The Comey Incident


Opinion written by George McClellan:

Former FBI Director James Comey’s opening statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee, not the seven page pre-scripted nonsense leaked to the press the day before, was a self-serving, bitter, exculpatory exercise in whining about losing, a rectification perhaps for his past bad deeds. Besides, he really hates Donald Trump. But, so does the GOP for that matter.

Any further time wasted by Democrats in the vain hope that anything Comey could say to help their radical leftist media driven agenda to destroy Donald Trump, is a futile exercise. They will have to keep searching. The value of Comey’s testimony to the Progressive attacks against President Trump legitimacy only reveals to Americans just how rotten, crooked and subversive the Democrat party and their media cohorts have really become. Comey is one of ‘em!

Comey’s testimony will be consigned to the history books as a footnote in the chapter on sour losers. But unfortunately, heartened by his fellow travelers in corruption, the Democrats, the press and the “Never Trump Republicans,” the attacks on Trumps illegitimacy will go on and on.

Comey’s is a phony. He admitted he was a leaker for which justification were outlined in the convoluted rhetoric he published before his testimony. For him his final fifteen minutes of fame was a catharsis of sorts, marking the realization that his suddenly ended career as protector of the corrupt elites with the power to break other peoples careers while suborning the establishments high crimes and misdemeanors, had finally ended.

Comey admitted he wasn’t a Captain Courageous and was afraid to face down the new President. We knew that when he exculpated Hillary Clinton and passed on her illegal activity.

In a way, Comey was lucky. If Hillary Clinton had cause to fired him for what he did and knows, he could have been either dead by now or promoted to the Supreme Court. “You pay your money, you take your chances,” that’s how the corrupt elites do business. Comey had a choice. If he couldn’t tell the President “No”, then resign! That’s courage. But, when he lies and obfuscate his answers, creates an after action “memo” that he circulates to the NY Times, the purpose of which was to sew more confusion about events, then that’s cowardly if not treasonous. It could get you fired!

The arguable Issues of “he said-he said” discussions, come out of a couple of early meetings between Comey and President Trump where, allegedly, the President asked for loyalty, (a “yes or no” answer would do), help find the leakers in the new administration, announce publicly that the President was not a subject of an FBI investigation, as he said privately three times and maybe, take it easy on Flynn, but not kill the Flynn investigation.

Forget the Russian collusion nonsense. It didn’t happen but, bet on it, the radical media won’t let that one go because they did rifle through the DNC’s emails, didn’t they? Thanks, John Podesta.

The Director of the FBI cannot wear two hats, loyal to the country he works for and against the administration in power. Comey proved that was a myth. It in fact does. They do take sides.

  1. Edgar Hoover, the first FBI Director and basically its founder, wasn’t a political animal, he hated all politicians, collected every scrap of dirt he could find on ‘em and held that information close to his chest until needed. Politicians did what Hoover wanted and Hoover lasted a very long time. Things are going to get nasty around here. We need to have Trump’s back.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (08Jun17)


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