Short Takes – Its Time to Get In Front of the Enemy!
Opinion, Politics February 22, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
By all appearances it seems the Marxists Democrats are near achieving their goal of destroying American capitalism to replace success with the endearing misery of top down government collectivism. They have been working toward this goal for over three decades and are gaining momentum because we ignored what they taught in our schools and they didn’t. Now our streets are awash with a generation of youths who hates America and actively work for its destruction firm in the belief that Socialism is superior to Capitalism and should be the true and lasting government for all America. Little do they know the woe that is coming if they succeed!
As pro American citizens we can no longer react after the fact to the loss of our constitutional freedoms, but work to get ahead of the Left’s continuing assault on the standards that made America great. It appears to be an overwhelming task but it needs to be faced. Everybody needs to get involved. Currently we cannot rely on the Republican Party. We must look elsewhere but, a third party is not the answer. Conservatives must retake the Republican party.
One wonders why there is still a fence around Wash. DC and 6000 National Guard soldiers standing around looking menacing? Democrats want to demonstrate by the image of fear, that there is a vast right-wing conspiracy of domestic terrorists, white right-wing weirdo’s like Oath Keepers and numerous others, composed mainly of retired or ex-soldiers and policemen who took their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and still believe that oath counts for something! As individual citizens we must ignore those false accusations and continue to resist this unconstitutional effort by the Left to impose their total dominance over our great America. We cannot give in to these political criminals!
President Trump showed us how to get it done and they couldn’t handle him so his destruction, by hook or crook, was employed. Anybody who doesn’t believe election fraud actually occur in those five important electoral states, is an ignorant fellow traveler and denier. In Georgia, that includes twenty-six Republicans State Senators who refused to sign the petition to investigate the obvious fraud that occurred in the recent US Senatorial election here. They are: Butch Miller (R-Gainesville), John Albers (R-Roswell), Lee Anderson (R-Grovetown), Ellis Black (R-Valdosta), Dean Burk (R-Bainbridge), Bill Cowsert (R-Athens), Mike Dugan (R-Carrollton), Bill Heath (R-Bremen), Billy Hickman (R-Statesboro), Chuck Hufstetler (R-Rome), John Kennedy (R-Macon), Kay Kirkpatrick (R-Marietta), P.K. Martin IV (R-Lawrenceville), Jeff Mullis (R-Chickamauga), Chuck Payne (R-Dalton), Randy Robertson (R-Cataula), Jesse Stone (R-Waynesboro), Brian Strickland (R-McDonough), Carden Summers (R-Cordele), Blake Tillery (R-Vidalia), Larry Walker III (R-Perry), Ben Watson (R-Savannah), John Wilkinson (R-Toccoa), Frank Ginn (R-Danielsville), Lindsey Tippens (R-Marietta), and Renee Unterman (R-Buford).
These Senators, not concerned if your vote was counted or not or the machines were rigged, gives the appearance that they have an allegiance to the New World Order (China’s) as did Gov Kemp, Lt. Gov. Duncan &. SoS Raffensperger! These politicians can only remain in power if Georgia voters allow it. They must all be removed from office. Conservatism can’t wait until the next election cycle. We forget too easily and they will continue to control the levers of election law. We were snookered by the promise of machine voting. Georgia politicians have been controlling our vote even before Gov Kemp spent $170 billion buying them. That just made it easier. Often they are used to remove uncooperative Senators or Representatives by simply running their own candidate who can be controlled. Its time we acknowledge the fact that in Georgia our elections are questionable and our politicians don’t want a system that is.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (21Feb21)
The Never Changing Fog of Politics – Distractions
Opinion, Politics February 9, 2021
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
Obama’s administration was a dedicated exercise in anti-Americanism, wallowing in hypocrisy and racism unequaled both in its ineptitude but the lasting damage they committed upon the American People. They did it all in the name of feeling good. It was a criminal reign of rapacious failure that Trump, we had hoped, would put an end to. But alas, it has reared its ugly head again with the presidential imposter and China stooge, Joe Biden, racing to sign as many Executive Orders that his masters can push under his pen to neutralize Trump’s successful pro American programs. China Joe is a criminal and a Maoist Fellow Traveller. The ultimate goal is the New World Order and make no mistake, China will become our masters if they succeed.
Alarmed citizens, now keenly aware that Trumps election was undoubtedly stolen by fraud, stealth and connivence, can only watch impotently as our borders are being flooded again by poor disease ridden peasants from third world countries and Islamic terrorists while our prisons are releasing the worst of felons back onto our streets and our oil energy needs are being returned to other sources to be replaced by inefficient and expensive Green energy schemes are promoted over common sense and cost effectiveness. World Climate Change is a scam!
We’re being conned by the tactics of diversions by fear in the fog of politics. Look at that awful Marjorie Taylor Green; see how Conservatism has spawned the evils of domestic terrorism; demean the second amendment, but never mind the black on black gun murder rate in Chicago, Baltimore and many other Blue cities. To point it out is to be racist! To doubt the fairness of the imposter Biden’s elections outcome is to practice blasphemous witchcraft that should get you banned from using your first amendment rights; and, to even think you need to defend yourselves with firearms is a mark of mental derangement. Red Flag laws should take care of that. Government will protect you. Get used to it! All distractions!
While we sit around wondering what to do and how to do it, ie: to get America back into Trumps hands again or someone like him, the Left, ignoring the Constitution and even court orders unless it suits them, pushes their goal of a New World Order. It appears that even the courts have abandoned their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution as well. Distractions!
I’ll repeat it again, all politics are local because state legislators sit at the very heart of our constitutional system and actually possess the power to force changes in Federal law making. They just don’t know it. That means local politicians need to be educated in their actual Constitutional duties not simply agreeing to what the Left has told them how its supposed to work. We need to make ’em do it, Our locals spend more time in the fog it seems, then is safe.
Georgia’s political non-response to its own election fraud has shown the rest of us that our local representatives, aren’t our representatives, They can influence the Constitutional amendment process and actually reform our states election laws but will they? Who thought mail in ballots were fair? A Marxist did and our nincompoop Secretary of State, not knowing our States Constitution or his role in it, arbitrarily and unlawful negotiated changes to the whining’s of Stacy Abrams that in the end, lost our two senate seats to communists. He couldn’t do that but our legislatures apparently were okay with it because nothing got done at all, to correct the damage.
Another priority now, is to ask all candidates and incumbents, exactly what is the level of their financial involvement with the Chinese Communist party and demand an answer. Nobody gets off the hook on that one, not even China Joe. It will come back to get him! We’ve got work to do!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now. go do get ’em! (08Feb21)
Are We Now Almost a Totalitarian State?
Opinion, Politics February 8, 2021
The Democrats are calling the shots now but the minds of Obama, Pelosi, AOC, Schumer, and the lesser apparatchiks of the Democrat Party like Comrade Joe and Camel what’s her name, have been so poisoned by the unmitigated success of businessman cum President, Donald John Trump, that their irrational fear of him, even possibly rising from the grave, haunts their every move. They should be afraid. He’s not dead and they only have a two year window in which to complete their hoped for conversion of America into the totalitarian state they seek, even as they fearfully peek over their shoulders for the revenge that’s coming!
In their uncompromising fury at their failure to overthrow Trump over four years while he actually Made America Great making them to look like the losers they are, their final gambit was to actually steal the election. In that they succeed! Theoretically, Trump is gone from power but his aura of achievement haunts them and they fear his second coming!
Their next step, to neutralize Trumps base, has begun. To do so the Democrats created a free speech issue into which some enthusiastic Trump supporters stumbled with the 06 Jan matter of entering the US Capitol Building unlawfully. But, I saw doors being opened by what appeared to be uniformed Capitol police officers waving protesters into the halls of congress. Didn’t you? Did Nancy Pelosi arrange that?
But like all nefarious schemes, there timing was off by over an hour. The Democrats own stormtroopers, BLM and Antifa’s in place to violently storm the building disguised with red MAGA hats and Trump signs, expected to ensnare Trump supporters into becoming the face of the new domestic terrorism definition. But, they started an hour before President Trump even made his speech. No matter; Pelosi screamed it was an insurrection and a coup attempt and seized the opportunity to demonize everyone who appeared in the Capitols surveillance cameras, anyone who denounced China Joe Biden’s election victory and Trump supporters in general as “domestic Terrorists” and enemies of the state. The FBI round-up of AI identified participants started in ernest as agents are now swarming out into American communities to either make arrests or frighten citizens into compliance to Democrats Maoist orthodoxy.
With that business underway, and being trumpeted by their CNN – MSNBC propaganda arms as undisputed fact, the Democrats have started in on disenfranchising duly elected Republican politicians, especially those who made objections in the electoral confirmation process, calling them traitors, plotters and enemies of the State, the State of course, being the Democrat Party that temporarily holds the presidency and both houses of Congress.
First up was Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, a great conservative Republican who clearly understood the election fraud and vote theft for what is was, the Democrats desperate attempts to create the impression that the stolen election was in fact, fair and honest and Josh Hawley’s denial of it therefore makes him a certifiable kook to be dismissed! I can actually see Hawley as a potential Conservative Presidential Candidate one day, not that I’m all that keen on Senators becoming Presidents. Hasn’t worked yet!
Next target was the feisty and outspoke Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (Ga-14), who, unlike the New York nut case AOC, et al, is not permitted to have opinions contrary to the Marxists edicts. The Democrats don’t like Republican who fight so MTG has to go. She was stripped from all her committee assignments with eleven Republicans agreeing to the action. The GOP leadership basically gave lip service to her removal from those committees but they don’t know what storm they may have unleashed. “Free at last, free at last, Thank God, she’s free at last!” Greene, no longer tethered to democrat run committees that are ruining American, now has free rein to organize opposition to the Democrats unAmerican policies among other conservative Republicans. I’ve luncheoned with at least twice in her campaign for the Ga-14 seat, with Joe McCutchen’s Ellijay conservative campaign support group and I know she’s an organizer as well as a fighter and pro American conservative doer, as anyone can be.
In contrast, we don’t hear protests to her ill treatment from the GOP side, do we? Why is that? What are they afraid of? They don’t want to be tainted. If they object to her earlier opinions about lasers from space platforms starting western wild fires, etc., at least their seems to be enough tech evidence developed to ask questions. Remember, it is also alleged that a blue laser beam destroyed the AT&T facility in Nashville, Tn. just two months ago. While I’m not sold about lasers from space yet, unless the US Space Force is holding something back, that whole business of the explosion on a Nashville Street has disappeared completely from the news. Is something being hiding from us? If so, what and more importantly, why? For the record there are laser beam satellites up there now poised to out take enemy satellites if a war starts. Think China Russia, Iran and possibly No. Korea! We have ’em too!
No one ever objects to the second most odious woman in Congress, Maxine Waters, when she told her followers to confront Trump supporters at restaurants, in stores and anywhere you find them, get in their faces and make a scene. Wasn’t she fomenting insurrections? No one complained when the stupidest Congressman ever, Adam Schiff lied about having positive evidence of Trumps collusion with Russia, when he didn’t; and no one complains when the third most odious woman in congress, Shelia Jackson Lee, demands full background investigations plus an $800.00 fee for all gun owners new and existing! Why are they permitted to attempt to nullify the US Constitution without censure?
The Democrats antiTrump derangement will continue, either until they’re gone or Trump is. Trump lives securely in their heads and It is our duty as Conservatives and Trump supporters, to keep the Trump Legacy alive, front and center for the next four years. One certain way to stay in their heads and keep ’em demented is for every Republican Party in every County and in every State in the union to celebrate Trumps Presidential legacy loudly and ostentatiously every month with party’s and demonstrations, speech making and a constant display of signs and banners proclaiming “Trump Won,” especially in June on the occasion of Trumps Birthday. That should drive ’em crazy, and keep ’em there! Its time to take the gloves off, don’t you think?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (06Feb21)
The Path to a New World Order; A Maoist One!
Opinion, Politics February 5, 2021
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
Once government has sufficiently instilled Americans with enough fear over a stupid virus, and we stupidly comply without demanding logical and truthful answers not based on junk science, then they will have no fear of us resisting their New World Order takeover. The UN thinks it will be them but that organization has been so infiltrated by China’s trained Maoists that it will be China, not western bureaucratic Marxists theorists, who will become our masters. It’s as easy to buy scientists as it is to buy politicians, like Eric Swalwell, Diane Feinstein and China Joe!
But for now, we should focus our attention closer to home like the Georgia City of Peachtree Corners for example that has installed, without the consent of the people, a Chinese AI copy of George Orwell’s total surveillance state. It’s working successfully in China. Cameras are now up and functioning in Peachtree Corners with facial recognition software, to determine who’s not keeping the states 6 feet distance mandate, who’s not wearing a mask and who’s not complying with the states (in this case Peachtree Corner) mandate for totalitarian compliance. Facial ID technology will identify the offender’s who, if not confronted by some authority then and there, will be visited at their homes later to demand compliance or issue a citation or, indeed make an arrest. Health department bureaucrats could very easily become Americas Gestapo, armed with absolute authority to control every aspect of our lives, for our safety of course.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued an Executive Order, renewed nine times already, that allows health officials to enter your homes, regardless of 4th amendment protections, if it is suspected a member of your household could be infected with the Wuhan Virus, to seize or isolate that person or persons for the safety of the collective. We must resist such stupidity!
To date, we don’t hear about any push backs to Red Flag laws” already installed in some Blue jurisdictions that operates on the premiss that a complaint from some citizen, good and true (snowflakes), who finds reason to object to ones possession of a 2nd amendment protected firearm, wants police authority to seize ’em. Indeed some “Blue State” jurisdictions have gone wild trying to steal citizens guns under the meme of “Public Safety.” The totalitarian state is trying desperately to achieve a foothold of unconstitutional authority over the citizenry. We must understand what’s going on and resist their demonic efforts to enslave us. An armed citizenry is a safe citizenry and we, not they, have the legal authority to defend ourselves from all enemies foreign and domestic, and that includes Emperor Xi Jingping’s Maoist Democrat Party.
If we allow government to break the laws simply because of an emergency and get away with it, then they’ll create more emergencies to break the law. We see this unfold constantly with petit Blue State dictators ordering seizures of people and property under the guise of a phony pandemic by ordering business and churches to close while strip clubs and other favored pro Liberal business can remain open. We must resist that narrative as well.
China’s Wuhan Virus is a Trojan Horse for the One World Government crowd so they can assert their authoritarianism, create the surveillance state, mandate vaccinations, change the monetary basis of our US economy and use AI to replace common laborer jobs. Protests by a half dozen citizens in the city of LA, are now labeled by the MSM as right wing terrorists assaulting the good works of government to protect its citizens. Nonsense! It is government terrorism to mandate compliance to their totalitarian policies. I suggest you review and sites to understand what’s really happening to our government. We’re on the way to totalitarism if we don’t! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go view ’em! (04Feb21)
Is Their Growing Panic In The Establishment GOP?
Opinion, Politics January 30, 2021
Already soft-spoken voices in the GOP are breathlessly telling the Republican base that Republicans can’t be fighting each other, that we must come together to present a united front! I like the united front theme. It explains why so many Republicans chose to unify with the Democrat Marxists in support of their own hatred of Donald Trump, if not actually participating in election fraud against him to turn our government over to the Marxists. It’s goodbye America!
But, that’s the problem, isn’t it? Unity means one side must abandon their principles to the other side for the sake of unity. Why should Trump supporters give up their principles to the RiNO infested Republican Party’s Establishment when Trump never did? To do so would leave the establishment elites totally in charge of the Conservative political message and the checkbook, and we would be back to square one again. Nope! Don’t want to go there. They are in a panic!
Donald Trump has remarkably, been the most effective American leader since Abraham Lincoln to confront the serious divisions in America’s body politic. He changed our thinking, focused our attention on the corruption within the federal government, especially in the nation’s supposedly most elite Law Enforcement agency, the FBI, filled as it turned out with elements of rotten corrupt cops and lawyers occupying the leadership to keep the other elites safe from harm.
Trump exposed the corruption in government and seeing his success, we don’t want to go back to the old ways. The crook, China Joe Biden, and the cheating Democrats are working overtime to keep what they gained. Don’t expect 2024 to be a cakewalk because we think American voters will have voters remorse and happily reinstall Republicans. No, no! The Democrats have achieved their goal, total power, and will never give it up without a fight, especially to Trump!
For years Democrats tried unsuccessfully to sell socialism to Americans but Americans didn’t need nor want collectivization. Now, It will be forced on us. Expect clueless Biden to promote the Left’s demands to reprogram Trump supporters. As George Orwell told us in ‘1984,’ “Truth is treason in an empire of lies; and in a time of treason truth is a revolutionary act.” That explains why a California Democrat feels free to demand that Speaker Pelosi disenfranchise Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga-14) because he fears her conservatism? Are we to accept his demand is better than what Georgia voters demanded? Who the hell is he? He’s a Commie maggot that needs to be sent to the Gulag himself for his reeducation.
But, I drift away from my point, the lack of GOP Unity, and how to solve it. The best answer is to replace all incumbents with conservatives willing to face a Democrats firing squad. Not easy! Trump is gone but, he took the party with him. GOP’s deep state leader, Kevin McCarthy, himself in danger of being replaced, is in Mar Largo fawning at the feet of Donald Trump wondering what Trump intends to do. To do? Get rid of ’em, that’s what to do, and we must help!
Forget a Patriot Party. Trump doesn’t want it. Trump already has the Republican Party and the GOP elites had better have a Come to Jesus talk with themselves or they too may soon be wandering in the wilderness. Desperate voices don’t work for America so Conservatives need to be ready for the call, and challenge Democrats all the time because our elites won’t do it!
Consider, the 2020 election saw Republicans gain state and local seats everywhere. Pelosi doesn’t have a solid majority and she knows it. In two short years, we should be able to take back both houses of Congress, If not obstructed by our old GOP “establishment elites.”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (29Jan21)
Thinking Practically, Does China Rule America?
Opinion, Politics January 26, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
Emperor Xi Jingping of China, having successfully installed his puppet the criminal imposter Joe Biden on the chair of the leadership of the free world, must be wondering how in the world he happened to pick a demented dufus like Joe rather than a more politically astute and groomed individual from his secret cadre of trained fellow travelers, like Eric Swalwell for example, who easily fell prey to the undoubted charms of a honey pot entrapment agent? Joe was bought! So who’s the most astute? Can it be Kamala Harris? How does she fit in, really?
We should not forget the probable damage done by Ca. Sen. Diane Feinstein’s Chinese chauffeur spy for twenty years, or the multiple Chinese graduate students, professors and researchers who have infiltrated our institutions of higher education for decades as well as the commercial enterprises of the Military-Industrial Complex that supply our defense establishments with the tools for our national security. It’s a good bet we’ve been screwed!
Bribery and secret sex trysts are still two of the spy trade crafts surest methods of opening the doors to governments secrets. Homosexuality once made up the triumvirate of successful ways to suborn potential dupes as spies but, alas, that’s by the board now, societal perversion being forced on us as an accepted form of life style not to be shamed but celebrated!
So, America is now saddled with an illegitimate imposter as chief executive; a VP unwanted by anyone, even her own party as Joes sure successor, while a dysfunctional Democrat Party seething with rabid, frothing at the mouth Marxist losers filled with hatred against undoubtedly, Americas most successful President ever. We’re in a race to the bottom and China patiently awaits. Conservative Americans beware. We have a job to do that requires your involvement!
The imposter Criminal-in-Chief, Joe Biden attended his first press conference yesterday. Will wonders never cease? I’ve seen a healthier face staring at me out of a coffin. Joes press corp questioners were his pre-selected, pre-briefed fake news toadies who lobbied softball questions that only Joe could screw up. Gone is the high energy repartee of imitation reporters standing their ground making Marxist points to challenge our real president on his MAGA policies. Joe was left with a successful economy, a more than successful effort to support the China Virus vaccination process so, Joe’s biggest problem is how to denounce Trumps success while claiming if for himself. They’ll try to do that as well with Trumps highly successful economic and employment policies that fell prey to the China Virus. Obama had no roll ini t! If only!
So, here’s the imposter trying to “Build, Bigger, Better” and he immediately throws thousands of union workers out of jobs with thousands more to come by closing down the XL pipeline, shuttering oil drilling by all means and reducing coal use until all mines are closed. Talk about unemployment! How’s that working for us? Petroleum is the life blood of avery industrial nation. The argument that carbon exhaust emissions from vehicles is raising the earths temperatures to dangerous BS levels ignores the real culprits, the Sun, about which we can do nothing except wear sun screen and large hats, and the 1500 or so active volcanos worldwide, not to mention the uncounted ones roiling out of the oceans sea beds. For the record, America has 169 potentially active volcanos that could erupt at anytime like St.Helens did recently. So why does the climate control crowd insist we depend on silly windmills and sun light for our energy when they are inefficient and not cost effective, being subsidized by government? They know it. Their next task if they stay in power, is to make us dependent on coal and oil from China. That should seal the deal, don’t you think?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (26Jan21)
The Purge That’s Coming!
Opinion, Politics January 26, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
The GOP’s Never Trumpers & Republicans for Biden cabal of corrupted politicians, don’t realize the danger coming at ’em. I wrote, following the Left’s successful coup against President Trump, there are now two Republican party’s, Trumps, if he wishes to embrace it and the other one, and the other one is in danger of being replaced. Good riddance! It’s a start!
I think the purge may have started to roll in Arizona. The Arizona Republican Party under the strong leadership of Chairwomen Kelli Ward has censured, for what its worth now, Cindy McCain, John McCains widow, Az. Gov. Doug Ducey, and former Az GOP Sen Jeff Flake (what an appropriate name) for actively supporting President Trump removal. Kelli Ward has shown her true conservative grit as a solid supporter of President Trump who, unlike the three mentioned above, has stood firmly against endorsing the Lefts baseless claims of no election fraud in her state. McCain’s response was to claim pride in what she did and offer her services to the Biden administration. In Arizona, the other GOP is losing ground among its traditional conservative base and Ward who believes in “faith, family and freedom” remains a strong rally point not only to revitalize the states GOP but to show the way forward for Trump’s 75 million other supporters around the country. She believes its important for Conservatives to become radical to keep America great! The Democrats decry radicalism if it has a conservative face, but ignore it when their Stormtroopers, the Antifa and BLM, continue to conduct outrages in Blue cities even after the Left grabbed their prize. They ignore however, that Republicans did win local and state offices in record numbers. So, what’s the problem? The other GOP still holds the purse strings,
On the federal level the GOP minority leader, Rep Kevin McCarthy expressed concerns about the vote for Liz Cheney’s for impeachment from GOP leadership. Why? Because she’s shown her nonconservative creds and needs to be replaced. His concern is probably because he’s next. Then there’s a photo of a smiling Mitch McConnell bumping elbows with the odious Nancy Pelosi demands explanation if not condemnation. Mitch might find solace in the comity of the Congress but fails miserably when confronted with anything that could compromise his wife’s Chinese business interests. Elaine Cho McConnell was Trumps Transportation Secretary and quite possibly a sleeper agent for China’s emperor Ji Jingping. Who knows? The NSA does.
We can’t ignore Sen. Lindsay Graham either. A smooth talking salesman, he did good work supporting Trump’s judges selections but his promise to investigate deep state crimes exposed in the public arena simply disappeared down the rat hole. No one in the elite establish, and that includes Graham, will never see the inside of a prison.
At last, Sen. Chuck Schumer’s ambitions have been met and, like McConnell and the other anti-Trumpers, he has abandoned for power alone, all laudatory principles worth upholding except lying, cheating and stealing. Wash DC Power is all that matters.
The prize creep of the ‘other GOP party’ is the soft spoken but extreme “Never Trumper” Mitt Romney. I no longer watch Fox News but an interview came up on my smart phone of Romney being interviewed by Fox loser Chris Wallace. As expected, Romney agreed Trump caused an insurrection and should be tried, but as he hadn’t heard the evidence in trial yet, he reserved his decision to vote for or against impeachment. One wonders if Utah voters are as organized as Arizona in recognizing the political dangers to America if these people are allowed to retain their power? Are these people nuts or what? Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (24Jan21)
Is Their Trouble in the Democrat Paradise?
Opinion, Politics January 22, 2021
Written and Submitted by George McClellan.
One day after the Democrats claimed the big prize, inaugurating a mumbling nincompoop,
China Joe Biden as president, it would appear the Dragon they unleashed on Trump’s America
for four long years under the false flags of racism, diversity, police brutality, the evil of whiteness,
etc. is coming back to bite ’em. I mean the Antifa’s and BLMs in Portland, Or who assaulted the
Democrat Party HQ there, attacked a police officer and overturned his vehicle thus destroying
public property. That’s a news headline today that will be gone tomorrow. It actually started on
06Jan 21, when Antifa’s & BLM infiltrated peaceful Trump protesters to criminally invade the
halls of Congress to discredit Trump followers as wicked insurrectionists.
For the radicals, its time to collect on a bill that’s due from the Dems. None of this follow the
Party line BS, but total Marxism or nothing at all except the promise of renewed conflict on the
streets. I can’t quite see that as a call for unity, can you? Will Oregon authorities seek out and
destroy the black clad, white liberal thugs who committed the outrage in Portland with the same
enthusiasm the FBI is after supposed white radicals who peacefully supported Trump to
denounce the election theft that placed an imposter in the Presidency? Don’t bet on!
The criminal, China Joe Biden’s call for “unity” can’t happen because there is no effort on the
Democrat side to exhibit any such unity, Pelosi and Schumer being a case in point. They don’t
want to come together. They want the history and all evidence of Trumps successes to be
erased from memory because it reveals their own history of failure.
Then comes the radicals, the Antifa’s and BLM imitation Bolsheviks demanding that everybody
will adapt a collectivist attitude, “group think” if you prefer, such as is being imposed upon us
right now with this asinine face mask nonsense. The Democrats live in their own cauldron of
political turmoil and refuse to even acknowledge any crimes that can be remotely attributed to
them. “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else.”
The Democrat crimes that still exist unanswered, protected by the elite establishments deep
state, are determined to avoid any accountability for anything except “It must be Trump’s fault.”
That’s why, Hillary Clinton, John Brennen, James Comey, Stroke, & Page, among others, still
walk the streets of Washington DC, unmolested let alone afraid of retribution from official
sources. Being Democrats, they are sacrosanct and not to be touched.
With Trump, at long last gone directly from the scene, the still fearful Democrats are pursuing
their assault on the truth by attacking Trumps conservative base, characterizing them (us) as
dangerous radicals to be rounded up and tried for treason or shot down in the streets like wild
dogs. To deny that Biden is the legitimate president and not the imposter he really is, put there
by China’s Emperor Ji, is seditions as well a treasonous and worthy of removal or reeducation.
Chances are If you see somebody openly wearing a MAGA hat today, you might be looking at
an Antifa/BLM radical trying to sniff out Trump supporters for “reset” treatment.
Biden’s inauguration ceremony was a joke. If Biden needed 25,000 troops to protect him from
the people, maybe its because the People didn’t want him! That goes for the VP too! It was a TV
spectacle, no crowds except soldiers, flags fluttering to fill in for lack off people, fencing to keep
what few citizens who did show up away; no happiness and no enthusiasm. Joe will be gone
soon and Harris, whose history of career advancement didn’t discriminate between what
haylofts she frequented, will soon take his place. That, I think, was the Establishments plan all
along! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way! Now, go get ’em! (21Jan21)
Short Takes – On A Roll, to Where?
Opinion, Politics January 18, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
The Marxist Democrat Party, for a short time expecting to be our masters, is on a fast roll desperate to completely erase Donald Trump and everything associated with him over the four years of economic and civil success he brought to America. A populist Donald Trump, Americas shocking 2016 choice for President, quickly exposed the depth of corruption in the elite establishments deep state. The odious apparatus of Marxist politics swung into action and launched four useless, but expensive years trying to hound Donald Trump out of office.
But, by their failure to remove him by hook or crook, the Marxist had one shot left, steal the 2020 election. Their reckless greediness revealed their manipulations in voting districts everywhere with Incomparable voting numbers for a nincompoop idiot, a bought Chinese implanted agent of influence, to be President. That story is not over by a long shot.
Their failure to destroy him over his four years, the sloppy administration of their cunning election theft scheme exposed their hypocrisy. Clumsily seizing the election from the majority of American voters, the Democrats wanting us to heal, fell to a remaining Marxist tactic to discredit Trump, physical violence and in your face confrontation. They launched a noisy but deadly assault on the Congress of the US by their Antifa and BLM thugs, (think Nazi SD & SS types) to show Trump supporters as the insurrectionists responsible. Subsequent police investigations have quickly revealed exactly the opposite. Now, its time to discredit all 75 million Trump supporters as a dangerous collaboration of Fifth Columnists, conspiracy theorists and, believe it or not, threats to the state. Trump told us: “They weren’t after him they were after us; he just stood in their way.”
The imposter-elect, the criminal China Joe Biden, now stands in the public forum calling for all Americans to accept his election so we can come together and heal! But what is his major theme? To wear face masks! America will not heal. The Democrat machine has shown itself to be not only tyrannical as a political opponent but as Americas enemy within. Our re-education should start soon but only if we roll over and submit to their tyranny. They’ll start with face masks, then the dangers of global warming and we’ll watch the ultimate re-collapse that Obama, brought us of Americas economy! Gone with the Democrat orchestrated assault on the Capital was any further focus on China’s role in our election, Hunter Biden’s lap top revelations of pedophilia, payoffs to the “Big Man” his Dad, China Joe, his Ukrainian Burisma role or his drug use that got him kick out of the Navy.
The purge has started. Whether it succeeds or not depends on us individually. Joe Scarborough pontificated: “Trump broke the law, arrest him!” while hotel chains, big Tech companies, China box stores and other big companies that want to stay in business have nearly all jumped ship from Trumps outstanding economic success, to join hands with the cabal of world globalism. To kick Trump when he’s down, some Republicans included, is a bad omen for the future.
Healing cannot occur unless everyone agrees to join the sheep herd the Democrats want! We’re free Americans. We want to stay that way. Instead of forming up as Trump Caucus groups, renew the Tea Party’s or attend Republican rally’s, change the narrative like the Democrats do and call yourselves: Anti-Communist Assembly’s instead. The Republican brand is far too damaged to be rehabilitated or pursue a successful self-defense posture for American nationalism. It is in fact, Communism we confront. Learn it, teach it, reveal its weakness and destroy it finally, or America will be gone forever. We can do it!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (17Jan21)
Short Takes- The Beaten Housewife Theory
Opinion, Politics January 12, 2021
The incredible rush by the “Establishment,” and I mean the corrupted “elites” composed of both the Marxist Democrats and enough silly Republicans to be dangerous, to rid themselves of their Nemesis Donald Trump, is short of breathtaking. ‘Quick, now, we’ve got to destroy him before he wakes up!’
The continuous media lies about what Trump said as opposed to what we see and hear, confirms the sorry truths of why abused women (think many Americans) stay with their abusive husbands (think the MSM). It’s because they are weak, have been fed with empty promises for so many years, occasionally gifted with a nice treat like a free cell phone, minimal free medical care & etc, that the occasional beating don’t matter anymore. To abandon that wonderful socialist cornucopia of free goodies would be like cutting your own cord and floating off into deep space.
To nearly all information sources, at least those still allowed to operate without censure, Trump is evil incarnate and must be removed forthwith before he does more damage to their corrupt but still collapsing evil empire. We are now facing a China controlled corporate America, no longer a democratic republic. We’ve fumbled it away! Many of our children have been indoctrinated into Marxist theory, trained to hate America and are pushing that very narrative.
In 2016, seventy-five million Americans voted for Trump to be our President. Not because he was presidential but because he wasn’t, and those millions stayed with him all the way to November 5th, 2020, only to witness the greatest theft in American History. Trump supporters are now under rabid attack lest Trump should pull some miracle out of his hat and stay.
Trump needs all his supporters to be engaged to stop this greatest election theft in history from succeeding. Mounds of evidence, videos, affidavits and witness’s, confirm the theft, even as our courts decline to review it and the main stream media abusers claim that all is baseless nonsense without foundation. Letters to the editor and call-in complaints to radio programs voicing your outrage may overcome the beatings if everyone does it.
Our email system has not yet been closed down because of contending conservatives opinions. Use it! Also, call and email every state legislator, every congressman, every governor, every elected official you can and demand answers as to why they are allowing this theft to take place and demand that the 2020 election be corrected. The presidency does belong to the rightful winner by a landslide, Donald J. Trump and we expect him to fill it for four more years. Why do they refuse? They fear their own censure and they fear chaos! It’s coming anyway!
A major problem of course, is that we’re dealing with social media outlets that have become our self-appointed censors while continuing to feed us threats and crackpot conspiracy theories over which we fret and mumble and waste our time and time is running out.
We’re in a battle between good and evil. A great line from the movie “Usual Suspects” was: “The greatest trick the devil every pulled was to convince people he didn’t exist.” Don’t doubt that the good wins in the end, but consider Ronald Reagan’s advice: Trust but verify! We are on the vey cusp of a civil war. If that’s so, be assured there will be a lot of death and destruction because the Establishment, if the criminal, China Joe Biden wins, with the corporate establishment, will hold all the reins of power both Nationally and Internationally, against us, to keep it. Stop ’em!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (12Jan21)
The Awful Aftermath
Opinion, Politics January 8, 2021
Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
What happened yesterday in Washington DC, while inconceivable, could not have been unexpected. After seventy-seven million Trump voters saw their votes stolen, after being exposed to four years of violence without consequences, calls for defunding society’s protectors accompanied by murders and arsons, and realizing a double standard of justice really exists, how can it not be unexpected, like the unattended pot that boils over, that violence would flare up somewhere? This time it was our nations capital where denizens of the Deep State sought to ratify the greatest crime of the 21st century, the theft of a presidential election, an event that will push the American nation into the socialist camp, possibly forever.
The wide spread condemnation of the events at the Washington Rally, because it turned violent, is all the politicians and media can do. They will not address the underlying issue of a corrupted election but now will cast all Conservative protesters as “Enemies of the State!” The idea of “peaceful protests” evaporated when Federal Courts wouldn’t even consider hearing the overwhelming voter fraud evidence collected by Trumps team. Nothing was dismissed, they just refused to consider the evidence.
Also ignored is the published Anti-Fa instructions to its followers to attend the rally, wear red MAGA hats, mingle with the conservative protesters and take action where appropriate. Was the idiot who was photographed sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair, Richard “Bigo” Barnett from Arkansas, really an Antifa? Inquiring minds need to know because we saw no apparent arrests of the invaders on either the Capital steps or in the Chambers. Admittedly, Law Enforcement was overwhelmed but were the Antifa’s allowed to escape? Sad that one protester was shot but posing a threat to armed police can be a hazardous business.
Democrats and the media are now screaming for Trumps impeachment, or his immediate removal as unfit for office, under Art XXV of the Constitution. They claim him as being personally responsible for the assault on the Congress. Nonsense of course, but the deed is done and as Trumps inner circle and Congressional supporters fade away, so do his chances for a 2024 return. The Marxists smell blood and will do all in their power to see President Trump and his legacy is totally destroyed. Socialism cannot abide success of the individual.
Come January 23, watch how fast Democrats pass Nancy and Chucks Marxist agenda for America without any opposition from what remains of our cowed Republican politicians. I applaud those brave House and Senate Republicans who did stand up and challenge the electoral thefts of five states but, enough anti-Trumpers were there to ensure no electoral vote reversal would happen. I suspect incidents of violence will carry on for a while now until Nancy’s Marxists are organized enough to come after our guns then our property then our lives.
“Mitch McConnell said: “Criminal behavior will never dominate Congress,” but I think he meant violent criminal behavior. God Bless him but, well, yes it did and by ‘dominate’ he meant the fear now facing all politicians in both houses, corrupt or not. The Democrats had better restrain their dogs on a leash, the Antifa’s and BLM’s or the Civil War they wanted will actually happen.
In the meantime, Democrats will have the power of unlimited printing to fund the stupid New Green Deal programs, import and support illegal aliens and create government health schemes that will eliminate the older population on one end and continue the murder of babies on the other. America is nearly gone my friends. Is it worth fighting for?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (07Jan21)
Short Takes – In Hind Site, Ego’s Changed Our Political Landscape!
Opinion, Politics January 6, 2021
written and submitted by George McClellan
It can no longer be ignored that all politics are truly local. Georgia, with a Republican Governor, Assembly and Senate has a two year window to get redistricting done if their’s any hope of continuing the fight. Egos are the worst enemy of any political party. Former Senator Johnny Isakson’s ego started the problem by not quitting the Senate when his disease was first manifest, hanging on to the last minute. It was no secret; everybody knew a problem existed.
When Johnny did quit, Governor Kemp faced a quandary, who to appoint to fill the short six months remaining of his term. Egos again! Rep Doug Collins (Ga-9), who was slowly tarnishing his conservative voting record (75%) by joining the GOP elite House leadership, decided he should be Johnny’s replacement and he threw all away to go after it. I don’t fault Doug for wanting to pursue his ambitions, but it really wasn’t a well thought out plan. The governor didn’t want him for some reason he couldn’t accept. For some other reason absolutely unknown to most Georgians, Gov Kemp selected a very wealthy woman no one ever heard of, Kelly Loeffler, to fill the post, Doug Collins became, in an instant, Gov Kemp’s enemy so to speak, and that divided the Georgia Republican Party.
So, what is the GOP’s main quandary? It has to be a change in tactics. We can no longer view politics through past eyes. The Marxists are sweeping the board because they do not play by the rules and we do, and they’ve brought enough weakling GOP’ers to their way of thinking to tilt the board in their favor. We must keep the peace, don’t you agree? The Constitution means nothing to American Marxists unless it supports their political position.
It would be instructive to know why Kemp really selected Kelly Loeffler. Money? In her unremarkable six months she did have a 100% conservative voting record but nothing really to overcome her Democrat opponent, the black Marxist, Raphael Warnock except the Ga Dems worked hard to get the black vote and we didn’t! Now look where that’s got us.
Governor Kemp’s action in the National Election places him in the “Never Trump” column and his re-election, even from this distance in time, looks doubtful. What Conservative today, black or white, can stand up to the remarkable achievement of the sure fire Democrat choice for Governor in 2024, Stacy Abrams? Who do we have? Doug Collins because he wants that too? Maybe, but I don’t really think so; too many hard feelings within the ranks.
Under Trump, the GOP had remarkable success in selling the American dream to some very smart, politically savvy, industrious Black leaders, including pastors, to actually sway the vote. Trump won! In Georgia, many were seen in the political ads that swamped our TV’s up to the January run-off election in support of both Republican candidates. The Ga GOP also has some outstanding black leaders who could fill the roll of challenging Stacy Abrams. Sad that Herman Cain is no longer with us, but that shouldn’t stop our search.
For Conservative out here, can you think of any old white Republican that can run for governor and win? Maybe, but we must also turn our eyes to the growing bevy of Young Republicans now entering the ranks as active conservatives bearing the Republican label. That won’t last if they’re not support by the geriatric establishment. We now have two Republican party’s, Trump’s and the other one. Up here in Ellijay, Ga., political activist Joe McCutchen is mentoring an outstanding group of young conservatives in his leadership course. County parties everywhere should follow his example and organize those youths eager to make America great again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ’em! (06Jan21)
Short Takes – An Ant in the Sugar Bowl
Opinion, Politics January 6, 2021
If you see an ant in a sugar bowl, you know your larder has been penetrated. Ants don’t speak, they’re just there and are easily removed; not so politicians! As I’ve said often, the basic operating theory of Democrats is to deny everything, admit nothing and blame the other guy. Secretary of State Raffensperger, like an ant in our sugar bowl, has denied speaking to President Trump before the leaked phone call, never said he “believed it was appropriate” to do so and is blaming President Trump and his staff for continuing to push for the phone call.
“We took the call and we had a conversation,” Raffensperger explained. “He did most of the talking. We did most of the listening, (so did many of us) but I did want to make my points the data he has is just plain wrong. He had hundreds and hundreds of people he said that were dead that voted. We found two, that’s an example. He has bad data”
Mainstream media accounts of this Presidential communication are not to be trusted like the Washington Post’s take on it. Radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt framed the argument correctly. On the certification debate he said: “Following both the 2004 and 2016 elections, Democrats in Congress objected during the certification of electoral votes in order to raise concerns about election integrity. Off course integrity is everything except Marxist Democrats.
Hewitt continued: “They were praised by Democratic leadership and the media when they did.” While they were entitled to do so then now those of us conservatives concerned about the integrity of this election are entitled to do exactly the same. Sen Josh Hawley announced that he would object to the electoral college count saying his concerns were animated by exactly the same concerns that vexed Democrats in both 2004 and 2016, elections they lost. Constitutionally, his right to object is as grounded in law as the Democrats were back when.
But the issue now is who can Conservatives trust to fill Georgia’s three most important elected state offices, Governor, State Attorney General and Secretary of State, and trust them to fulfill their obligations? The mistrust that now surrounds two out of three of Georgia’s Constitutional Officers, (66%), is nothing to brag about. When they ignore the State and US Constitution in performing the most sacred duty most Americans are called upon to perform, voting, they imperiled us to accept a level of corruption that will ultimately lead to a one-party government (Communist). Once they gain total power they will, like spreading cancer, never relinquish it again. Enter the totalitarian state, the swarm of ants in the sugar bowl!
For Georgian’s now, the fear is not that conservative Senators Perdue and Loeffler won’t get the most votes, it’s how the Democrats have arranged to steal those votes and install two Communists in their place. Do we see a pattern here? Has our Governor Kemp and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, moved heaven and earth to ensure there are not boxes of mail-in ballots hidden under tables in the counting houses? Have they ordered photo ID and signature comparisons to be applied to all Georgia voting precincts? Have they ordered that late ballots, after polls closed, should be trashed? Have they ordered that only legal votes can be counted?
They didn’t do so for the National election, why should we expect them to do so now? I’m just asking! You should be asking too. Today, 05 Jan 2012, will either mark this as the first day of America’s recovery to a Republic or its last day as a Republic. What lies in between is unconscionable. If Americans turn to violence, one citizen against the other, then we’re in for decades of turmoil. Will the Chinese just sit by a watch? I don’t think so either!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (05Jan21)
Short Takes – What’s Happening in Nashville? Doubts of Course!
Opinion, Politics December 31, 2020
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
There is a breathless video on the internet purporting to show a blue streak coming from the sky milliseconds, ie: ‘in a blink of an eye,’ before the RV exploded on the streets of Nashville, Tn. The camera that caught the explosion was apparently a fixed outdoor surveillance device overlooking a parking lot or something, a half mile away. It was around 0630 am.
I could not see a blue streak coming from the sky. What I believe the camera recorded was the flashing blue lights of police vehicles already there reflecting off the smoke of the explosion. That explanation satisfies my own experience as a crime scene investigator. For the record, I graduated from the National Fire Academy arson investigators school.
But, the plot thickens. It was suggested that those Wiley Chinese have an orbiting platform equipped with a satellite killing plasma pulse weapon that fired at the van outside the AT&T building to fry the NSA’s supercomputer and the Dominion machines stored there supposedly for fraud examination. If that were really the case we would already be at war with China. If that’s the case, it’s no wonder Democrats wanted evidence there destroyed!
Some pundits claim the lack of a crater in the street beneath where the RV sat at the moment of detonation indicated its destruction was by some other esoteric source, meaning a space death ray or plasma weapon. Investigators working the crime scene will certainly be aware if the area is also covered by a fine dusting of carbon, a supposed characteristic of a such weapons.
Mark Esper, former Secretary of Defense, warned us in September that China had indeed deployed Directed Energy Weapons in space supposedly to “kill satellites.” That’s probably true but, we know about it. We have such devices up there ourselves. I have not seen a target destroyed by a directed energy pulse weapon except in Star Wars, but the condition of that destroyed RV was totally consistent with an internal detonation of common explosives.
Because the worlds super powers already have entered space our imaginations can easily accept the advanced science were are now experiencing, except the China Virus and Global Warming nonsense. Remember the Sci-Fi episodes of Flash Gordon on b&w TV back in the 50s? The villain then was the evil, Fu Man Chu looking, Emperor Ming, not unlike Emperor Ji Jingping today. That era here, so it’s not impossible to believe claims that Chinas evil Emperor Ji in collusion with China Joe, is shooting RV’s on the streets of Nashville, Tn, from space, is it?
It seems the real perpetrator had a girlfriend who told the Nashville police a year ago, that her boyfriend was making bombs in that RV. The Nashville police did their job, took her information nearly as far as they could legally, then referred it to the FBI where it apparently disappeared into the black hole of inconvenient information. They claim they have no knowledge of it. We’re witnessing some great local police work here but, if the investigation interferes with the Democrats narrative that China Joe Biden, the imposter president-elect, won the election fair and square, then don’t expect to learn the opposite truth. Maybe thats why the FBI is there, to protect the Deep State like they did Hillary, FISA and the Trump coup attempt.
It is sad to say that the integrity of any investigative product of the FBI, is forever tainted with the veneer of doubt and skepticism, like our national elections have become. I’m waiting for FBI investigators to reveal Anthony Quinn Warner’s affiliation with the Bernie Sander’s campaign. That should be interesting reading. But, don’t count on it!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ’em! (30Dec20)
The China Reality is Now at Hand
Opinion December 18, 2020
It is looking increasingly like China’s world wide Corona Virus attack and its manufactured
phony pandemic against the world, specifically the United States may have worked, temporarily.
It has frightened enough Americans into a herd mentality to stampeded many of ’em to
sheepishly conform to Blue State politicians dictaks that we economically must kill ourselves
individually and as a nation through conformity to politically generated fear. Don’t wear a mask,
can’t board an airplane and you may get a ticket or thrown off. Totalitarism is here!
America was actually attacked by the Peoples Republic of China and a Chinese agent (Joe
Biden) was imposed on us to steal our election so the CCP can pursue its design for world
hegemony. China Joe is a bought Chinese agent of influence and America may soon become a
puppet government of China after January 2021. Knowing what we know now, and what is still
being revealed daily about the election fraud perpetrated on us, Americans must prepare
themselves to either resist Biden’s Maoist masters so they cannot transform the United States
into a functionary appendage of the PRC or get in line to join the New World Order.
The changing process of American culture has been underway for decades disguised as
“;multiculturalism, diversity and inclusiveness.” This means the eradication of Americas history
by removal of statues of famous her’s, politicians & explorers, changing names of schools from
American leaders to Marxist ones, and even attempting to change the names of American
military posts named after confederate generals. It is in reality, anti-white & anti-European! The
eradication will only stop when Trumps keeps his seat and not before! Do I sound like a
conspiracy theorist? Yes, because if we don’t realize the danger, we may be one of those on the
ground. The problem is…”The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a
conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” J. Edgar Hover, 1958 It exists!
A forced American cultural transformation through our public schools, has been underway for
decades and is now moving at flank speed pushed forward with this stolen election falling apart.
It includes the political transformation that has infected and corrupted our FBI, DoJ and CIA.
Can it be stopped or reversed? If it wasn’t for President Trump, we would have been there
already, stunned, confused and lying supine on the ground with the heels of fascists like BLM
and Antifa’s resting on our necks. To what extent can our Western cultural traditions, once
based upon moral legal and governmental standards gifted to Western civilizations by the
Greeks, Roman and others, resist the transformation? The “monstrous conspiracy” Hoover
spoke of is upon us, here, now, today! What are you going to do about it?
A growing mass of confirmations of voter fraud are coming in daily and most of those
investigations are easily available outside the dying main stream media sources. Look at this
bombshell video for example.
For most Trump supporters this lies far beyond an issue of morality and conscience. If Georgia’s
Senatorial election is also stolen then America will be a stones throw away from becoming
another Venezuela or Cuba. A conservative minority Senate will have no means short of
revolution, to resist the Chinese beast and all its odious programs of population control. It is now
time for Americans to decide if they are going to fish or cut bait! We have a tough row to hoe!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (17Dec20)