Descent into Disarray
Opinion August 15, 2019I’m not sure if what we see and hear from the Democrats right now is some clever new stratagem designed to amaze and mystify us if not deceive us outright, or might be the manifestation of the realities of life, that nobody wants to hear them anymore. Mass shootings and other social disasters are like iron filings to magnets for the media and the Democrats trying to find some plausible reason to impeach President Trump they can sell to voters.
Of course stories that don’t fulfill their narrative, like the mass murders going on daily in Chicago’s black neighborhoods, are ignored. Murders committed by illegal immigrants already kicked out of America multiple times, are excused for some socially touchy excuse.
This score of Democrats campaigning to replace Donald Trump, are like freaks in a midway sideshow. They tell blatant lies so often that they actually start believing them themselves. The Democrat party has no platform that Americans could rally around, but they have twenty different offerings, all sounding the same theme, ‘get rid of Trump, get rid of guns, abandon your religious beliefs and trust us,’ that not only confuses people, but bores ‘em to death as well. Think “tune out.” Speaking of religious beliefs, if Islam refuses to neutralize their beliefs, and Democrats refuse to chastise them, why then should Christians even consider neutralizing the teachings of Christ? Think about that one.
The Democrats pursuit of Trump is in disarray. What happened to “Mueller?” Two years of wasted money and time only to proved that Donald Trump was right all along. Only Jerry Nadler, the nimrod Democrat committee chairman, still believes there’s hope that the discredited Muller investigation, that treasonous exercise by the Deep States FBI, DoJ and the CIA to overthrow the President, might still contain some fragment of evidence the could sweep Trump from office. He’s delusional and there’s evidence enough to call the ‘white coat detail’ to escort him from his seat as chairman to the nut house. Adam Schiff has already turned cold on Mueller.
To be sure, the Democrat Party of JFK, no longer exists. Today’s party, however they want to call themselves, are dangerous because they’re now openly communist in their philosophies, fascist in their pronouncements and delusional in their beliefs. Americans are in no way Marxist oriented, except perhaps, for the recent graduates from our Marxist infested colleges filling our voter rolls. Where does the Left’s Shock Troops, the black clad Antifa’s, come from? Do they act for the Democrat like Hisbollah and Hamas does for Iran? Just asking!
Apart from lacking ideas, the Democrat Party has become the party of excuses because they have no solutions except first, they need to regain power so they can make society fair by leveling the playing field so that all citizens, rich and poor alike, can suffer equally like we see in Venezuela right now. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? The Democrats are in disarray and are intent on taking the rest of us down with them.
But enough of disarray, how about corruption? Once, it took old time politicians several years in congress to become corrupt and amass the wealth that made them millionaires in retirement. Radical activist AOC, a pole dancing socialist bar tender, inside of one year as a freshman congress-woman, has already skimmed off more than a million dollars in campaign donations to satisfy her lust for fine living. Well, reportedly, her Chief of Staff, author of the Green New Deal, actually did it but the buck stops with her. It does for everybody else.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (14Aug19)
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