

It would be churlish of me, nay disrespectful, to speak ill of the dead, but that kindness doesn’t extend to the Kooks that form the cadre of hopeful Democrat presidential candidates in debate. If they weren’t so pathetic they could actually be dangerous. 

The Kook, Bernie Sanders is a true fringe candidate from his Wizard of Oz hairstyle to his really far left-wing Marxist politics yelling at us what’s best for Americans. All the Kooks, demonstrating their ignorance on the CNN debate stage two nights in a row, leaves us wondering what will be the fate of the Democrat party. Well, there isn’t a Democrat party, just a directionless collection of socialist kooks who don’t understand politics, government, foreign policy or economics.  

The new kook, the instant darling of the media, was Marianne Williamson, psychic communicant with the occult whose on-stage performance had everybody on the edge of their seats, oh, not in fear of some spirit hovering about the chamber, but in the pure anxiety that they could be gathered up with Marianne if the Mothership should come to reclaim her just then. Oh!, Scary!

The Kook Bernie Sanders, yells all the time just like Juan Williams does on “The Five” when his screwball retorts are challenged. Progressives must out yell their opponents. It’s the only self-defense mechanism they have when overtaken by the logic of others. They don’t listen to logic. When they do yell, they do so until the opposition just gives up and goes away in disgust leaving the field abandoned as a victory trophy to their personal élan. 

My dad once told me “never argue with an idiot; they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you to death with their experience.” America suffered through enough of that ‘experience’ over two nights on CNN that I must wonder who watched any of it? CNN, like the Democrat party, is dead. How they could afford the sole ownership of those silly debates is a wonder.

Joe Biden, the lead Kook by percentages, appears exactly as how he really is, a dim bulb with a women friendly demeanor who is going no where. Is it by chance that one cable channel this month featured “Shark Week?” That’s what the other Kooks did to dim Joe, circled him and took bites out of Democrat (Obama’s) policies he supported as Obamas VP. There’s no justice. He has to defend Obama even while, if you noticed, Obama policies were being attacked as well, and that’s “racist.” 

So, if you want to be a racist, simply defend your party’s old policies, say something derogatory about the Democrats new policies, get called a racist by some Leftist numbskull, and there you are, a certified racist! Easy isn’t it?  

Then there was Squaw woman, the Kook Elizabeth Warren who has gone all in on Marxism pontificating at the top of her voice, like Bernie does, hoping somebody is listening. She flails  her arms and hands like Bernie does. Asked a direct question and they move on to their talking points never answering the questions. So, the stupidity goes on…and on and on.

What was apparent was that the big national and political issues facing America were ignored and no solutions offered except to defeat Trump. Immigration?: let ’em in! Criminals? Don’t deport ‘em!, How to pay for the trillions of free services promised? Steal from the working class. 

If this lot returns to power, America is in deep trouble. It’s in trouble enough already. Let’s fix it!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!





In Asheville, NC, a traditionally artsy town that was once home to many citizens of extremely old money, such as George Vanderbilt, a 2016 bumper sticker is still displayed on an SUV that said, “Billionaires Can’t Buy Bernie.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton carried the state in the primary, but Bernie Sanders has a large following as well. He appeals to the young, the alternative life stylers and those who believe Utopia could be achieved if only Conservatives, Capitalists and Republicans would get out of the way.

This bumper sticker raises the question:

Who might possibly pay for Bernie Sanders’ campaign? He is not self-funded, so he must have some backers.

Who is Bernie Sanders and what is he about as a Senator, Congressman and presidential hopeful?

Bernie Sanders is serving his second term in the US senate after winning reelection in 2012 with 71% of the vote. His 16 years in the House of Representatives makes him the longest serving independent in Congressional history.

He graduated from college in 1964, but not much is mentioned about his early career before becoming a politician. His first job was at 40 years old when he became Mayor of Burlington Vermont.

However, he denies being a career politician, even though he has 25 years of service between the terms in the Senate and the House.

Being that donations to campaigns are of public knowledge, it might be that billionaires are the ones supporting Bernie, along with the affiliates of the many, many unions who are contributing money to his campaigns.

The conclusion could be drawn that Sanders has the support of the working person looking at these lists of donors as union members make these donations, not the actual union.

How is that accomplished? Are there funds withheld from paychecks earmarked for political campaigns? Are there fund-raising rallies in which members of the union are invited to and encouraged to donate?

The final question is, who are the heads of these unions, et. al?

One donor on the list for $5000.00 and $10,000 respectively is MoveOn.org.

This is a George Soros backed group. The MoveOn.org organization has been tied to training some of the rioters that shut down Donald Trump’s Chicago rally.

Hmmm, George Soros is a billionaire. Isn’t that is interesting? That’s one billionaire.

Another controversial point is that Sanders swears that his followers didn’t go to disrupt Trump’s rally. Perhaps not directly, maybe these Sanders followers could be guilty by association.

Another donor is Microsoft Corporation. Isn’t Bill Gates a billionaire?

Where is the money and power behind these respective unions, whose “affiliates” have made donations?

For example, the CWA is actively behind Bernie. The Communications Workers of America represent more than 70,000 different companies in different fields. Workers, the Print and Publishing and Media workers, the National Association of Broadcasting Employees and Technicians to name a few.

There is a real possibility that some billionaires own or have interest in some of these companies that provide airline services, and media services, etc.

Rupert Murdoch is a billionaire. He founded Fox News Channel, News Corporation and more. That would encompass media and communications.

Richard Dean Anderson is the CEO of Delta Airlines, but only receives $17.6 million a year from this carrier. He is, however, associated with 251 board members, in 10 different organizations across 11 different industries. His net worth is only $31 million, so he isn’t a billionaire, yet. Delta would have a union of flight attendants and pilots.

So far, at least 3 billionaires, just for examples.

Perhaps this bumper sticker was false advertising, as three examples of individuals whose net worth is over a billion would qualify as Billionaires.

It remains to be seen if the same billionaires will support Bernie in 2020. His recent tax returns show that he is a millionaire in his own right.

Seems rather hypocritical to use the rhetoric that he is only for the working person.

Food for thought!


Political Schisms are Coming. Be Prepared!


Skilled politicians can propagandize people to accept their own slavery, and even demand
more. Hitler did it with apparent ease. Unorganized push back is ineffective and if dangerous to
the state and the state feels threatened, it will turn tyrannical to save itself. Keep your guns.

The unpleasantness now growing on the streets of Paris, reflect a tax push back by a once
moribund French population for whom any more compliance has hit a wall. They have just about
had all the socialist crap they can take. French President Macrons casual increase in fuel taxes,
in support of fighting global warming, blew up in his face and he’s backed down. The riots on the
streets of Paris are predictable precursors to the unloading of a whole host of other grievances
against European socialist engineering that has seduced the people to accept an ideology foreign
to their human nature, their culture and their best interests. Global socialism is starting to
unravel. Even in their anger, the French rioters are calling out “Trump, Trump, Trump.” Well?

The toad, Macron is part of the New World Order crowd that demands Eastern European
countries, who are adamantly refusing to participate, accept their fair share of Islamic migrants
for the good of European economic production. The Europeans have been propagandized into
accepting these hostile foreign workers because of the low birthrates in host countries. That
problem, like here in America, is caused by the enacted Socialists schemes for selected
population control through infanticide (abortion), doctor-assisted suicides and, for the elderly,
denial of medical services after a certain age.

People understand that when those Islamic rascals move into their host countries they
immediately set about demanding, by threats and violence, that host governments accept their
demands for Shariah Laws. They create “no-go zones” and also expect the passive acceptance
of the Islamization of that country by demanding hate crime laws to punish infidels who refuse to
comply with their submission to Islamic enslavement. Make no mistake, Islam is not your friend.

Statistics now show that most of these people don’t work but live off the social welfare programs
of the host country, paid for by the taxpayers, while they engage in the Islamic subversion of the
host populations. I think the French people have about had all they can stand of that too.

It’s working like that in America too. Consider those millennial age students who are turning
toward Democrat socialism espoused by the likes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
among others. Sanders and Warren are from the old school of American socialists that practiced
subversion by stealth, through the implementation of “Common Core” educational programs, the
seating of Jurists who are willing to impose feel good laws that are unconstitutional, and through
the wholesale attempts to impose government mandated healthcare.

To prevent the citizens from noticing what the “elites” are doing, it’s necessary for them to
distract us with nonsense. The Leftist propaganda machine, the Main Stream Media, is in
business to do just that. Fretting over natural occurrences and trifles while the Deep State
continues its negative narrative to implicate President Trump in wrongdoing while exculpating
the real source of evil, Hillary Clinton and her cabal of potential codefendants.

Americans who see this, instinctively understand that if this phony Mueller Investigation works to
remove President Trump from office upon a manufactured pretense, but fails to pursue the
Clintons/Obama crime syndicate, then the danger exists that the American people just might
take a note from the brave French standing up to the EU’s Socialist machine that is killing them,
and do the same. That’s why they want our guns.

I have very little faith in our political party’s or their politicians, except for the President, to do the
right thing. Americans, enough of them to make Donald Trump the President, will absolutely not
countenance his removal by the “Deep State” criminals trying to protect themselves by removing

Here, the law of unintended consequences of their legislations will be noticeable. To make a law
that’s is contrary to the best interests of America, then make another law to repair the damage,
is to create the impression they are doing something worthy. This too will not go unnoticed

The world, especially Europe and the United States, are on the cusp of the greatest effort by the
New World Order crowd of international bankers and political leaders, to steal our liberties and
our production for no good purpose at all save to satisfy a “elites” desire to hold power over all.
Apart from their open borders initiatives that expects all countries (especially America) to accept
the entry of any and all immigrants without exception, their next step will be the coming
economic crisis for which Trump will be blamed.

To fix that ‘false flag’ crisis they will encourage the acceptance of their phony “cryptocurrency”
that, once accepted, will become the valueless currency of the New World Order. We will soon
become a cashless society and when that happens, our enslavement will be complete. Think
about that! It could be just around the corner.

Remember, Liberty is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (10Dec18)


Opinion, Politics

In the 2018 election for Governor in Georgia the NAMES DON’T MATTER. The election this year is very
simple, you are either voting for Socialism or Capitalism, plain and simple. Don’t let the media fool you
and don’t bother listening to the campaign ads. The trash about either candidate is meaningless.
And, if you are over 50 and a Democrat in Georgia, you are more than likely a moderate Democrat, a Zell
Miller Democrat. A decent hard-working person that has probably been a Democrat all your life. You
have to be just as surprised and sickened by the Democrat platform as Republicans are. I don’t know
what has happened to the Democrat party, but they are attempting to brainwash us just as they have
brainwashed our children into thinking that somehow Socialism is the solution to all the problems in the
United States.

But anyone thinking of voting for any politician in the U.S. that has a socialistic agenda needs to ask
themselves, hmmm, it all sounds good, in fact, too good to be true; free healthcare, free college, $15/hr
wages and home ownership for everyone. Can you name one country that adopted Socialism as a form
of government that is successful? There AREN’T ANY! Within 20 years of a country electing a leader
promoting socialism, the country is deep in debt with its people starving, their currency devalued, and
citizens roaming the streets committing crimes just to feed their children.

Ask yourself, where would the money come from to provide all the free stuff? And, if everything is
provided for you, why work? And as more and more people stop working where would the tax dollars
come from to pay for the free stuff? And if the tax revenue decreases because people have quit
working, those that continue to work will have to pay higher taxes until their tax rate is so high, they
quit work. Then lo and behold the country goes into chaos, like Argentina and Cuba and Italy and
Portugal and Greece just to name a few.

Initially the rest of the world tries to shore them up, of course, which means more countries raising
taxes or cutting services to help countries that have adopted Socialism. They adopted Socialism so that
everyone has equal wealth and “things.” Socialism creates equality alright, everyone becomes equally
poor. Well, except the politicians or dictators that “sold” it to the people under the guise of utopia.
I think you get the picture. Socialism will destroy Georgia and eventually the nation if we don’t wake up
and stop it. All you have to do is see how close Bernie Sanders came to being the Democrat candidate
for President to see how close we came to Socialism. Our young people have been raised as Socialists
RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES. If you want to do something to stop the communistic movement toward
Socialism vote for capitalism, vote Republican this election.

Written By: Joene DePlancke
Ellijay, Georgia

The Readjustment Will Be Painful


The Readjustment Will Be Painful

We’re in for a rough ride in the next few years readjusting ourselves, as a democratic country,
from our experiment with Socialism to a return to the representative government our
Constitution demands. Competing forces are tearing us apart. Thank a Democrat.

The war cycles are converging; the economic cycles are converging and the demise of the long
established welfare state, gifted to us by decades of Democrat control of tax payer dollars, is
facing its own end of cycle. President Trump is doing what he promised he would do and it’s
painful to the “Establishment.”

When I say welfare cycle, I especially include the billions of tax payer dollars gifted to the NFL in
tax breaks over the years based on the demonstrably false pretext that new stadiums in major
cities would be economically healthy for those communities. The money making NFL is taking a
soon to be unbearable financial hit against their incomes. Supporting politically correct stands
for team “unity,” by mostly over paid, nearly illiterate black players refusing to pay due respect to
to America’s traditions, also on false pretexts, has rilled the middle Americans that have
supported them. I think the NFL has miscalculated their business model.

What we have here is one race, blacks, finding an opening through which they can attempt to
dominate America’s other races, on the pretext they are still the victims of what slavery from
over two hundred years ago, is still doing to them. The black dominance in the NFL and NBA
have made them believe they can in fact, achieve political dominance as well, or, so that’s what
the race grifters have told them. Being overpaid, highly praised athletes, has convinced them to
push anti-Americanism into the face of their fans. The envelope of their personal incompetence
that justifies their massive salaries, is exposed. Tell that to a combat infantryman in Iraq.

What about slavery? Talented young black players annually come to the NFL’s auction block in
bids for their skills. Like the gladiators of Roman times, once bought, they are expected to suit
up, enter the arena and demonstrate their talents, and they get paid big money for it. Roman
gladiators, if they didn’t get killed outright, didn’t do too bad either, in their day.

Did you know the NFL League owners voted to move the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas? Did
you know the Las Vegas citizenry said “No Thanks” to building them a shiny new stadium? Did
you know that this very Sunday, (01Oct17), the black team members of the NFL’s Oakland
Raider’s, punishing their white quarterback for refusing to “take the knee” with them, allowed
him to be sacked multiple times, hiked the ball out of cadence breaking up the plays, and that
receivers dropped his passes multiple times that, in effect, threw the game?

After Sunday’s mass murder in Las Vegas, does the NFL really believe they can get the tax
payer money needed to build a stadium? I don’t reckon that will work, do you? In fact, I think
that if anyone has investments in anything associated with the NFL or NBA, might start
reconsidering their investment portfolio before the awful cycle of collapse hits them as well.

The Indianapolis Colts have doubled down on supporting team ‘unity’ and will continue the
practice of “taking a knee.” Colts team owner Jim Irsay, publicly said: “Our players are hurting,
our people are hurting, our neighborhoods are hurting, and kneeling was a direct response to
that.” The logical question is: Hurting from what? Things are changing and rapidly. The status
quo no longer applies so get ready.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (04Oct17)

We’re Blind To What’s Coming


We’re Blind to What’s Coming

Let’s see if we can figure this one out. ISIS claims 64 year old Stephen Paddock, the mass murderer in Las Vegas, was a convert to Islam fulfilling their call to conduct lone-wolf attacks in the West. Almost Immediately the FBI tells us there’s absolutely no such connection; and this conclusion from an agency that is still trying to pin Trumps November election victory to Russian collusion.

The shooter may, or may not, be a convert to Islam but I’ll bet he was really a deranged Democrat who voted for Bernie Sanders. His daddy, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was a psycho bank robber, prison escapee and once on the FBI’s ten most wanted list.

The Islamic State, of course, immediately claimed credit for the mass shooting in Vegas that greeted us early this Monday morning. ISIS also claimed the attacker had converted to Islam only a few months ago. Quoting the ISIS propaganda source, Amaq, they said: “The Las Vegas attack was carried out by a soldier of the Islamic State and he carried it out in response to calls to target states of the coalition.”  Maybe? They’ll claim about anything but…?

Following the same sources, we now learn that ISIS is stepping up their game, possibly to be in synch with planned riots and confrontations planned by the deranged anarchists, “antifa, Black Lives Matter, New Black Panther Party,” et.al., demanding that Donald Trump be removed from his office. They want Trump gone and civil conflict, they believe, is their vehicle to do it. Throw in the Jihadists threat, like ISIS, the lone wolf attacks and the screaming propaganda drowning out voices of common sense, and the way to war may soon be on us. It will not be nice.

Paddock may, or may not, have been ordered by ISIS to do this wicked deed. But, we do know that ISIS is calling for more lone wolf attacks, in Chicago, Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Philadelphia, home of the first Colonial American attack against Great Britain. Islam likes anniversaries and use them as excuses to pillage and murder and, make their statement.

ISIS spokesman Abu Al-Hassan Al-Muhajir is reported urging lone wolf attacks in America, Russia and Europe. Al Hassan said: ‘Know that our war with our enemy is an all out war and the interests of the enemy can be easily targeted,’  Make sure they are preoccupied with their own safety, thus diverting their attention away from your Caliphate.’  Should we take him at his word? Probably!  If we are to protect ourselves we must know our enemy even when our leaders insist that Islam is a religion of peace and that we are all haters, racists and Islamaphobes if we don’t accept them as is, Shariah law and all. Not on my watch!

The tawdry NFL issues spawned by Colin Kaepernick two years ago over due respect to our flag and National Anthem, the assault against Confederate statues and battle flags, and the massive destruction to Puerto Rico by hurricanes Irma and Maria, not forgetting Harvey, is taking our attention away from the enemy at the gates. Jihadists are here and more are coming.

We will soon be overrun by twelve hundred years of inbreds from the middle-east whose only hope for racial salvation is through re-creation with non tainted women of the West. It cannot be done without submitting—to Islam.

We’ve been warned. There is a threat to Trump that if he doesn’t step down from office, “all hell will break loose.” Can we believe that? Yes, if the dementia displayed by the Progressives and their acolytes against Donald Trump are any guide to go by, we had better be prepared.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ‘em! (02Oct17)

A View From Behind – Look Beyond The Dust


Believe me, it’s better than “leading from behind.” Oh, sure, if you are the leader, the view’s the same despite the dust, but when you know what you’re looking for, the perspective changes and the dangers reveal themselves including all the obstacles, the road ruts, the promises broken and the many forks in the road ahead. It’s a dangerous path America is following and the dangers are perceptible if one knows where to look. Look beyond the dust.

On the surface, it is assumed that America has two political parties when in fact, it has five. The once premier American party, the Democrats, long ere since rotted from the inside, changed its stripes from Constitutional Americanism to a good facsimile of the Communist Party USA, intent on collectivizing America by creating two classes, the leadership class composed of the establishments elites (them) who think they know better how to make people happy, and the followers (us) who it is believed, know nothing and need to be led. It’s dusty out there.

The other party is the Republican party, a feckless bunch who desperately want to be in the top class, beloved and respected but clueless to new facts and changing times. They live in fear of being invalidated, of being dismissed as inconsequential which is exactly what is happening now. The tawdry assault against Judge Roy Moore of Alabama is evidence enough of that.

It must be a terrible thing to live in fear not knowing when some muslim will decide to use his automobile to mow you down with other pedestrians, or Christian worshippers fearful of a black clad antifascist, entering their sanctuary and gunning down men, women and children in their pews, or Republican Congressmen and Senators fearful of losing their chairmanships or worse, their jobs because they are afraid to do what is right and Constitutional and what is expected of an American politician instead of what the money lenders want. It’s a choking cloud of dust.

There are however, three other Party’s lurking in the wings, two intent on destroying America regardless of what the other parties do. First, the Marxists far left wing of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren that represents the modern version of the old Soviet Bolshevism variety, still playing by the old rules. On the Right, the Constitutional wing of the Republican party, (Tea Party) who will, very shortly I think, become the party of Trump trying to rescue America. 

Finally, the Fifth Columnists, “Organizing For America,” the Party of Obama, a collection of violent totalitarian fascists who go where they are led, destroy as they are told, and riot as it pleases them. This group is especially hateful and dishonest. They claim to be anti-fascists when they are the very epitome of fascism. Their propaganda is inflammatory, offensive and deadly. Their mission is to incite violence, always trolling for targets for their hateful wrath, and their goal is to seize America, destroy Trump and protect Obama’s legacy, by force if necessary. 

These reprehensible people include the Antifa and Black Lives Matter, et. al., who perform like Germany’s SA, SD, & SS all rolled up into one. Their “Fellow Travelers” include the main stream media who, in their delusional hysteria over Trumps Presidency, have thrown all pretense of objectivity aside and go all in with their lies, and made up stories against all Conservatives they see fit to destroy, while ignoring the offenses of their own (Clinton’s, Menendez, etc.). 

We’re organizing into group people states, unreconcilable to any point of view but their own. The Constitution, the guide laid down for us to follow, is out of date they say, because it interferes with the radicals and their desire to destroy the world’s only bastion of freedom, the USA. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (15Nov17)

Our Revolution Georgia Endorses Joshua McCall in Bid to Unseat Congressman Doug Collins

State & National

(Martin, Georgia) – Monday, January 22nd, the statewide Georgia affiliate of Our Revolution, the organization created to continue pushing the policy goals of the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign, endorsed Joshua McCall in his bid to unseat Congressman Doug Collins in the Georgia 9th Congressional District. His candidacy will now be passed up to the national organization for consideration.


“I’m running for congress for two reasons. First, Bernie Sanders’ grassroots organization inspired me to examine what forces were limiting political possibilities in our country. I realized, unfortunately, that many of those forces were in the party that I belonged to,” said Candidate Joshua McCall.


He continued, “I’m also running because parts of our government are dangerously close to fascism. Branches of it prey on racial fears and offer simple solutions through state violence. I am running not only to unseat Doug Collins, but in the process speak to the people of this district and unite them behind a Christian and humanist ethic.”


McCall joins Savannah based candidate Lisa Ring as the only currently endorsed congressional candidates in the state. The endorsement includes volunteer coordination and the possibility of national endorsement and fundraising.


Our Revolution Georgia State Committee Member, Vice President of the Young Democrats of Georgia, Hall County Board of Elections Member, and former candidate for State House Michelle Sanchez Jones said of the endorsement, “the Republican Party has purported to represent North Georgia for a generation now, and, outside of the Governor’s backyard, we deserve more from our government. Our hospitals need more money. Our classrooms need more teachers. We need the tools to help those struggling with opioid addiction. The burden of supporting our communities falls disproportionately on our churches and faith institutions. It’s time we got our money’s worth from Washington, and Joshua McCall is exactly the man to help make that happen.”



Background: Consideration of endorsement by the national organization requires prior endorsement from a local affiliate. Our Revolution has numerous affiliates throughout the state whose leadership jointly approve endorsements – with deference given to the chapter closest to the district in question. McCall’s endorsement represents the agreement of affiliates and leadership from Savannah to Atlanta, Athens to Henry County.


Democrats, Seeking Salvation


I have often stated it was my firm belief that any 2018 mid-term election challenge by Democrats would be a zero sum game for them. They have no message, no candidates worthy of spit and an elderly leadership that simply will not let go the reins of party power.

After their Ga. 6th disaster, in financial losses alone, the Democrats, near bankruptcy, are casting about for any sellable candidates to challenge Republican incumbents. They may have found a good one in Kentucky. A very potent political ad is now running there pushing a new Democrat contender for Ky’s 6th District, currently held by Republican Rep., Andy Barr.

She is Amy McGrath and comes with great credentials. She is a newly retired officer of the US Marine (LTC), a fighter pilot who proudly flew the Marine version of the F-18 fighter jet, in combat even and, carrier qualified. Wow! I’m impressed if only by her military part alone.

As a civilian, in any public campaign event where Amy would present herself and I could ask a couple of questions, my first question, after praising her military career, would be: “Do you believe in and support the Constitution of the United Stated?” Naturally, I envision her response would be “yes, completely!” My second question would then be: “Then why are you running as a Democrat?” It may be she doesn’t really know the awful truth about the Democrat Party and, if she did, then that would stand as a dim mark against her.

There must be a logical answer somewhere for that question. Tradition tells us that one simply cannot be a patriot from the warrior class and a Democrat at the same time. It’s like trying to mix Islam and Democracy, oil and water or axel grease and sand, and hope the new concept works.

Amy would be a great candidate as a Republican, just on her military history alone. In her ad, she did not opine on Trump’s no transgenders in the armed forces tweet. Her response might explain why she prefers the Democrat party to be her vehicle to political nirvana. Perhaps!

Right now, Amy’s challenge is really an exercise in local politics (Ky), so we probably won’t hear much about her unless she actually wins in 2018 and becomes a real Congresswoman. All eyes, for a while at least, would be focused on her for her leadership qualities and as a potential VP or, some day, maybe the first woman President.

The Democrats are in desperate need for candidates. If they do get more young ones, will they be brainwashed products that the disastrous liberal colleges and universities are turning out? For those types, their only political experience lies either in their positions in student body government, in the streets leading riots against authority, or campaigning for Bernie Sanders.

The Democrats are desperately seeking younger candidates, real warriors if possible, like Amy McGrath, to fill the now vacant ranks of potential challengers to help restore the Democrat grand Plan to Make America Crappy Again. The Republicans, on the other hand, feel because Trump is not one of them, they have some justified right to thwart his attempts to restore American sovereignty and the rule of law. What a wonderful opportunity for the Tea Party to clean house.

Except by the vote, these politicians have no intrinsic rights to hold office, except they be Americans. The Republican elites are fast ruining their chance to even keep what they got. It is really time for a change. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

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