Collins Statement on Comey Memos and McCabe Criminal Referral

Politics, Press Release

WASHINGTON—Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), issued the following statement upon the release of memos that former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey authored and in response to the inspector general’s criminal referral of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Collins is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, which exercises oversight over the Department of Justice and FBI.

“As James Comey himself has insisted time and again, truth and integrity matter enormously, and federal law enforcement must prosecute people who lie to investigators. On this point, I agree with Mr. Comey, and I support the inspector general’s conclusion that Andrew McCabe’s dishonesty during an investigation within his own law enforcement agency warrants a criminal referral.

“Mr. Comey’s memos illustrate that he used different standards in his official work involving President Donald Trump than he applied to his work with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and others. The memo he leaked—in order to effect the appointment of a Special Counsel—reinforces the inconsistency and bias with which he acted as FBI director as well as his willingness to substitute his own judgment for FBI policies. These facts indicate that Mr. Comey is less fettered to objective standards of integrity and the policies of our justice system than his public declarations claim.”

Collins Bill to Honor Fallen Marine Sent to President’s Desk

Press Release, State & National


WASHINGTON—The Senate last night voted unanimously to pass H.R. 3821, legislation to rename Georgia’s Clermont Post Office in honor of Zack T. Addington. Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) introduced the bill this September, and it passed the House in November.

“Lance Corporal Zack Addington represents the selfless courage that’s cultivated in northeast Georgia, and I’m excited to see this bill leave Congress and head to the president’s desk for his signature,” said Collins.

Collins also honored Addington when he spoke about the bill on the House floor.


Known to his neighbors as Zack, Addington joined the United States Marine Corps in 1967. A native of Clermont, he became a rifleman in the 3rd Marine Division of the Fleet Marine Force and deployed to Vietnam that year. Addington was promoted to Lance Corporal and served his country honorably until he was killed in action in May 1968.

That June, Addington received the Purple Heart, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal and Republic of Vietnam Campaign Ribbon in recognition of his service there.

FYN Interviews Rebbeca Yardley on Georgia’s 2018 Sine Die – Last Day of Legislative Session

Politics, State & National

It’s Sine Die day, that means it’s the last day of the 2018 Legislative Session! Interviews First Vice Chairman of Georgia Congress 9th District GOP Rebecca Yardley on the experience and what to expect from the Georgia Capitol today!


Fetch Your News and Georgia Congressman Doug Collins Discuss the “Omnibus” Spending Bill


BKP and Congressman Collins discuss the “Omnibus” Spending Bill signed by Donald Trump, and other issues that might effect the state of Georgia in the future.

God Has Your Number


Do you think God has your Number?

He knows how many times you breathed yesterday. He holds your breath in His hand. God absolutely knows every move you make. The Lord has the hairs on your head numbered. He most definitely tracts your life. My friend, if the Lord has a call on your Life for the ministry, you couldn’t get away in a race car.

What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?-Psalms 117

What is the longest chapter in the Bible? –Psalms 119

Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? Psalms 118

Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118

Facts: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118

Add these numbers up, and you get 1188

(NKJV)What is the center verse in the Bible? Psalms 118:8.

“It is better to trust in The Lord than to put confidence in man.”


If this is coincident, it is a good one.

God can be in the center of your life if you will just ask, and let Him.

From time to time, I have been sent to share a ministry call with God’s people. He has their number, I would like to share one such call with you just to show you how detailed God is when it comes to the life of His children, and the work of His kingdom.

Some years ago, my friend, the late George Marshal, and I were going to Dunklin Ministries for a Saturday men’s gathering. Dunklin is a large farm between Stuart and Okeechobee, Fl. It is a rehab center used to rebuild lives and, a very good one, I might add. At one time, we had a man here by the name of Jim Way who could bring men together and make things happen. We would have as many as 700 men there for seminars and to worship the Lord. Sometimes in the middle of the previous night, I was caught up in the presence of the Lord. The Lord and I were standing in front of a long table seated with men my age; late fifties to sixties.  The Lord was inspecting these men military style just like a company commander would do, along with his Platoon Sgt.  I was a Platoon Sgt. at one time in the Marines, and The Lord and I were pulling an inspection on these men. I don’t know why the Lord chose this manner, but we were looking over every man, face-to-face. The Lord would get a good look at each man. When we got to the left end of the table, the Lord turned sharply and pointed to a young man in his middle twenties. He was at the far right corner of the table facing us, Ronnie Rinker had invited him. He was a Southern Baptist boy. The Lord turned and looked at him and said,“I am calling this one into the ministry. And I said, but Lord, he is so young. The Lord said, “I know, but I am going to train him. I am going to teach him. I am going to develop him, but he is the one I am calling.” At that point, every scratch and every cut on that old, wooden table was embedded into my mind, along with each man’s face and location at the table. The next morning I had no recollection of this, what-so-ever. George and I went into the dining hall. While we were in line, George saw an empty table and said let’s throw our Bibles on this table, and that will save us a seat.  We went through the breakfast line at eight o’clock.  After we got our food, George said, Bob let’s sit over here at this table; I know these guys. I said, but our Bibles are over there, but he said they would be ok. I sat down at the right corner of the table, and a young, good-looking man sat down across from me. As we started to eat, I felt like I knew him from somewhere. I asked him if we had ever met and he said, no I asked where he worked and what he did?. I said are you sure; he again said, “I just don’t know you.” I am sitting there starting to eat, not thinking any more about him when all at once I looked at that beat up handmade table and knew every scratch and cut on it. Everything came back to me, I looked at the man and knew that I had been there in the middle of the night. Every man was in his proper place, and the young man across from me was exactly where he was when Jesus called him. I said, “Have you ever thought about the ministry?” He said, “Yes I have.”

“Good!” I said, “Because you’re in it.” Then I shared his calling from the Lord. What a mighty God! Look how he used Ronnie to get God’s man there, and how the Lord used George to get me to the right table with all the scratches on it and all the man I had seen the night before. The Word says He knows every hair on our head; but I know one thing for sure He walks among the tables at Dunklin in the middle of the night and knows every scratch on them! Yes, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is alive and well and will speak and call men today.

The Lord Jesus can interact with us today here on the earth, just as if we were in heaven. Father God has everything down to a science, just like he does your life.    Let’s look at some facts:

  •  He knew everything about the meeting, date, time, location, and who would be there.
  • When he caught me up and showed me the scratches and cuts on the table in the dining hall at Dunkin:  they are rough, handmade tables that were made by the men going through the program. All of them filled with cuts and scratches, and they look just alike, yet I knew the exact table.
  • He knew every man there and where he would sit the next day.
  • Ronnie thought he was inviting that young man to the meeting.  Ronnie was working for Jesus under the power of the Holy Spirit and didn’t know it.
  • George Marshal took me to the right table and never knew he was working under a mandate from God.

Here is the thing that just blows me away, not one of us could have been late!Nothing in the world could have stopped any of us. Not one man could have said, I don’t think I will go today. No one could have sat in the wrong place.

Not one of us had any thought of being led by the Lord. We were in the natural and walking under the power and order of God at the same time. Your next words to somebody could be out of the heart of God. No one knew about this, but those of us at the table.

Got put that meeting together like a beautiful piece of music. You can’t beat Him.

What the Lord Jesus wants to be done, He will do! The Holy Spirit was leading every man to that table, and not one of us knew it. Sometimes being led by the Spirit of God may not be what we think at all. We felt nothing. Your next phone call, a trip to the store, or the post office may be your most anointed moment of the week; ordered by the Lord, don’t miss it. If we belong to the Lord, we are naturally supernatural when He needs for us to be.

 Your loving heavenly Father can unscramble your life and seat you at His table where you really don’t belong.” Grace, Grace WonderfulGrace”. There is no doubt about it; God sees tomorrow before we see today.

Dr. Bob Allen                                                        

God  Loves You. Fix your eye on the Straight Gate.

Short Takes – “Omnibus”


Omnibus is an ominous word. I once thought it was a double-decker bus in England. Now, whenever I see the word attached to a spending bill, I automatically know somebody is going to get a double decker screwing and it’s not politicians. Under the circumstances of the Omnibus Spending Bill cobbled together in a few days by four “bipartisan” senators who rank as the ttititual leaders of the corrupt “establishment, I thinks we may be in trouble. Politicians create the problem, then tell us they’ll solve the problems if only we re-elect them to office…BS!

I rather like the idea of a successful novice businessman seizing hold of the political machine, applying the tactics of business management (sales and profit) to its management style, firing heads who don’t understand the process and re-establishing the tenants of competent leadership. Apart from Trump, one or two other such successful leaders without prior experience, have revealed themselves. First time Senator David Perdue of Georgia and Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas come immediately to mind. But, I drift from my course.

It’s not the deficit spending that bothers me. Deficit spending is good, to a point, for stimulating an economy. As our money is simply fiat money anyway, no longer backed by any tangible asset, like gold, it presents no problem for government simply to print more. That’s what has been done since the 1970’s. It’s all a phony economy manipulated by phony politicians who have no business being there if we are to Make America Great Again.  

What irks me most is giving some level of victory to the obstructionist Marxist Democrat Party, when they have already lost all except the media and their whining voice. They don’t even deserve to be in congress. They lost everything in three consecutive national elections including the empowerment of their chosen Queen, Hillary Clinton. To still pander to the Democrat party’s demands is to insult Americans everywhere, including the President.

More to the issue of Conservatives, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, stand as the finest examples of corrupt political leadership,. They are the  complete antithesis of honest government. They are of the “swamp.” The just passed Omnibus spending bill, reluctantly signed by President Trump, is their baby. It’s a hodge-poge of idiocy, spending tax payer funds on projects that only invigorate Democrat politicians.

The irritating glee and euphoria shown by Sen. Chuckie Schemer and the Democrats dimming light, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, should be enough to alarm Conservatives everywhere. When we stop gagging, we should turn our undivided attention to removing these  RiNO’s, and many others, from office. Every incumbent Republican congressman, without at least an 80% Conservative voting record, should be challenged and removed from office.

The Senate is still locked up by a Senate rules change authored by once crazy Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, a staunch and rabid Progressive, to keep Republicans from winning any votes. It’s the filibuster rule that ensures a stacked deck against the opposition and allows the Majority Leader to change between a majority vote (51) to a super majority vote (60), when it suits his him.  It’s still in play and McConnell doesn’t use it. Hence, the Omnibus spending bill, an unread 2000 page document, yet another trick to keep the “deep state” alive,. That’s the epitome of corruption, not the hallmark of statesmanship.  I’m sick at heart with the Republican Party. They keep begging for money to support conservatives against those rascally Democrats. They’ll not get another dime until I see America Made Great Again.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Short Takes – Transportation Woes


Transportation Woes

Leave it to the media to anathematize Trump and Conservatism using any issues that flies by.

The media has become so unscrewed by their hatred of President Trump that, like the NFL, they don’t really see or understand what they are continuing to do to themselves, further tarnish their credibility and diminish their brand name. Now it’s private airplane flights by Tom Price, H&HS Secretary, doing his job that they are attacking. I don’t care.

That Sec. Price used, or had to use, a private conveyance to do his job is a symptom of a problem, not the problem. He asked for and received permission to book his flights so I don’t understand the media’s outrage. The media didn’t express outrage when our Royal Princess, Nancy Pelosi demanded and got, befitting her elitist station, a large Air Force plane to convey her back and forth non-stop to San Francisco every week when she was House Speaker. The media didn’t go berserk when Attorney General Loretta Lynch secretly booked a private plane for her flight to Arizona where incidentally, she accidentally met former president Bill Clinton, also there in his private airplane, to discuss golf and grandchildren. By the way, she doesn’t play golf and has no grandchildren.

The dysfunctional but Progressively obedient media fended off complaints when Obama flew to Hawaii aboard his presidential yacht, a huge fuel consuming 747 costing millions, several times a year not to mention all the other pleasure and campaign flights he took in it. The eight year bill for his highness’s pleasure must have been stupendous but nobody in the media was outraged. Clearly, to do so would have been racist. For Tom Price, it’s “white privilege.”

We haven’t heard one word about the private travel expenses of Obama’s many Czar’s, Department Secretaries, administrators and etc. during the eight years of gracious living they all enjoyed but, one Trump official doing his job, using the most expedient method to do so, and the Leftist media goes completely berserk.

For the media their problem remains. They can sling all the offal their dirty little hands can hold against the wall but nothing sticks because nobody believes ‘em anymore. In fact, nobody really cares because American’s voted in Donald Trump as President and no attack against him, coming from the media’s organs of Leftist propaganda, even from the rear against his appointees, is going to change that.

Every department in the Federal Govt. has a Transportation office. It’s sole reason to exist is to find the least expensive mode of transportation for government officials needing do their job in the most expeditious manner possible. Mostly, almost exclusively in fact, US Commercial Carriers are used for that purpose. Abroad, foreign carriers are authorized as needed.

In order to get that authorization for government travel, temporary duty (TDY) orders have to be cut authorizing the expense, including overnight accommodations. If the overnight is spent on a military installation, including Aircraft Carriers at sea, it still costs money and must be budgeted for. Nothing is free and nobody gets a free ride. It only has to be justified.

Travel expenses are all budgeted a year or more in advance and usually causes no problems. Upon completion of the travel, the official traveler submits a detailed expense voucher, with receipts as necessary, detailing the travel and the expense involved. In the case of Tom Price, some aide is responsible for this task. I used the term TDY, and that’s military jargon so I don’t know exactly how H&HS does it, but, there are only so many dollars budgeted per year for travel and it must be accounted for. The Mean Stream Media doesn’t report those little details. I have no clue how the Obama administration and Hillary did it, but I suspect like everything else they touch, some skullduggery was involved. It’s just a job. The media should get over it.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, Go get ‘em! (29Sept17)

Fetch Your News Interviews 2018 Candidate for Georgia Governor Clay Tippins

Election, Election 2018, Politics

BKP interviews Navy Seal, Business Executive, and 2018 Candidate for Georgia Governor Clay Tippins on Fetch Your News Tippins talks about if elected: cutting taxes, fixing schools, creating jobs, building roads, and protecting freedom.

Can The Swamp Be Drained?


Can The Swamp Be Drained?

It’s a crying shame that Dr.Tom Price, former Ga 6th District Rep. and Trumps appointed Secretary of Health & Human Services, saw it necessary to cave in to the leftist media’s tsunami attack on his transportation woes. The “Establishment”, the corrupted one world government crowd of Progressivism, can now proudly hang another trophy head on their wall. It appears the VA Secretary may be next followed by whomever shows even a hint of weakness. Beware, the establish will eat its own.

But let’s be truthful. This is not an accident. It’s a coordinated ‘establishment’ attack by our ‘betters’ to neuter Trump presidency they see as dangerous to their lifestyle. They haven’t been able to demonize or criminalize Trump, so they have now started picking around the edges claiming a trophy here and a trophy there until Trump’s vision of draining the swamp collapses into the very swamp we know he was talking about. They will drown him in vile pettiness.

They are stealing our election. Do not look to the GOP for succor. They are all in for the kill. This is larger than just Democrats and Republicans wanting to retain power; this is a massive coordinated, well funded attack by the “establishment elites,” funded by their financial cronies, to maintain the status quo. The organizers behind it don’t really care if the government is Constitutional, Socialist, Marxist or Fascists so long as the money brokers control the strings that make all us puppets dance to their tune.  

John Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio, a total establish bureaucrat, is licking his chops waiting to offer himself up once again as America’s best hope. Hope for what? Government through bipartisanship? That’s all he talks about. Hope is just wishful thinking as we learned after suffering eight years of “Hope and Change’ during the excruciating Obama days. Bipartisanship with Democrats simply means that our side caves in to their sides Progressive agenda, an agenda the American voters rejected in the past three elections and continue to reject with the recent primary election of firebrand Ala. Senatorial candidate, Judge Roy Moore.  

Now we have to continue the fight, It is incumbent upon conservative voters everywhere to stand up and be counted, to understand, as Reagan cautioned, “Don’t look to Government to solve the problem, the government is the problem” and realize that…“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!.” …Mario Savio, UC Berkeley, Dec. 2, 1965.

The ‘machine’ is trying to save itself. With the alarming exodus of Trumps conservative cabinet secretaries, presidential advisers, associates and mid-level managers, it appears the deep state could win the battle after all. The next generation following us are becoming our enemies, brainwashed as they have been by the socialist dogma spewing from lecture stands in our colleges and universities. How can it be stopped? Can the swamp be drained? How do we address America’s history without being challenged over its every perceived error?

But what about the swamp? If you haven’t read The Art of the Deal, you can’t possibly understand Trumps tactics. He will get around to draining the swamp. It’s a three step plan with steps one and two almost completed. I don’t think a mere politician has the tactical skills to compete with Donald Trump. He’s a lot smarter than the average bear. More later.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (30Sep17)

As Goes the NFL, So Goes Middle America


As Goes the NFL, So Goes Middle America

Apparently, from what I read and hear, the fast spreading flames of customer discontent to the NFL’s anti-American, anti-Veteran, anti-police position, because it is taking a “unity” stance with its over paid employees, could bring that august industry to near financial collapse. Unlike the GOP whose coming collapse is occasioned by its demonstrable untrustworthiness, the NFL’s demise will be financial. Follow the money. Sadly, I don’t think they see it coming.

The NFL, a major consumer of a large portion of middle American’s declining pot of left-over earnings, dollars left untaxed by government rules and regulations, Obamacare mandates, groceries and gasoline, is facing a catastrophe. The daily struggle to exist cost money. Nothing is free, bills must be paid and those free dollars can as easily be spent elsewhere.

Middle America not only supplies the vast earnings enjoyed by sports franchises, vendors and jersey manufactures, but it also supplies the soldiers, sailors and airmen whose job it is is to keep America safe so its citizens can enjoy the diversion of watching over paid athletes bash each other once a week in a fest of organized mayhem; or tip a little ball into a net.

In our economy, leftover from the Obama era, middle American’s exists on a shoe string, the string ends cut shorter and shorter every time Liberals gets control of the governments purse strings. Americans don’t like it, but accept it, so, to simply exist requires that they spend their free money wisely. So, the smart thing to do, one should think, is to not mess with their patriotism and treat fans like morons. The first expenses to go is that spent on entertainment.

Middle Americans entertainment dollars are spent on beer, fishing, big trucks, BBQ, the NFL and the NBA. So far fish, big trucks and Bass boats have not registered protests to Americas traditions of rendering respect to our flag, our anthem or our military. If pro sports organizations continue the trend of disrespect to those traditions, then they can expect their share of middle Americas entertainment dollars to dwindle away.

I’m not at all conflicted by what’s going on here. It’s Progressive (Marxist) politics, attacking one more of America’s remaining religious institutions, organized pro-sports. They have all but eliminated the Christin religion from our culture, so, the next “opiate of the working class,” NFL and NBA pro sports, has to go as well. Already we are seeing the trickle down effect of the disrespect the NFL is showing to America’s traditions, eight year old pee wee footballers, “taking “the knee” and wondering why. They are being taught to hate America.

That Alabama’s conservative electorate chose Judge Roy Moore to face a Democrat challenger in December over appointed Republican incumbent Luther Strange, despite the President and Vice-Presidents support of Strange, signals more problems for Mitch McConnell than for Donald Trump. That the issue rises just when the Pro Football season is just getting underway, with its unfolding political problems, is a threshold moment that bears close watching. We can suppose Trumps endorsement of Strange was a sop to McConnell to appease his hurt feelings.

The NFL, on the other hand, enters the fray at their peril. They are an entertainment business, not a political one. They need money and lots of it to pay their mostly unenlightened work force the outrageous millions of dollars the players demand. Middle America knows the difference between entertainment and politics. They want ‘em separate. Hollywood is also facing a loss of its entertainment share because they have become political too.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (27Sep17)

Who should Get The Respect?


Who Should Get the Respect?

Just what is it with this tawdry business of the NFL players not paying due respect to America’s precious emblems, especially our flag and National Anthem? It might have all started with that former German NFL Quarterback who looks like a burned tumbleweed, but it didn’t. He was the flash point for another Leftist attack on American men, part of the Left’s campaign to feminize American men by attacking the NFL from a direction other than the notion about dangerous concussions and lifelong injuries to athletes doing their jobs. What is shocking is the NFL’s jumping in to help with their own destruction.

Actually, when I first saw Kaepernick (that’s German, isn’t it?) kneeling two seasons ago during the singing of the National Anthem I thought at first he would be in big trouble for praying. It impressed me that he was humbling himself before God for his good fortune of being born an American, raised by a loving family and accepted into the ranks of America’s greatest spectacle of sports, NFL football, as a highly paid performer. I thought he would be crushed like they crushed Tim Tebow when he acknowledged his adulation to a higher power for his skills.

Then he spoke. Oh, no, he knelt because of some conceived idea about how bad blacks were still being treated by the racists police in American, wantonly killing them as they pleased and keeping them from advancement and achieving the American dream. Where did that crap come from? He makes a higher income in one game then I will in the remainder of my lifetime.

Then we learned he has a new girlfriend, in New York City, who is not only a striking beauty and a newscaster, but a Muslim as well. Now the plot thickens. Not only have the feminists found a way into neutering machismo American men (concussions), but now it appears the verbal Jihadists are in the game as well. What a surprise.

The law of unintended consequences once again revealed itself. Somehow, the leaders of the NFL thought it important enough to involve the entire NFL enterprise, every team, staff member and player, in the controversy. The Pittsburgh Steelers got top billing not only because their underprivileged head coach, an American of African descent as well as a Clinton donor and fundraiser, Mike Tomlin, counseled that the entire team should stay in barracks until the completion of the National Anthem. But, he got pissed that one player, Alejandro Villanueva, disobeyed and did present himself in public showing respect for America. No matter Villanueva was a West Point grad and a decorated Ranger trained Captain of Infantry with combat experience, he disrespected his team mates. But, did he? No, he disrespected the stupid idea that they were better than the country they lived in and the warriors that make it happen.

So, was it Donald Trump’s emotional outburst that precipitated the whole NFL orgy of self-gratification, or a media excuse to find another way to denounce their hated Trump? When I heard the comment, “sons of bitches’, I wasn’t offended or even shocked. He took the words right out of my mouth. I knew his comment was general and not directed at any individual. I was proud that my non politically correct president is still telling it like it is.

Apart from team Steelers and its management looking like the complete fools they are, the sales of Villanueva’s Jersey’s shot through the roof. Don’t you just love free enterprise! My views here are not conflicted at all. That team should have been on the field and, instead of taking the knee in prayer, each individual member should have been given the option of staying inside their safe space until the anthem was over or, remaining on the field and rendering the respect due.

The disrespect shown by decisions of the NFL, some individual team owners and coaches to our selfless warriors, police and first responders, is incomprehensible especially as the arrest rate of black NFL players has risen to nearly one a week. That’s a cultural problem.

I wonder how many actual veterans there are within the ranks of the NFL, blacks and whites. Who should get respect? Who earns it? Players who beat up their wives and girl friends, shoot up nightclubs and do drugs, or the lowly paid Infantry slug just returned from a combat tour?

America is filled with people possessing different notions of what constitutes the good life. Is it bravery, heroism and duty while proudly wearing the government’s uniform, or reaping in big salaries for being good at a sport? NFL players are in it for the money. No problem. There is no other reason for facing crushing injuries once a week for three months a year, other than getting paid big bucks for it. I got it! If a man can make a good living playing football because he’s fast and agile, can catch balls and tackle runners, then he surely earns his rewards. But, do not disrespect the soldier or policeman. That’s an attitude problem.

Unlike the combat soldier who goes into battle, whose financial rewards are minuscule but include the 50-50 chance of permanent injury or death, with a small insurance stipend waiting,  the NFL football player can look forward to the big payoffs, homes, flash cars and liquid screen TV’s for their mama’s.

If the NFL thinks they’ve won some battle because Trump called them SOB’s, they are sorely mistaken. Americans are fed up with this Leftist social engineering crap, and, to now infect the NFL with it because of political correctness, is to doom it to an oblivion faster than the Grand Old Party will get there.

Pro football is an entertainment. People pay for entertainment. People will learn quickly enough  to do without it because every community has peewee, Junior and Senior High School league football where their attention to mayhem can be directed, and their devotion to bravery and personal achievement can still be realized.

Somebody out there had better make a decision and soon. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (26Sep17)

Short Takes – Trump Didn’t Do It


Short Takes – Let The Negotiations Begin


Short Takes – Oh My What To Do


Bush Finally Speaks


Bush Finally Speaks

What did it take for former President George W. Bush to finally come out of his burrow and make a public declaration against a sitting President? No no, not against the eight years of Obama’s disastrous attempt to socialize America, or demeaning Bush’s own presidency, but against conservative Donald Trump who is intent on rescuing America from the bleak future of collectivism of the type we now see unfolding in Venezuela, and have seen in Cuba and Zimbabwe where the Political swamp dwellers in Wash. DC, were taking us.  

Bush stands as a sterling example of what’s wrong with the GOP. America has moved on and the leadership has ignored that fact. Donald Trump hasn’t! Trump is a fighter and the GOP leadership isn’t. They don’t know how. Bipartisanship is a death wish and since Trump’s election, the “collectivists” of all parties, have gone nuts. In this first year so far, Trump has accomplished more to rescue America from the evils of Obama’s socialism than have decades of political ‘go along to get along’ policies with their silly ‘hands across the aisle’ and political camaraderie  nonsense between looters. American’s are sick of it and that’s why we now have Donald Trump.  

Bush came out to protect his “Compassionate Conservatism” brand of Americanism that happily embraced the Socialist enemy, the Democrats, as bipartisan co-equals in promoting Americas health and happiness. The Establishment Republicans, for decades, have missed the whole point of the cunning scheme the Democrats have employees to “fundamentally change America.” They’re still confused as John McCain so clearly demonstrates.

The Democrats, employing Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals as their battle plan, have set Americas political agenda almost since the candidacy of George McGovern in 1972. They have plotted against American conservative values with tactics of political correctness, diversity, multiculturalism, racism, remorse and lies while the Establishment GOP’ers have totally failed to realize the serious damage their bipartisanship was doing to America.

Ultimately, content with second place by enjoying the scraps of political comradeship allotted to them by the Democrats, they finally achieved total power with promises unkept, promises never intended to be kept, totally unprepared to govern, and demonstrably incapable of doing so now that they do have both houses of Congress. They have been left reeling in horror when a fighting President finally puts their feet to the fire and forces them to make Constitutional decisions contrary to their usual norms of capitulation to Democrats.

The Democrats have all but destroyed themselves. They are in disarray across the entire country and divided in even knowing which direction to take their party: to the middle or further left. The Democrats still in Congress are incapable of doing anything other than obstruct and delay and the Republicans let ‘em get away with it. Republican leadership, or whatever it’s called, simply doesn’t have the killer instinct to drive a stake into the heart of the vampire Socialist Democrat party, even prostate as they are. They still speak of bipartisanship.

Reading the text of Bush’s speech, I just imagined it was spoken by Bill Clinton. There was nothing said that Clinton or even Barack Obama wouldn’t have said which explains why Bush’s presidency was a failure. Even Nancy Pelosi, despite reports of her oncoming dementia, still insists on impeaching Donald W. Bush. The Republicans don’t recognize they are in a fight for America’s soul. The fraternity club they have co-existed in is rapidly coming to an end so, they can dry off Bush and send him back to his burrow. He’s not needed anymore. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!. (20Oct17).

Rescinding The Regulatory State


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