Hot topic omnibus bills set the table for election reform
Featured News, Featured Stories, News, Politics, State & National March 1, 2021 , by Stephen Hall
ATLANTA – Ga. – Despite the backlash from Democrats, Republican state lawmakers are eager to push two omnibus bills aimed at election reform as the legislative session goes into full throttle.
If the Special Committee on Election Integrity wasn’t busy with legislation earlier this month, it is now. In February alone, the committee has more than tripled the assigned bills. While many of the proposed pieces of legislation have been stand-alone bills aimed at one specific issue, a couple broadly encompass many of these issues into one enormous bill. House Bill 531 does just that.

Speaker Pro-Tempore Jan Jones
After hours of testimony over several days, the Republican-led committee decided to green light HB 531. The 21-page bill brings together many hot-button issues Republican lawmakers were looking to resolve during the legislative session. Introduced by the committee’s Chairman Barry Fleming (R-Harlem), the bill carries a partisans whos who of co-sponsors, including Speaker Pro-Tempore Jan Jones (R – Milton). Having Jones as a so-sponsor is a good indicator of the bill’s strength. If passed, here’s what the bill would do:
- Requires ID for absentee ballots
- Limits Sunday voting
- Limits the number of days a voter can request an absentee ballot.
- Puts limitations on ballot drop boxes.
- Ends mobile voter (e.g., buses to polls), excluding emergencies.
- Ends third-party funding.
The Senate has their own omnibus bill. Introduced by Majority Leader Mike Dugan (R – Carrollton), Senate Bill 241 has co-sponsors to all but three members: Sens. Kay Kirkpatrick (R – Marietta), John Albers (R – Roswell), and Brian Strickland (R – McDonough). All three face stiff reelection in their districts. Like the House version, the 25-page legislation is not received well by Democrats. Here are some points of interest regarding SB 241:
- Ends no-excuse absentee voting.
- Empowers the state to remove election supervisors temporarily.
- Ends unsolicited absentee ballots.
- Ends mobile voter (e.g., buses to polls), excluding emergencies.
- Establishes a voter hotline.
Republicans have a history of cringing when it comes to omnibus legislation. However, it’s the party leading the charge to assure that it isn’t an armchair quarterback for election reform law. Earlier this month, an Election Confidence Task Force, set up under the Georgia Republican Party’s State Executive Committee, published a report with a list of the solutions it wanted lawmakers to address during this session. Rebecca Yardley, who chairs the 9 Congressional District for Republicans, was clear about her expectations from lawmakers when she addressed supporters at a Towns County GOP event last week.
“We as grassroots activists have got to spend the remainder of this legislative session ensuring that we are staying on top of our legislators to get some election integrity enacted in the Georgia legislature, said Yardley. “I’m proud to say that your Georgia Republican Party is leading the way on that.”

Congresswoman Nikema Williams
Both pieces of legislation have gotten their share of hate. On Thursday, a large crowd took to the streets outside the state capital in opposition to what they say see as blatant voter suppression. Congresswoman Nikema Williams (D – Columbus) didn’t hold back her objections in a press release by Georgia Democrats.
“Georgia Republicans are hell-bent on suppressing the vote because they realized they could not win when more Georgians cast a ballot,” said Williams. “Not only would the Republican-sponsored legislation passed through the Senate today fail to improve our election system – it would also create the type of chaotic post-election situations in which false, far-right conspiracy theories flourish.”
Noticeably absent around these two omnibus bills is Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. In testimony earlier this week, Rev. James Woodall of Georgia’s NAACP told Fleming that the silence from the Secretary of State’s office should give Republicans pause as they look to pass these two pieces of legislation.
“It saddens me that we have not heard directly from the Secretary of State himself,” said Woodall. “The duly elected Secretary of State has not made public comment about this piece of legislation, and I think that’s important for this committee to consider.”
When FYN reached out to the Secretary of State’s office, we were told that Sec. Raffensperger doesn’t comment on pending legislation. His office did assure FYN that the Secretary continues to have an open dialogue with all stakeholders.