What’s the Crisis?


What’s the Crisis?
What is being revealed right before our very eyes is not, as Nancy Pelosi would have us accept, a Constitutional crisis, but rather, a crisis of government. We have too much government, too much money to be made being in government, too little work done for the benefit of American voters, and too many really stupid people who don’t realize they are really stupid people.

That’s the crisis that Donald Trump recognized when he decided America needed to be saved and he was the one who would do it. The moderate Republican party, no longer fulfilling its role as the champion of constitutional conservatism, is struggling to stay relevant to what America’s Marxists, disguised as the Democrat party, really want. The “Never Trumpers,” clinging to the political corruption that keeps them relevant, hate Trump because he won’t play the game their way. That’s the crisis. Neither do they see the tsunami coming that will overwhelm them.

What we are witnessing is push back from Trump like they’ve never experienced before! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schemers trekked to the White House, supposedly for a meeting with the President on Infrastructure funding, but really with the intention to ambush the President. They attacked Trump on funding issues by throwing out threats of investigations, impeachment and cover-ups to queer the deal. President Trump doesn’t suffer fools and will not be bullied, so he walked out on ‘em. Expect the House, under Democrat leadership, to produce nothing for the next year and a half except more hysteria.

They lost, but Trump, they say, must be guilty of something. That uncouth Trump must be corrupt but, he ignores them by refusing to permit White House staffers to testify about their interactions with him. For the Democrats, a conservative, if not playing their game, is grounds for impeachment. The problem is, Democrats don’t have the evidence they want or any other reason to get rid of him. But, that’s not stopping ‘em! They have the House and its powers of oversight and by Gawd, they’re going to use it. I think Trump is safe and he knows it.

Consider the alternative. A Jeb Bush, John Kasich or any other of the “Never Trumpers” who fancy themselves ‘moderate’ Republicans, would immediately have rolled over onto their backs at Nancy’s first bark to acquiesce to Democrats demands while licking the hand that beats them. For some inexplicable reason the Democrats firmly believe the stupid American voters are with them in hating Donald Trump and in wanting him to be gone.

Consider what the Democrats have already given us. A return of infectious disease’s by opening the borders to illegals who are then, cost free, housed, educated, provided free medical care and food, just for their vote. Democrats have forced our children to face sexual perverts with this transgender BS, multi-sex restrooms, males in women’s sports, transgender classes in our schools, but, worse, condoning the evil of Islam to be taught in our schools, but not allowing the morals found in Christianity to even be recognized.

Upon what basis do Democrats believe they are not only fit to lead, but expect to lead because it is their divine right? Our political system was the best going. When even an unenlightened bartender, with some effort at campaigning against a career politician, can get elected to the deliberative body that is our Congress, that’s how it’s supposed to work. Muslims, who hate America, deny that our inalienable Constitutional rights beats Shariah Law. These wicked people are now in our congress, like a cancer. How much damage will they do before they’re exposed for what they really are, fifth columnist for Islam? That’s also a major crisis.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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