Short Takes – Predictable Outrage – Stop SCOTUS


Predictable Outrage – Stop SCOTUS

First, the good news: The danger of a youthful soccer team perishing in a monsoon filled cave deep in the jungles of Thailand after nearly two weeks, is now ended. All twelve boys and their leader have been rescued by the splendid efforts of Thai Navy divers and other volunteers. Sad that one diver died in the effort. To Democrats, it had to have been Trumps doing all along to deflect news of his programs successes to make America great again.

At the same time, a conservative candidate for the Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the Washington DC Circuit, was introduced as the President’s choice to fill the seat of the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. Predictably, the street zombies on the left went into action, selecting the correct name signs from the prepared pile of signs already laid by to protest whoever of the four candidates Trump picked, was available to select from. Predictable!

In front of the Supreme Court, after the announcement, the outraged Left, encouraged by the elderly Bernie Sanders, issued a call for resistance to Trump’s government. The “Left” has gone completely “nuts.”  It does beg the question though, are the Progressive cohorts of the Left now willing to resort to violence to express their outrage? The growing body of evidence suggests that “yes” they will!. Fox New’s, covering the expected protest event in front of the Supreme Court, faced that very possibility. Predictable!

Senate minority leader, Chuckie Schumer, as expected, announced he would oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s selection, on principle. But, we knew that because he said he would oppose any of Trumps picks. The new slogan for the Progressive Democrats must be: “Remember Garland,”  Obama’s final choice for the Supreme Court who was totally ignored by the Republican Senate under Mitch McConnell’s leadership. Then came Gorsuch! Predictable!

President Trump praised his selection for his “impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications, and a proven commitment to equal justice under the law.” Trump also urged Sen. majority leader, Mitch McConnell, to act swiftly to confirm Kavanaugh. It’s important to keep  pressure on the Democrats, first to make them reveal their animus to Trumps choice and to reduce campaigning time for Democrats in their districts, at least for those seeking re-election.

Can we next expect the Democrats to wheel out some skanky old broad who claims she had been the unwarranted victim of Kavanaugh’s sexual advances when they were in grammer school?  Wait for it. It’s coming as surely as elm blight comes in January.

The Left will focus “on the children” and will undoubtedly demand to know how the new Justice would rule of the government snatching children away from their parents at the southern border. They will say we have a border crisis. Let’s Stop for a moment. I want to ask why do we have a crisis on our southern border? Let’s make it a crisis on Mexico’s northern border instead.

The Democrats will demand to know Kavanaugh’s position on abortion, Roe vs Wade hovering in the background. He’s Catholic not that that matters anymore, but abortion, by any other words is “infanticide.”  To Democrats, mass scale killings is okay but separating children at the borders from their criminal parents is not. The Democrats face a conundrum. If they love little children and are prostrate learning about separating them, then why is it okay to kill children in the womb? If they don’t mind killing the unborn, why do they care about wayward foreign children at our border? Just asking? Democrat outrage is predictable. They are communists!Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (10Jul18)


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