Trumps Fearful Hold on Democrats


Trumps Fearful Hold on Democrats

Some rabid Trump haters may be realizing the fake Russian collusion business is going nowhere. Not all of course, but painful as it might be, some know it’s time to pivot. Their guide still lies with Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicles recommendation to overwhelm the system(s) to the breaking point such as we are seeing at our southern border. So look for Illegal emigration to rise as the next hot topic along side health care, for the poor & indigent including the disease ridden illegals now infecting America with illness thought to be long gone.

Congress is still burdened with its dimwitted politicos like Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, auntie Maxine, et. al., in the Democrat leadership. They are still blowing smoke about the failure of the Special Counsels to indite Donald Trump. Could the Mueller report still be fertile ground to be plowed for new accusations? Nope, ain’t gonna happen! They’ve got to look elsewhere and believe me, they will. Unlike Republicans, they never give up or roll over to the inevitable truth.

The Mueller Report did us a good turn. It revealed, regardless of the MSM’s ignoring it almost totally, that there was indeed criminal collusion, a conspiracy to commit treason. By lying to Congress, lying to Federal investigators and obstruction of justice rising to the level of Treason, a hanging offense, the conspirators created false evidence and narratives of the supposed criminality by Donald Trump. They provided false testimony to obtain warrants (FISA), to stop the Trump threat and protect the real criminality of their kindred spirits, Obama, the Clintons and the elite bureaucrats of the Federal Intelligence and law enforcement community.

When search warrants are requested by investigators, including FISA Warrants, our 4th amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizures “requires” that truthful probable cause, supported by evidence and oath or affirmation, must exist. That oath, given to a judge or magistrate, if knowingly false, constitutes a crime. But Judges can’t always know that and, In Trump’s case FBI’s oaths were believed because they were the FBI, armed with the highest of reputations. For Trump, the FBI investigation fell under the ruse of a counter-Intelligence inquiry. That does not negate the crimes of false swearing they conspired to commit in obtaining their warrants. There can be no possible other course of action here. If Mueller was honest and truthful, then the FBI and their coconspirators in the DoJ, lied to him as well.

What Mueller’s report has done was to destroy Americans faith in our system of federal justice, another point in Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to take down existing governments. It revealed that a wicked self-serving elite bureaucracy, a “Deep State,” was no longer just a rumor of the tinfoil hat crowd, but is in fact a very real danger to our American representative form of government. Mueller revealed clearly to what depths the Deep State elites will go to protect their elite inner kingdom. They are dedicated to protecting their own because if they don’t they could all hang. The Progressives will (almost) endure any pain, seek any measure of possible influence ore commit any crime, including murder, to stay in power. Watch for the rats to leave the sinking Progressive ship. Brennan has already started with hi “I didn’t know,” nonsense.

How far has the rot of judicial favoritism spread? How about to Obama’s Chicago where an unknown actor in a silly TV soap opera, Jussie Smollett, desperate for notoriety and following right on the heels of the Mueller report serve as an example? Our system of justice can no longer survive leftist favoritism in addressing crimes simply because “they meant well” or didn’t like the candidate(s). So, here’s the real headline: Attention Democrats, the Mueller report is complete and the results are in. “Donald Trump’s your daddy!”

Remember, freedoms the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, let’s go get ‘em!


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