Is It The Unravelling?
Opinion October 1, 2018
In a desperate attempt to end the ceaseless flow of campaign drivel from pretenders, PAC’s
and politicians, most of whom suffer TDS, I met another appeal from John Kasich of Ohio to
separate me from my Trump generated earnings with the following polite missive:
“Dear Governor Kasich,
No Sir, I would not like to “chip in” to your campaign. That would be a waste of money because
we absolutely do not agree. Your message isn’t making any difference at all. You will never be
President. Your policies and ideals were rejected at the last election. You tallied fourth in the
Primaries and like a silly twit you continued to campaign even when second and third place
contenders had dropped out. Voters could see that you lacked common sense.
No one believes your message because bipartisanship with Democrats cannot possibly happen.
Democrats have become America’s enemies because they are Marxists. If you continue to
believe they can be accommodated to accept a constitutional representative government with
Republicans, through bipartisanship, then you’re not only a fool but a stupid one as well.
You said you called for a delay in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing because of “the serious
accusations against Judge Kavanaugh,” playing right into the Democrat hands to delay, delay,
delay. What serious accusations? A patently false, thirty-six-year-old hit job on an unverifiable
allegation to which not even a crime scene, time, date or place can be ascribed? That makes
you a “fellow traveler” in the true sense of the word who, like Jeff Flake, is an avid Trump hater
suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Governor, you need to get a real life and stop
pretending that you matter any more or that anybody cares about you.
Americans voted Trump as President because he told us what he was going to do, then he set
about doing it, successfully! Your “bipartisanship” BS can’t compete with Trump’s success and
Americans don’t care about a fellow who doesn’t look and act Presidential, so long as he does
what he say’s and keeps his promises. Trump is doing that. Quit trying to spoil the pie.
Kindly remove me from your email list.”…& etc.
Even now, after the two-faced Arizona, Republican Senator Jeff Flake threw a monkey wrench
into the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings with his notion of being fair and bipartisan, (he turned
over) the Democrats can no longer conceal their true motives, refill the swamp at all costs to
regain and keep power – forever!
The Democrats operation “Ford” was a clumsily organized, last-minute campaign to obstruct
and delay the confirmation of Trump’s second appointee to the Supreme Court. I can’t wait for
the third. Such a campaign had to have been well funded. We saw expensive Democrat
lawyers, paid Soros protesters in the Senate hearing room admitted via Democrat Senator
issued tickets (Schumer), and a hysterical nitwit in an elevator screaming at Sen. Flake
nonsense about not protecting her fat body, we’ve seen ejected Senate protestors being paid
cash out of doors, and now we learn that through the device of a “GoFundMe” site, Dr. Ford will
be $700,000 dollars richer at weeks end. How about them apples?
One fact remains inviolable: Jeff Flake is a moral weakling. For whatever reason (TDS) he has
violated his party’s trust, turned to the ‘Dark Side,’ and foolishly entertains the notion he has the
moxie, skill and aptitude to challenge Trump in 2020. It’s an unravelling coming for the Dark
Side. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (30Sep18)
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