Short Takes – The Left’s Lost Far Horizon


The Left’s Lost Far Horizons

The Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), a term popularized by Rush Limbaugh, is adversely infecting the common sense of Democrats and Republican Never Trumper’s. Like an undetected cancer spreading through the body politic, its infectious growth manifested itself even on “The View,” the very portal of TDS news speak and the cesspool of Liberal thought. The media is no better. It’s a conglomeration of sick organizations in need of total refits.  

Democrat leadership has all but evaporated. Poor Nancy Pelosi still entertains visions of a triumphant return to the Speakership when she can hardly speak without drooling, slurring her words or forgetting her lines all together. What’s left of the sane House Democrats should stop talking about retiring her and just do it. Nancy would be better off on the clean streets of San Francisco administering to the homeless folk and illegals she so desperately admires, then face the humiliation that is surely coming. Her horizons are now far away.

Diane Feinstein, nearing age 85, if she’s not already there, has reached the bounds of her Far Horizons by offering up a desperate bill that would, she hopes, placate her base, while causing Senate Republicans some problems. Her bill, is to ensure that invaders in our country illegally, are not separated from their families or whoever brought them in. Fake outrage over the practice of separating adults and children was merely another issue the democrats thought they could seize on as a cudgel to bash Trump. Feinstein’s bill was poorly thought out, inoperable, expensive and would open all sort of other problems for real American citizens.

Democrats, desperate to make us think the child separation issues at the border are Trump’s doing, ignores the fact they were enforced under Obama. The reason for the separations are clear; children do not belong in jail with adults, and not all the adults who brought them were/are the children’s real parents anyway. No amount of sympathetic feelings will change the fact they are here illegally, and Americans now realize that. Diane, even as we speak, is being ditched.

There’s a family in the neighbor who is anti-gun. They put up a yard sign declaring their house to be a Gun Free Zone. A neighbors sign say’s “This is an armed household. Go next door.” Then they had a sign that screamed “We want Open Borders, immigrants are world citizens.” Somebody took the hinges off their front door when they were away and put up a another sign that says “immigrants welcome, come on in and make yourself to home.”

The Democrat Party simply cannot survive without voters and as American voters, including Americans of African Descent, are ditching ‘em, they must import voters, even illegal ones who cannot read or write English, let alone the Spanish they brought with them. How is given them drivers licenses and entering them on the voter rolls simply because they’re here, helping America? It isn’t. It helps the Socialists impose their socialism on the rest of of us.

In National Elections, votes recorded from California, should be automatically discounted as unverifiable, unreliable and illegal as should the votes of every state that encourages illegals to register to vote. In states the give drivers licenses to illegals should be immediately suspect in neighboring states and the drivers who use them arrested for possessing invalid IDs.

The far horizon, as I see it, is obscured by the moving mass of humanity rushing our borders to get in. With the Democrats help they won’t need to bash the doors down, but simply walk through the open doors and enter the welfare state, like the one(s) they just fled.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (25Jul18)


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