Judge Weaver Resigns as Chair of JQC
Featured, Featured Stories, News August 12, 2016 , by Brian K. PritchardAppalachian Judicial Circuit Chief Superior Court Judge Brenda Weaver has resigned as Chairperson and member of the Judicial Qualifications Commission. Judge Weaver gave her resignation today August 12, 2016. She expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to serve and thanked the other members saying,
I sincerely appreciate the opportunity I was given to serve as a member and as the Chairperson of this commission. The work of this commission is extremely important and nothing and no one should distract from its duties and responsibilities. As a member, each of you spend a lot of time each month, reading materials and preparing for each meeting. Thank you.
Weaver presides in the Adult Felony Drug Court and the Veterans Court in her circuit. Last night, August the 11th, there was a total of 10 participants who graduated from the two courts. She says she plans to use the additional time she now will have to continue to expand and improve the services that these courts provide for the citizens of her circuit.
Related stories: 10 year anniversary Drug Court Graduation
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