A Serious Clash of Damaging Issues
Opinion October 6, 2019A Serious Clash of Damaging Issues
The Democrat Motto: “Deny everything, admit nothing and blame somebody else.” It was really a bad week for Democrats. Forget what the media says, It was a bad week for Democrats and it’s not going to get any better. Their total anti-Trump derangement is leading them into the same biblical wilderness that stumped Moses for forty years.
First damaging issue: Jerry Nadler demonstrated his incompetence as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee when witness Lewindoskie made a mockery of his impeachment hearing leaving the hapless fool wondering what happened. Second damaging Issue: A video of Obama’s VP, Joe Biden bragging to the Council of Foreign Relations how he bribed the Ukrainian President for a mere Billion American Tax Payer dollars, to fire the Prosecutor who was investigating the corrupt Ukrainian energy company on who’s board Joe Biden’s son sat for several years at a salary of $50,000 per month, surfaced. Say what?
Third Damaging Issue: President Trump said that he did indeed discussed former Vice President Joe Biden with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in a July phone call. So what? That what Presidents do, talk to foreign potentates & etc. Who cares what the subject was. As Obama once famously said: “We won, you lost.”
Forth damaging issue: At the UN General Assembly, Trump told the world it does not belong to Globalists; all religions should be protected; LbGT’s have rights too & etc. Trumps speech generated no rousing applause, no cheers, no standing ovations. He scared the hell out of the New World Order Crowd of which the Democrats are an important part.
Fifth Damaging issue: They couldn’t get Justice Kavanaugh again because Good Ol’ Joe preempted their case with his bragging. They had to go into Def-Con 4, alarm the media and push their clumsy attempt to turn the “whistleblower complaint” about Biden into a Trump problem to salvage their moral authority not realizing they never had one. Will it never end?
Sixth damaging issue: Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Speaker of the House, in her Tuesday PM announcement said the House would be initiating an impeachment inquiry and, in a rare moment of truthfulness, let the cat out of the bag when she said: “We can’t let him win again!”
Seventh damaging issue: After screaming since last week that Trump should release the transcript of his July phone call with the Ukraine President, Trump said okay, he would and suddenly, that wasn’t good enough for Speaker Pelosi. The drum beat goes on.
In the Democrats derangement, It’s important to remember, there is only hearsay by a non-witness who claims Trump did something naughty that ignited the fire the Democrats need to stop the Biden fiasco from sinking their ship. Evidence of an impeachable offense must be there somewhere so Trump must reveal all. Remember Trump’s words when this “whistleblower” business first flared up? I paraphrase but: Trump said he wasn’t worried at all. Let the Democrats do what they want, it will all come crashing down on them.
So, what’s going on here? Trump is the master negotiator but he’s not negotiating with the Democrats. He’s a master at understanding people and what they want, and he’s a complete master at baiting them. Is this whole business another one of Trumps cunning traps to ensnare the Democrats in their own contemptible sludge of swamp hate? I wouldn’t bet against it. Remember freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (9/24/19)
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