Perdue speaks at Chateau Meichtry in Gilmer
Election 2020, News November 1, 2020TALKING ROCK, Ga. – With mere days left until the 2020 Election Day on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, candidates are making their final push around the state, and Republican Senator David Perdue has also been following the trend as he made a series of stops over the weekend, one of those in Gilmer County at Chateau Meichtry Family Vineyard and Winery.
Perdue spoke about Sonny Perdue’s defeat of Roy Barnes in the early 2000’s saying that the same could happen now as a major race for senate and a major race for the presidency. He warned voters not to be complacent, or his supporters could see the same thing happen with an upset in the election turning the Senate seat back over to the Democrats with Jon Ossoff.
Perdue said the vote this year is about the political ethos of the Democrats, not about the individual candidates. He mentioned poverty levels decreasing, a resurgence in economy, and the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as just part of the legacy of President Donald Trump and the Republicans so far. He called for voters to maintain the way things are and avoid the “Far Left” as it would be a hard “Left hand turn” against the people.
Giving much of the importance to the presidential election, Perdue pushed for people to get out to vote and support him in the Senate Election as well. This seemed to echo his actions as well as Perdue cancelled his appearance at a final debate with Ossoff. According to reports, he will instead be attending a Trump Rally.
Called a “cowardly move” in other news, Perdue replied to the questions about his cancellation saying, “We’ve had two debates. We heard the same thing from Jon Ossoff out of both of them.”
Perdue went on to comment that with so many lies in the debates that he had heard, he wanted to focus on Trump’s appearance and on getting voters out to support the election. When asked about Ossoff’s comments, Perdue stated, “He’s done that for six months. He has not defended his own agenda which includes defunding the police, open borders, sanctuary cities, he wants to close down two military bases, he wants the Green New Deal, and he wants the Federal Government to take away our private healthcare insurance. He’s not going to talk about any of that. So, what he’s done is, basically, slung mud at me with lies that have all been refuted, by the way. The things that he needs to own up to right now are the agenda and the things that he has lied to the people of Georgia about.”
He reiterated that he felt that the Senate race has had its full discourse, and it is time to trust the voters in Georgia and move, at this time, to efforts to get everyone out to vote.
Vernon Jones speaks on Trump Rally and crowdsurfing
Feature News, Featured, Featured News October 19, 2020Fresh off his weekend and an event where he “crowd-surfed” to a young man in a wheelchair because he wanted a picture, Georgia State Representative, Vernon Jones (D) says, “Let me be clear about one thing. I’m committed to this President. I believe in this President. I took a leap of faith and I believed in that crowd and that crowd caught me.”
This was not Jones’ first event in support of President Donald Trump either. He is campaigning for the President in the current elections saying that he is a life-long Democrat, but he would not vote for Joe Biden.
Comparing the two, Jones said that Biden has destroyed black men and women through mass incarceration. He has a record of doing nothing whereas Trump has produced results like the First Step Act restoring families.
Focusing on business and the economy, Jones listed several things as accomplishments in Trump’s Presidency like correcting trade agreements to a fair agreement for America, grew the economy evidenced by businesses expanding and job growth, increased pay for those in military service, and supported historical black college funding.
Jones said, “He has done more in the past 47 months than Joe Biden has done in the past 47 years.”
He added that people are being shamed for supporting Trump by the media and others as they are being portrayed as racists and bigots. But these people are just people. People who don’t care what color you are, people who just love their country.
Many Democrats are turning in support of the President and for himself, according to Jones, because they see the craziness in their own party, the anger in their own party, and the violence in their own party.
Jones referenced the incident over the weekend of a Trump supporter who was attacked and lost two teeth in the beating he took. He said this is the game that these liberals are playing. They are trying to incite fear through violence, fear through the pandemic, and fear through the media.
In full support of Trump, he said in an interview that the President is the best hope in support of our first and second amendment rights. He later added that voting for Biden isn’t even a vote for Biden as president. “He wouldn’t be the president, it would be Kamala Harris,” he said.
He added that she would be even scarier.
Going down the ballot from Trump, Jones also showed his support for Doug Collins and the work he has already done for Georgia as a Representative for the 9th Congressional District. While he didn’t specifically comment on Loeffler, he did say that Warnock was the wrong choice saying, “… it’s a vote for our civil liberties to be lost. It’s a vote for illegal immigration. It’s a vote for taking away the tax cut. He is dangerous.”
However, he didn’t stay long with this race and returned again to the Presidential Election and its importance as he said he was going to continue supporting and campaigning for Trump through his birthday even, October 31. He said that despite the polls, he wants Georgia to be all for the president in his re-election. Especially since the opposition has the major media supporting and propping up Biden’s campaign.
Jones pointed to the media and incidents with Biden meeting with Russian officials. He asks why none of them are asking Biden about it and why he or anyone in his campaign wouldn’t denounce the allegations or answer the questions.
With more events coming and debates on the way, Jones said he is looking to continue campaigning hard as he stands behind his words and endorsements.
It was a common theme during his statements. Constantly focused on the election, on Trump, and on the future of America. Many other stories are focused on his crowd surfing and the meaning or consequences of that day.
Jones stated in the video, “Show me the next crowd. I’ll do the same thing.”
Chester Doles speaks on the Proud Boys and Antifa
Featured, Featured News, News, Opinion October 1, 2020A 5th-Generation born into the KKK. He later denounced the organization and moved on. Chester Doles said, “It comes with maturity, growing, getting to know people, and finding common ground with some of the greatest people across all lines of color.”
Because of his past, Doles says he often gets named or called when media needs a “boogeyman” to blame things on. But today, he says his organizations works towards things like saving the National Anthem, saving the Pledge of Allegiance, and fighting the rise of socialism. These are the political goals that Doles says he holds now.
Those monikers of white supremacy and racist are not correct according to Doles who says the articles and the attacks are just a part of a premeditated narrative, a “dog-whistle” for the public to focus on this boogeyman, this labeled enemy.
Instead, the platforms of constitutionalism and patriotism are the foundations that pushed Doles to found the American Patriots USA. An organization that Doles says supports and brings together those who are constitutionalists. An organization that he notes is based into that political ideal and welcomes all people who share in its beliefs.
Commenting on the recent debate between Trump and Biden, Doles said the Proud Boys suffers similar attacks as he does, being called white-supremacists. But he says he has met many of those who are a part of the Proud Boys group and many have been Hispanic, Black, White, and other races and that these people are proud to stand and defend America.
He compared a villainizing of the Proud Boys to the free pass that Biden gives to Antifa. Pointing to Biden’s comments on Antifa being “an idea, not an organization” as the real issue. Doles said, “We have watched them burn our churches, our businesses, assault hundreds and hundreds of police officers. Children have been shot in the head by Antifa and BLM. And they’re just an idea?”
Attending a memorial service for Aaron “Jay” Danielson, where members of the Proud Boys were attending, Doles said it was Antifa who ran over one of the members, crippling him. He said, “Antifa and BLM are running around in wolf packs, out there in the Northwest, looking for targets.”
Since the political debate, many have attacked Trump about the Proud Boys and his comments. Doles questioned where the comments and questions are for Biden sweeping the Antifa riots under the rug as an “idea.”
Doles reiterated that the push for this has come from the media’s narrative and blame for patriots like himself. He said he is the one who has denounced the ways that he used to follow, sharing a story of going to DeKalb County to an all-black church. He also noted that Josie Cruz was there as well. He explains that he went to this church because he wasn’t welcome in many of the churches in his own county. Instead, he visits this church, stands in front of the congregation, and explains his past. Then asked for forgiveness.
Doles again said he has denounced racism and wants to proudly protect America with other patriots. That is how his organization is attempting to help.
One of the major goals that Doles said his group is pursuing, is informing the public and seeking to have Antifa declared a domestic terrorist organization. Referencing the memorial service and many other issues in the Northwest, he states, “You better be prepared to defend yourself. You don’t have to look for trouble… The left is looking for the right out there.”
Doles warns the public that it is on the move as well, stating that the organization is already in Georgia.
Trump Campaign Insider Lee Snover 9/14/16
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