“Freedom is why” Marjorie Green speaks to Whitfield GOP

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Photo by Susan Kirkland
Marjorie Taylor Green spoke to Whitfield County Republicans Tuesday night.

Protecting all freedoms, from faith to press, was Marjorie Taylor Greene’ told Whitfield County Republicans to cherish their freedom at Tuesday’s GOP meeting. Green is the Republican candidate for the 14th Congressional district.

“Freedom is why we have so many people trying to come into America illegally,” she said. “It’s not for socialism.”

She told the packed GOP office in Dalton that she has lived the proverbial American Dream, from being the first in her family to graduate from college, to opening her own business and making is successful, to taking over the family’s construction company.

“I”m thrilled to be a mother of three with the freedom to teach them from my faith and how to work hard,” she said.

She cautioned those in attendance that those freedoms were endangered by the Democratic party. She squares off against Democrat Kevin Van Ausdal on the Nov. 3 ballot.

Green New Deal and other Democrat


Dianne Putnam, Chairman for the Whitfield County Republican party, talks to guest as they arrive to hear Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Republican candidate for the 14th Congressional Distrcit.


“If we don’t flip the house and keep the senate, they will push the Green New Deal through,” she said. “They are planning to do that fast.”

Greene referred to the 110-page document created by a joint Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders task force recommending “combating the climate crisis and pursuing environmental justice.”

“The Green New Deal will kill the oil industry,” Greene warned. “Look at California

She added that also high on Biden’s list, if elected, is taking the country back under the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran nuclear deal.

“We don’t like pollution, but more taxes won’t fix it,” she said. “And they want us to have a deal with a country that yells ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel.'”


“We need good guys with guns.”

She continued to tell supporters that the Second Amendment would be protected. She told them her high school was a gun-free zone, an effort pushed by then-Congressman Biden, when a fellow classmate, broke down after being bullied, and brought three guns to school and took control of the class.

“I was afraid and the government is not going to tell me how many guns or how much ammo I need to protect my family,” she said. “We didn’t have a good-guy with a gun in my school. We need good guys with guns.”


PHoto by Susan Kirkland
Joshua Abernathy, of Chatsworth, signs into the meeting. He worked on Greene’s campaign, knocking on doors over Whitfield and Murray counties.

“Abortion is the most evil lie”

She took a more compassionate approach to women who have had abortion.

“I do not judge them. I believe when a woman makes that choice, she is in crisis,” she said. “I do judge our government for selling the most evil of lies to women in crisis. They are telling these women that a baby will get in the way and prevent them from accomplishing their goals and dreams. My kids are my reason why.”

She said the problem, besides government funding abortions and Planned Parenthood, was that abortions cost $400 compared to adoptions, which can range up to $40,000.

“We have to do better,” she said.

“Freedom of press is a gift.”


Photo by Susan Kirkland
Greene spoke to members of the Whitfield County Republicans.

“Our freedom of press is a gift, a beautiful gift,” she said. But, there were some things she said that the conservatives were tired of. Speaking openly to a New York Times reporter at the event, she said “We don’t like the far left media. We’re also tired of the Russian collusion”

She stressed she was glad the reporter was there, but added “We know the mainstream media is the mouthpiece of the Democratic party.”

Green urged the media to understand that conservatives are able to read non-bias news, do their own research and judge the information given. “We are smart.”

In closing, Greene said the federal government needed to be reminded they were owned by the regular people.

“We need a congress that works for the people from both sides,” she said. “I’ll remind congress who they work for.”

Early voting

Early voting starts Oct. 12 and the last day to register to vote is Oct. 5. October 24 is the only Saturday for early voting.






Greene calls out “fake news,” Dems, and Pelosi

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Greene Fake News

ELLIJAY, Ga – Fourteenth District Republican Candidate Marjorie Greene compared the “fake news” media attacks against her to those hurled at President Donald Trump. She certainly didn’t mince words when talking about the media, Democrats, or Republicans following her election night win.

Since easily winning her runoff with 56.75 percent of the vote, the majority of Greene’s headlines focus on her QAnon ties – a conspiracy theory detailing an alleged plot against President Trump and supporters.

On Good Morning from the Office, Greene didn’t necessarily shy away from the group, but she did separate herself to an extent. She explained that two years ago, she never considered running for office. During this time, Greene started researching the “fake news” media stories about Russa Collusion.

“I knew they were lying about President Trump. I was one of those people that read and looked up things and wanted to know what was really going on, and millions of other Americans did the same thing,” explained Greene.

She conceded that she might have commented on pages, sites, or forums, that she might reconsider posting today.

“I’m a regular person. I looked up things. I asked things,” Greene added.

The Republican candidate remained steadfast in being “fed up with conspiracy lies from the fake news media.” She said, “we won’t believe” the media’s narrative about the Trump Campaign and Russia’s involvement in 2016.

Few if any media outlets have given Greene positive headlines, but her campaign “[doesn’t] care what the fake news media has to say.” According to Greene, the people that know her will recognize the media’s lies.

Greene Victory party, Image courtesy of campaign’s Facebook page.

At Tuesday’s victory party, the campaign removed an AJC reporter, but not before they recorded her saying “kick that bitch out of Congress” concerning Nancy Pelosi. The victory party wasn’t considered a press event.

When asked, the Republican candidate confirmed, “In a fired-up moment, I called her a dirty name.” However, Greene didn’t apologize to the Speaker of the House. Instead, she doubled down calling Pelosi a hypocrite and the Democrat party “anti-American.”

Greene’s tired of Democrat policies, Pelosi’s tactics, along with the media, and “spineless Republicans” who kowtow to them.

“What we’re having in our government is too much. It’s insulting to the American people. We have the Democrat party that has turned into the party of socialism,” explained Greene. “American people, conservative Republicans are fed up. We’re fed up with Antifa, BLM, socialists, the squad, and Nancy Pelosi…All the Republicans need to double down. We need to support President Trump and get him reelected. We need to defend our conservative values.”

President Trump spoke with Greene on election night and called her the next “Republican star” in a Tweet.

Kevin McCarthy, Brian Kemp, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and most of Georgia’s delegation have sent congratulations.

“I’m absolutely thrilled with my victory, “expressed Green. “I had a strong message. It’s the message, I believe in my heart and that’s save America, stop socialism.”


BKP Has a Call-In With Marjorie Taylor Greene


#BKP is joined by GA 14th district #Republican nominee Marjorie Greene. Greene has had no good press since the primary election. Why is that? What are her thoughts on Nancy Pelosi? Why didn’t she allow media in her election night party? Does she have the support of other republicans in the state? All this and more on #GMFTO!


Marjorie Greene announces 14th district run

Announcements, Election


My name is Marjorie Greene and I’m running to be Northwest Georgia’s next Congresswoman.

I’ve never held or run for political office before. I’m a political outsider, job creator, and problem solver.

I 100% stand with President Trump against the left-wing socialists who want to destroy our country.

I’ve also been endorsed by Congressman Jim Jordan and Congressman Matt Gaetz – two of President Trump’s strongest defenders in Congress.

Like President Trump, I’m a business owner in the construction industry creating thousands of jobs in 11 states. I’ve spent my life building my businesses and raising my three amazing children alongside my husband Perry.

But I cannot sit by while Nancy Pelosi, AOC and Ilhan Omar roadblock President Trump and the will of the American people.

I’m sick and tired of their anti-Trump, anti-America rhetoric, and their phony witch hunt to REMOVE President Trump from office.

I’m running because I care about our country. And once I’m elected, I’m going to fight against the socialists in Congress trying to ram their agenda down the throat of every man, woman and child.

You see, I’ve already faced down Nancy Pelosi when I delivered the “Impeach Nancy Pelosi” petition I started straight to her office. You may have even signed it yourself along with 329,000 other Americans.

And AOC? She shut the door and locked me out when I confronted her about her job-crushing “Green New Deal.”

I’ve also faced down the Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action and David Hogg when I fought back against dangerous “Red Flag Gun Confiscation.”

And February of last year, I organized one of the biggest Build the Wall rallies to support President Trump’s border wall, shutting down Pennsylvania Avenue.

I don’t just pay lip service like career politicians. I’m a fighter and always have been. And I put my words into action. Imagine what I’ll do once I’m elected.

Republicans need more strong, conservative woman who won’t back down in the face of left-wing attacks.

The “Socialist Squad” members like AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib. . .they’ve never faced a strong, pro-Trump conservative woman.

In fact, they’ve never faced a southern mom of three!

The Republican party can’t afford more Mitt Romney-type Republicans who care more about being liked by the Fake News Media than they do about standing firm for conservative values.

I will fight to DEFUND abortion mills like Planned Parenthood. I will NEVER vote for gun control, and fight against “Red Flag Gun Confiscation.”

I will pass TERM LIMITS on Congress. The American people are sick of the career politicians. We need to pass Term Limits to get them out!

I will fight to Secure the Border: Build the Wall, Fully Fund Our Border Patrol, Defund Sanctuary Cities.

The stakes are too high in 2020 for me to sit back and do nothing. The battle against socialism is about the heart and soul of America. And President Trump needs more allies in Congress.

My campaign strategy is simple: People over Politicians. I will win the May 19 Republican Primary one voter at a time.

Vote Marjorie Greene in the May 19 Republican Primary.

Save America, Stop Socialism!

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