Is Our Republican Form of Government Already Lost?


The fragility of maintaining our republican form of representative government is revealed daily in the news, not from the point of view by the MSM as a necessity to be cherished and protected, but as an evil to be done away with because It represents the wicked fruits of decades of “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” That’s the trope AOC and her Socialists want us to believe and accept because alleged white injustice has suppressed the hopes and dreams of people everywhere, ignoring that people were once drawn here by what America offered that no other country in the world could provide: individual freedoms!

I am amazed at the different modes of attack against our representative form of government and the Conservative ideals that have allowed America to prosper for over 250 years. The Left will argue that Americas prosperity began, not with the smell of gunsmoke at Concord, but on the backs of slaves and therefore, whites should be shamed, admit their guilt and allow the dark skinned peoples to take over, a “new world order” so to speak, so everybody benefits equally. The weaknesses in their arguments are readily apparent but the Left doesn’t care so long as America and what it represents in individual freedom is destroyed.

AOC, Omar, Tlaib and others have become the face of the New World Order. Their Socialist party (Democrats), having joined the race mongers, generated a grievance industry that has grown exponentially into a living, breathing morphism that is now out of control, the focal point being the ‘racist presidency’ of Donald Trump. His successful Make America Great Again policies, in two and a half years, has driven them into a such a state of dysfunction that they are now openly and brazenly advocating for violence, civil disobedience, boycotts and crime.

We are aware that no economic program(s) will prosper if they are not free of crime. Unscrupulous politicians like Obama, instead of addressing the crime issues, reversed immigration rules and allowed the importation of criminal gangs (eg: MS-13) under the pretext of child immigration from Mexico and Central America, and muslims in the dark of night, and now, years later, we are reaping the rewards of his dysfunctional experiment in fundamentally changing America. We are alarmed by the growing numbers of sanctuary cities governed by like thinking Progressives, with the rising crime rates by the illegals who are allowed to roam in our midst, and the expensive exertions against the public purse just to support these unworthy people. Just because they want to come here doesn’t mean they can come here.

Speaking of crime, I am equally amazed at the thought process that convinced the highest ranks of the Dept. of Justice, the FBI, CIA and the DNI, to soil their hands in the crime of treason trying to bring down, through fraud and subterfuge, the lawfully elected President of the United States. What caused them to think they could throw off the restraining shackles of our glorious Constitution and conspire to engage in the nefarious schemes of obtaining false warrants, false criminal indictments and false arrests solely for the purpose of destroying President Trump. That’s hubris of the highest order.

Clearly, when the highest levels of leadership collectively becomes as addlepated as Joe Biden is on the campaign trail, them something is seriously amiss in the social order and it doesn’t take a genius to spot what it is. Neither does it help when the media does not value the truth for the truths sake, but for its usefulness in bringing down a President and pushing America to the brink of socialism. The Left claims they want “Justice” but what is justice? Justice does not, nor ever has intended to provide a guaranteed outcome. “Justice is what I say it is!”

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Our Descent into Darkness


With each mass shooting perpetrated in our society upon wholly innocent men, women and children, the Marxist Democrat propaganda arm, feigning faux outrage, immediately points the bony finger of blame at Donald Trump. Why? Because they have nothing left in their quiver and he has them beat in the public arena with the truth and logic.

Americans are becoming inured to the shock that is now the too frequent indiscriminate murders in public places of American citizens. The loony reactions of the media to these bloody events is convincing Americans that they cannot be trusted because we now know they lie, obfuscate, hide the truth, report out of context the truths, and are in fact, the most complicit agency in leading Americas Descent into Darkness. Why does the media not care about the mass daily killings in Chicago, Baltimore and other Liberal American cities or the murders of babies in the daily gross lots? Just asking!

It’s a last act of desperation for an industry that openly took sides in the political war that will decide Americas future, and tried to hide it. They are leading our descent into a life that will be one of misery and despair, a la Venezuela and Cuba, while attacking Trump who is polishing up the “Shining City on the Hill” image of Ronald Reagan.

The media has lost, like the FBI has, the trust of the American people. We’re not as stupid out here as they believe we are. For decades we’ve passively watched as the nice, pleasant sounding, siren voice of Socialism’s doctrine of “fairness and multiculturalism,” crept into our daily lives, then morph into screeds of white privilege, reparations, wealth redistribution and white shame, and slowly supplant our original values of independence, self-reliance, property ownership and individual achievement, the beginning of our descent into darkness. Happily, Americans are waking up but, that could portend more violence.

Trump “tweets” the truth and they can’t abide it. They have no retort except to scream louder, try to identify every supporter of President Trump as demonic white supremacists, tea party black folks hating, far right wing radical racist, even before the facts of events are ever revealed. If not, they’re simply made up. “Never let a good tragedy go to waste.” The word “racist” has lost its sting so watch as ‘white supremacists’ replaces ‘racists’ in daily print.

In the El Paso murders, I agree. It was a Hispanic hating young white youth who surrendered to police instead of dying by his own hand or confronting the police in a futile shootout. This man was a coward. The Dayton murderer on the other hand, was demonstrably an evil, demonic person who expressly believed in the socialist ideals of Bernie Sanders and the Squaw woman, Elizabeth Warren. Yet no one blames those two politicians for the murders. Indeed, when his political affiliation was discovered his whole background story was just dropped from the front page of the Democrats propaganda arms. Another blow to fairness.

The Left’s media propaganda machine, always seems to be a step ahead of the dimwitted Democrats in pursuing the lies of “white supremacy,” the new code word for “racism.” All the Democrat presidential candidate especially the spavined Joe Biden, are trying very hard to brand President Trump, and by inference, the rest of us, as far-right wing, lunatic fringe “racists” that should be attacked and openly killed. The Black Lives Matters nimrod, screaming out her hate toward Mitch McConnell’s home, calling for him to be stabbed in the heart, makes my case. The Antifa’s who show up at street protests hooded and masked have done just that.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

SOTU 2019, The Fallout


SOTU 2019, The Fallout
“America never has been and never will be a “socialist country!” Yeah, “USA, USA, USA.”
For visuals, the Democrats sat on their hands and sulked. President Trump’s speech revealed a lot of truths to the eye of the beholder. His remarks were what conservative Americans wanted to hear because for two years, the president has kept his word, or has tried to while tDemocrats have only worked to obstruct him, not because of policy differences, but because it was Trump.

Not missed was the visual statement by Democrat female members of congress, including House Speaker Pelosi, all attired in white, that reminded me of pigeon droppings adorning the ground beneath a statue of Lenin. They made clear their point that they are socialist and want to make America socialist too. The only time they seriously became animated was when President Trump talked about the growing number of women in government, business, industry and politics, especially in the House of Representatives. Then they celebrated themselves.
For the next two years, the Congress will be in the hands of idiots.

The President cleverly celebrated as examples of true Americana, three World War II combat veterans, a couple of holocaust survivors, a shot up Border Patrol officer and a wee girl fighting cancer sitting with the First Lady in the gallery.

He specifically referred to Dachau, the Nazi’s first concentration camp near Munich which was liberated by American soldiers. The two holocaust survivors had to have been little boys when they were liberated and, at least, one had to have been a Jew. This was the Presidents forceful statement against the growing semitism in the United States abetted by the Socialists in the Democrat Party who fail to rail against it, favoring instead that Americans should accept Islam as a religion of peace. Those exact words weren’t used but the meaning was clear.

Of the most pressing issues facing America, how to stem the hoard of peasant invaders clambering at our southern borders to get in, Trump said a “wall will be built” but stopped short of declaring a national emergency. Why? because the disappointed Democrats were ready with instant law suits in the 9th District, to call a halt to any such national emergency. The president faces an option here as well. He could simply defund the 9th District Courts and let ‘em work on that while the wall is being built.

The issue of late term abortions, made legal in New York state and tried in Virginia apparently, were commented upon by the President demanding a Federal law that prohibits such monstrosities. Democrats for example took the Virginia Governors controversial pro late-term abortion comments out of the news by an attack on a black face and KKK photo. Now, we talk about that racist incident instead of the murders of live baby’s. Let’s not forget Kermit Gosnell, now in prison for life, for doing just that.

Foreign policy and wars were not neglected either. A government of business, must have wars to sustain its productivity. Trumps career was erecting buildings not blowing them down and he spoke to loss of treasure fighting such wars in the middle-east for two decades, that should come to an end. The political problems of a failed Socialist government in Venezuela, manifested by the mass exodus of citizens into neighboring countries, was also not ignored but a cautious approach helping its own citizens to overthrow the dictator Maduro, was implied.

During his speech his constant theme was “Choosing Greatness.” Trump raised five areas on which both Democrats and Republicans campaigned and should therefore find agreement, among which were jobs and fair trade, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, reducing the costs of healthcare and prescription drugs, creating a legal immigration system and pursuing a foreign policy agenda that “puts America’s interests first.” How can anyone object to that? Because its was a successful Donald Trump pushing Make America Great Again agenda.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

The Great Awakening, You Can Look It Up!


Trump has moved America so far beyond Obama’s era of compliancy, apathy, and despair that
Obama has personally taken to the stump to stem the Red tide. We’re in a new “great
awakening “of what it means to be a prosperous, industrious, hard working nation of achievers.
That will not do for Socialists or advocates of the New World Order.

There’s more news today about Obama hitting the campaign trail to save his pathetic legacy,
than there is about the bomber from Miami, the caravan from Honduras or the mental
breakdown many of MSNBC and CNN’s entertainers are suffering on camera.

Obama is making fiery teleprompter speeches to dozens of admirers to try to stem the Red Tide
that could signal the final demise of the Democrat Party. Obama himself put the party’s
existence into jeopardy when as president, he all but ignored the party entirely, indeed helped
Hillary drain its coffers while local and state Democratic losses started mounting.

For Obama, Marxism is his catechism, weakness and ineptitude is his policy and arrogance is
his worst enemy, i.e.: “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more
about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m
gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

At midwest speaking venues in Milwaukee and Detroit, Obama claimed Trump and Republicans
were just “making stuff up.” Without mentioning Trump by name he said this midterm election
(2018) was about the “character of our country.” Obama cited a recent Trump comment that he,
(Trump) would pass a tax cut (a second one) before the November election then told the crowds
that “Congress isn’t even in session before the election! He just makes it up!” Look it up!

Obama then told a truth: ”Here’s the thing. Everything I say you can look up.” Yes, Barak, we
can: ”If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can
keep your health care plan.” Then Obama sets about describing himself: ”What we have not
seen before in our public life is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly, lying.
Just making stuff up, calling up, down. Calling black, white. That’s what your governor (Walker)
is doing with these ads, just making stuff up.” Look it up!

Now Obama wants to claim the rocketing economy as his. After the 2016 election, Bloomberg
reported that: “Trump was inheriting a stable and improving economy compared to the economy
that Obama inherited.” It is from this assertion that Obama now claims: ”When you hear all this
talk about economic miracles right now, remember who started it,” but what Bloomberg failed to
mention was that “the standards and statistics by which they measured economic improvement,
were entirely fraudulent. You can look that up too!

Clinton and her private email server featured in an Obama comment. He said: “Trump used
Hillary’s ‘server’ crimes to try to scare the heck out of people before every election.” He even
trash talked about Trump’s cellphone usage saying the Chinese heard everything he said.

Obama: ”In the last election, it was Hillary’s emails. He quoted Trump: ’This is terrible’ … ‘This is
a national security crisis.’ Obama: They didn’t care about emails and you know how you know?
Because if they did, they’d be up in arms right now that the Chinese are listening to the
president’s iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart.” What?

Listening to Obama stammer and stumble his way through a Castro like speech event is painful
as well as boring, especially as his facts, comments, and opinions won’t stand the muster of
examination. By the way, forget It’s a progressive site that obscures the truth.

Obama intimated that Trump’s concerns about a caravan, especially as the thousands of, well,
how did Obama phrase it?: “a bunch of impoverished, malnourished refugees a thousand miles
away,” are headed here from Honduras, were more important than “health care, whether or not
folks are able to retire, doing something about higher wages, rebuilding our roads and bridges
and putting people back to work.” Say what? Have you looked closely at the photos of those
overfed, clean, prosperous Honduran travelers out on their walk-about?” I think Obama went
into his very short Rip Van Winkle routine on jobs, the economy, and retirement. Barak, you can
look that up as well, it’s in nearly all the papers.

I think Barak worries that he himself could face inditement for involvement in crimes associated
with his former Secretary of State because he rails on about not having anyone in his
administration indited for crimes. Well, that’s for sure when his Attorney Generals were Eric
Holder and Loretta Lynch, both facing probable inditement themselves. Obama: ”In Washington
they (Trump’s Administration) have racked up enough indictments to field a football team.
Nobody in my administration got indicted.” Don’t believe for a minute that Hillary Clinton or her
corrupt Foundation has escaped the scrutiny of Trump’s DoJ.

Obama told his admiring minions: ”I’m hopeful that despite all the noise, despite all the lies,
we’re going to come through all that. We’re going to remember who we are, who we’re called to
be. I’m hopeful because out of this political darkness, I’m seeing a great awakening.” Yes
indeed, for sure he is seeing a Great Awakening but, it’s not a Socialist one.

So, hang in there conservatives, be strong, be steadfast in the face of the Left’s confrontational,
deranged screaming idiots and vote Republican.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (17Oct18)

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