Short Takes – Tax Incentives, Why?
Opinion December 19, 2017Tax Incentives, Why?
So, Marco Rubio is the newest wannabe ‘Judas’ in the Republican stable. In the GOP Tax reform plan he demands that the tax reform plan must increase child tax credit incentives to the poor, or he won’t vote for it. This is so he can get re-elected in a Florida now filling up with refugees from hurricane wrecked Puerto Rico, not to mention Obama’s islamists, poverty fleeing Haitians and third worlders swarming across our southern borders to join in the fray.
We would expect Join McCain to do it. He would claim to see some imminent danger to the Republic if he deigned to support a Trump initiative that would allow Americans to keep more of their own earnings so, he would vote against it. But, little Marco? Naw!
Everything government does is based on a supposed “crisis of human affairs.” Who, exactly determines what that crisis is or should be? Why, politicians of course! California forest fires might fit the definition but people should have fire insurance and not build homes in foothills covered with brush that has the flashpoint of gasoline. The flooding and destruction that comes with hurricanes, unusual storms, zombie apocalypse and etc. could be a concern for government, but not the federal government. It’s not in their job description (the Constitution)! If you want to live in a flood zone, buy insurance. “Ya pays your money you takes your chances.”
What little Marco wants is that you and I, as wage earning tax payers, and we do pay our taxes in order to avoid going to jail, allow the government to take a bit more of those taxes we pay and squander it on other people, basically third worlders unqualified to be productive Americans anyway. Why are they allowed to receive incentives from us the the plight of our veterans is ignored. Why should illegals be rewarded without expending the effort required to get it?
As I understand it, Puerto Rico needs to be rebuilt. So does Haiti. Why are those people here in our country then, living nearly for free? We can’t afford ‘em anymore. Politicians are solely responsible for this near financial disaster of good intentions we are now facing yet, like lil Marco, they keep adding on “benefits” that we can no longer afford. Admittedly, right now, some Americans exult at the rising stock market earning big bucks. When the Europeans stop sending their money here to avoid their own coming EU collapse, and the cash pool available for our government to dip into ends and then we’ll have to face the consequences. It will not be happy.
I should think that welfare, including child incentive tax credits, should have strict, enforceable limits. Recipients of government welfare should be absolutely limited to three children and NO more. Besides, I cannot find one amendment in the US Constitution that permits government to dispense taxpayer money for any other purpose than those enumerated therein. I do read in the 10th Amendment, words that precisely limits what the federal government can and cannot do and that includes doing good deeds. Doing good deeds should belong to the states.
This form of thinking, spending our money outside that permitted by the constitution, is done by politicians who want to keep their jobs by showing favoritism to the abundant numbers of poor voters who will, naturally, vote to maintain free government stuff. If welfare was totally returned to the States, as the 10th amendment allows, the federal deficit and debt, will depress, along with the taxes they steal, and we will all be happier. Taxpayers in states near financial collapses, like California, Illinois and Connecticut are now experiencing, would also put an end to that foolishness. So would term limits for federal politicians. We should have the incentive to spend or save our own money not give it to government to spend foolishly. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (15Dec17)
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