Politics March 23, 2021Written And Submitted By George McClellan
We have good news and bad news. The good news is that several RINO Senators, Richard Burr (R-NC), Rob Portman (R-OH), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Dick Shelby (R-AL) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) have all decided their usefulness as conservative politicians isn’t working. Some say their retirements will deal a major blow to the Republican establishment’s inner circle.
By God, I hope so! The bad news is I don’t see Mitt Romney’s name on that list. The operative notion in the above paragraph is the “Establishment Republicans inner circle.” What got these people into an “inner Circle?” Longevity in office? Because they are good guys or better statesmen? Naw, I don’t think so. It’s because they were willing to go along to get along.
These people, allegedly supporters of Republican Conservative principals, whose primary concern as Republicans was to Keep America Great, support their constituents and protect the American way, went astray! Their less than conservative voting records betray them!
They joined hands across the aisle with the Americas Cancel Culture party (Marxists) intent on just the opposite, Americas destruction. What possible blow to the Republican Party can their departures bring? None! With friends like those who needs enemies? The board is being swept clean of their type and so shall it be! They must be replaced with real conservatives.
What kept them there? Invitations to the cocktail circuit? When in power, committee or sub-committee chairmanships, bribery or other monetary rewards? Joe Biden made influence peddling a lucrative art form. Many Republicans apparently learned from his success, sought to ride the crest of Deep State security and monetary reward and now find themselves suddenly incapable of facing the growing fascism menace that the Progressives are throwing at ’em.
Not many people who want to get involved in government have Donald Trumps deep business insight into the decadent human behavior that draws other people into the sphere of the deep state Oligarchs. In Congress today the numbers can’t be counted on both hands. Jim Jordan comes to mind as does the fiery Marjory Taylor Greene. Ranking Republican McCarthy is the keeper of the House’s elite establishment Republicans and that remains ethereally fungible.
As Pelosi’s Congress hasn’t yet risen above the level of her obsession with Trump Derangement Syndrome, passing anti-American spending bills to bankrupt America and scaring the nation with fears of horrible new Covid strains lurking just over the horizon, is not a good platform for the newest Republican women just elected, to start their own individual voting records.
The Democrat Party is evil. Pelosi wants to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene completely from Congress because of her feisty denouncement of her Marxists programs destroying America, but not remove Eric Swallwell for being a Chinese spy or worse, a Chinese dupe, a fellow traveler who can be appealed to by his carnal desires for Fang – Fang and other honey traps.
On the State level, two Blue State governors, Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo, three if we count Virginia’s Gov. Northern who refused to resign, still stubbornly run their states like dictators and all three have been challenged for being either being politically incorrect, ie: inappropriately touching women, killing thousands of seniors, or simply ruining their States GDP into the dirt. Who replaces these corrupt people when the time comes? Conservatives better start looking for more Donald Trumps and Marjory Taylor Greens. They’re out there, Remember, keeping our freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (21Mar21)
Gubment 101, Made Simple!
Opinion, Politics February 15, 2021Written and Submitted By: George McClellan
From the beginning it was decided Americas government would be a representative one of, by, and for the people, and actions taken by that government was to be done by the consent of the people. So, how did the Democrat party come to the conclusion that it is they alone who should be the sole and exclusive representatives of the American people? Because they know better?
But, there was a snag. To keep that representative government on the rails, a Federal Constitution was developed after years of careful thought and deliberation prescribing the parameters within which limited representative government must operate. So, just when did it go off the rails? Why are “we the people” left suffering under the dictates of the proponents of a different political philosophy, one completely inimical to the consent of the people?
One thing our forefathers agreed on at least since Jefferson solved the problem of the Barbary Pirates, was the need to spend some funds for a strong defensive Navy to prevent other countries from encroaching on ours and interfering with the isolationism that then met the consent of the people. History and world events moved at faster speeds necessitating the need to look ahead to know what potential threats were forming across the pond. US Foreign policy adjusted accordingly but the Constitution hardly changed. It didn’t need to. Our Civil war settled one issue, America was no longer politically divided, slavery was officially ended although real healing took over another hundred years to flatten out the curve so to speak. But we still have our Constitution nearly unchanged and we must protect it.
Then came the era of increased foreign militarism with World War I, followed quickly by World War II and under the cover of the fog of war, the incursion of hostile foreign thoughts of Marx and Engles whose philosophies have ever since been eroding out our democratic process’s. The once accepted idea of thoughtful deliberation through agreement and compromise of our supposed elected politicians, began to fade away because the problems facing America were now being generated by those same politicians so they could, through the ruse and deception of fear, frighten enough Americans so they could keep their jobs to protect us. They really hate us!
Time has created a political class of career politicians who want to become the Nobles of that class, our betters as it were, whose experience expects they should be retained by the vote as our masters. But to stay there requires gobs of money and money buys influence and influence buys corruption, hence, the Industrial-military complex Eisenhower warned us of. Now it’s the technical, media-information complex that censures our thoughts, prescribe our needs and punishes our transgressions against the collective thought that has invaded our schools. We must have been simpletons to have allowed that to happen. Americans don’t need to be organized by political nutters, we just need to be left alone to organize ourselves.
Today, the Democrat Party, by whatever name you want to call it, Marxist, Communist, National Socialist, Social Democrats or Fascists, etc., have concluded that our Constitutional Representative government of, by and for the people, is a mishmash of argument and controversy that allows too much independence, too much freedom and too much self-reliance; that it doesn’t work and should therefor, be left in their capable hands. A new class of “do-gooders,” the “Expert” class appears to be overtaking them and soon, George Orwell’s 1984 prediction will be upon us, a la Chinese style! Why should that be? Because they know better and it belongs to them? Besides, sheep should not be allowed to control anything.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ’em! (12Feb21)
Is Their Growing Panic In The Establishment GOP?
Opinion, Politics January 30, 2021Already soft-spoken voices in the GOP are breathlessly telling the Republican base that Republicans can’t be fighting each other, that we must come together to present a united front! I like the united front theme. It explains why so many Republicans chose to unify with the Democrat Marxists in support of their own hatred of Donald Trump, if not actually participating in election fraud against him to turn our government over to the Marxists. It’s goodbye America!
But, that’s the problem, isn’t it? Unity means one side must abandon their principles to the other side for the sake of unity. Why should Trump supporters give up their principles to the RiNO infested Republican Party’s Establishment when Trump never did? To do so would leave the establishment elites totally in charge of the Conservative political message and the checkbook, and we would be back to square one again. Nope! Don’t want to go there. They are in a panic!
Donald Trump has remarkably, been the most effective American leader since Abraham Lincoln to confront the serious divisions in America’s body politic. He changed our thinking, focused our attention on the corruption within the federal government, especially in the nation’s supposedly most elite Law Enforcement agency, the FBI, filled as it turned out with elements of rotten corrupt cops and lawyers occupying the leadership to keep the other elites safe from harm.
Trump exposed the corruption in government and seeing his success, we don’t want to go back to the old ways. The crook, China Joe Biden, and the cheating Democrats are working overtime to keep what they gained. Don’t expect 2024 to be a cakewalk because we think American voters will have voters remorse and happily reinstall Republicans. No, no! The Democrats have achieved their goal, total power, and will never give it up without a fight, especially to Trump!
For years Democrats tried unsuccessfully to sell socialism to Americans but Americans didn’t need nor want collectivization. Now, It will be forced on us. Expect clueless Biden to promote the Left’s demands to reprogram Trump supporters. As George Orwell told us in ‘1984,’ “Truth is treason in an empire of lies; and in a time of treason truth is a revolutionary act.” That explains why a California Democrat feels free to demand that Speaker Pelosi disenfranchise Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga-14) because he fears her conservatism? Are we to accept his demand is better than what Georgia voters demanded? Who the hell is he? He’s a Commie maggot that needs to be sent to the Gulag himself for his reeducation.
But, I drift away from my point, the lack of GOP Unity, and how to solve it. The best answer is to replace all incumbents with conservatives willing to face a Democrats firing squad. Not easy! Trump is gone but, he took the party with him. GOP’s deep state leader, Kevin McCarthy, himself in danger of being replaced, is in Mar Largo fawning at the feet of Donald Trump wondering what Trump intends to do. To do? Get rid of ’em, that’s what to do, and we must help!
Forget a Patriot Party. Trump doesn’t want it. Trump already has the Republican Party and the GOP elites had better have a Come to Jesus talk with themselves or they too may soon be wandering in the wilderness. Desperate voices don’t work for America so Conservatives need to be ready for the call, and challenge Democrats all the time because our elites won’t do it!
Consider, the 2020 election saw Republicans gain state and local seats everywhere. Pelosi doesn’t have a solid majority and she knows it. In two short years, we should be able to take back both houses of Congress, If not obstructed by our old GOP “establishment elites.”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (29Jan21)
Short Takes – On A Roll, to Where?
Opinion, Politics January 18, 2021Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
The Marxist Democrat Party, for a short time expecting to be our masters, is on a fast roll desperate to completely erase Donald Trump and everything associated with him over the four years of economic and civil success he brought to America. A populist Donald Trump, Americas shocking 2016 choice for President, quickly exposed the depth of corruption in the elite establishments deep state. The odious apparatus of Marxist politics swung into action and launched four useless, but expensive years trying to hound Donald Trump out of office.
But, by their failure to remove him by hook or crook, the Marxist had one shot left, steal the 2020 election. Their reckless greediness revealed their manipulations in voting districts everywhere with Incomparable voting numbers for a nincompoop idiot, a bought Chinese implanted agent of influence, to be President. That story is not over by a long shot.
Their failure to destroy him over his four years, the sloppy administration of their cunning election theft scheme exposed their hypocrisy. Clumsily seizing the election from the majority of American voters, the Democrats wanting us to heal, fell to a remaining Marxist tactic to discredit Trump, physical violence and in your face confrontation. They launched a noisy but deadly assault on the Congress of the US by their Antifa and BLM thugs, (think Nazi SD & SS types) to show Trump supporters as the insurrectionists responsible. Subsequent police investigations have quickly revealed exactly the opposite. Now, its time to discredit all 75 million Trump supporters as a dangerous collaboration of Fifth Columnists, conspiracy theorists and, believe it or not, threats to the state. Trump told us: “They weren’t after him they were after us; he just stood in their way.”
The imposter-elect, the criminal China Joe Biden, now stands in the public forum calling for all Americans to accept his election so we can come together and heal! But what is his major theme? To wear face masks! America will not heal. The Democrat machine has shown itself to be not only tyrannical as a political opponent but as Americas enemy within. Our re-education should start soon but only if we roll over and submit to their tyranny. They’ll start with face masks, then the dangers of global warming and we’ll watch the ultimate re-collapse that Obama, brought us of Americas economy! Gone with the Democrat orchestrated assault on the Capital was any further focus on China’s role in our election, Hunter Biden’s lap top revelations of pedophilia, payoffs to the “Big Man” his Dad, China Joe, his Ukrainian Burisma role or his drug use that got him kick out of the Navy.
The purge has started. Whether it succeeds or not depends on us individually. Joe Scarborough pontificated: “Trump broke the law, arrest him!” while hotel chains, big Tech companies, China box stores and other big companies that want to stay in business have nearly all jumped ship from Trumps outstanding economic success, to join hands with the cabal of world globalism. To kick Trump when he’s down, some Republicans included, is a bad omen for the future.
Healing cannot occur unless everyone agrees to join the sheep herd the Democrats want! We’re free Americans. We want to stay that way. Instead of forming up as Trump Caucus groups, renew the Tea Party’s or attend Republican rally’s, change the narrative like the Democrats do and call yourselves: Anti-Communist Assembly’s instead. The Republican brand is far too damaged to be rehabilitated or pursue a successful self-defense posture for American nationalism. It is in fact, Communism we confront. Learn it, teach it, reveal its weakness and destroy it finally, or America will be gone forever. We can do it!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (17Jan21)