Short Takes – The Agenda, Why They Won’t Stop
Opinion July 6, 2018“The Agenda” – Why They Will Not Stop
Twenty years ago our government was in the hands of a misogynist, but popular nincompoop, one William Jefferson Clinton. His tawdry life’s experiences, beyond his official duties, is too painful and sordid to repeat here. We all know the tale. What we don’t know was why the idiots in the Democrat Party rallied so hard to keep him in office. Because he led the agenda called “The Third Way” and maintaining ‘the agenda’ was far more important than the man.
A Washington Post article dated 9 Aug.1998, by E.J. Dionne, titled “The Big Idea,” explained why Democrats stuck with Bill Clinton throughout the Lewinsky scandal and his impeachment for lying. The article also introduced us “the Third Way.” Dionne wrote: “most of Clinton’s party will support him as long as they can. They see him…as the only figure who can make the party’s case.”…Until they don’t!
Thomas Friedman wrote in the NY Times: “if there was no hope for the Agenda, what need is there for the man?” Friedman conceded Clinton’s personal failures and opined that perhaps he indeed needed to go,…. to save the agenda.
Bill Clinton went sailing with Walter Cronkite, a confirmed globalist who totally subscribed to a mandatory one world government to prevent a catastrophic third world war. At least that’s what he said in his book, A Reporters Life. Cronkite advised Clinton he should resign so the Agenda could proceed. Cronkite wanted the worlds nations to yield up their “precious sovereignty”…and establish a World Executive and a Parliament of Nations. We see how successful that has been with the European Union and the failing United Nations. It’s not working well, is it?
None the less, for a short while even the media joined in in asking for Clinton’s resignation. This was also the time of the Soviet Unions collapse and the new Russian Premier, Boris Yeltsin, calling for a Third Way, needing American support. Perhaps a savior at last!. Clinton’s White House press secretary, Mike McCurry said “For us, it has always been true, the policy matters more than personality.” In other words, the agenda transcends the man.
Clinton’s decision not to quit stands in sharp contrast to poor ol’ Richard Nixon who statesmanlike, resigned his presidency when he was advised to. Democrats are not statesmen but socialist driven aparatchek’s and their goal is still The Third Way, a one world government.
The real power brokers didn’t want Clinton to quit.because that would have ushered in the climate idiot Al Gore, to “heal the nation.” They knew that Gore lacked the charisma to drive their grandiose scheme but, If Clinton like Nixon, was driven from the field, then who would become Gore’s VP,? It had to be someone with the charisma to advance their agenda. No-one in the Democrat party fit the bill so they looked around and guess who they saw? Why, our own Newt Gingrich already a popular Third Way proponent. This may explain why Republicans don’t fight the Democrats. They’re all cut from the same cloth with the same agenda!
Then came Bush’s Compassionate Conservatism, or socialist lite, who couldn’t get it done; then the great black hope, Barak Obama. How did a nobody, with no history, no records and no achievements, become President so fast? Was a fix really in? But, alas, he couldn’t do it either and tried to pass the ball to Hillary Clinton, who hated him, just to save the Agenda. He hated the Clinton’s too, but “The agenda” mattered most. With Donald Trump, their whole plan is in abeyance. There is a Deep State and It is controlled by the oligarchs of the world banks.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go protect ‘em! (01Jul18)
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