Let’s Pretend


Let’s Pretend
Why do Republicans pretend they are “negotiating” with Pelosi when she is not negotiating and has said so often? She stands pat on “No money for the wall!” The Democrats have absolutely no interest in protecting America, American’s or America’s sovereignty! Their only goal is to regain and keep total power, with illegal voters if that’s what it takes.

Pelosi and Schumer have shown their fear and loathing of Donald Trump. Cancelling use of the House Chamber for the State of the Union was her first shot at Trump and was met with rising resentment. Eight hundred thousand out of work non essential government drones is really of little consequence to the millions of real working Americans who have benefitted from Trumps “Make America Great Again” economic and trade policies.

Pelosi further shows her contempt of the President by allowing New Jersey (12th Dist.) Rep., Bonnie Watson, to invite an illegal alien to the gallery during the rescheduled State of the Union Speech. Trump could send over Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or someone, to read his speech. That would do nicely. After all, we are pretending we hold each other in due respect, aren’t we?

I should suspect that that illegal invader, Morales is her name, would be immediately detained upon her arrival and turned over to ICE for deportation. That would be showing Trump’s belief in enforcing immigration laws as well as a proper contempt for Pelosi leadership. After all she is not an equal to the President. But, he won’t do that, at least not publicly. Too, hasn’t Rep. Watson opened herself up for prosecution by flaunting America’s immigration laws? Will she be held accountable? Naw, of course not! We’re still pretending we respect the rule of law and Democrats can’t be prosecuted because their intentions are good and they only “mean well.”

The Democrats derangement of Donald Trump is reflected daily not only by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority leader, Chuckie Schumer’s actions, but the Never Trump GOP’s reaction, pretending to solve the immigration problem by negotiating with Democrats. It should be clear by now, that that is a needless exercise in futility. The Democrats will not negotiate, period! This was the canard that led John McCain astray, his earnest belief in comity and the hands across the aisle business, i.e.: capitulation to Democrats. It never works!

Our labor force employment rate is 62.3%, and Nancy Pelosi pretended to said: “The GOP attitude disrespects workers, dishonors our values and damages our economy.” Right! That’s the voice of a true believer, a Marxist shouting into a tin cup so she can hear her own echo. That is the message the Democrats want all Americans to accept as the pathway to Socialism.

The Democrats, now openly on board supporting policies of infanticide, are pushing state laws that encourage abortions on demand; by keeping open Americas borders for the invasion of the peasant class; by proposing economic killing policies with their “New Green Deal,” and killing capitalism as a philosophy of theft. That is the Socialist mantra we’ll face during these next two years. In their determination, squads of Democrat politicians, some new ones, are lining up to challenge President Trump in 2020 for the leadership of the our country.

William Pitt once said: “Where law ends, tyranny begins.” We need only look at the events unfolding in Venezuela today to realize that truth. Socialist Venezuela is where Democrats will take us. Where Democrats don’t pretend, as their mask of death has been ripped off, is their hypocrisy is exposed and the future of America, if they succeed, is clearly visible on the streets of Venezuela. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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