Human remains found at apartment fire

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CORNELIA, Ga. – Today, the Cornelia Police Department and Fire Department responded to an apartment fire that led to the discovery of human remains inside.

Earlier this morning, approximately 10:00 a.m., police and the fire department were called to 837 Main Street apartment D in reference to a house fire.

According to a statement released by the Cornelia Police Department, the landlord of the property first discovered the fire after they went to talk to the tenant and discovered smoke and fire damage outside of the property.

The landlord then entered the property using a master key to check on the tenant and called 911 after realizing the inside of the property had been burned.

“Upon arrival, the Cornelia Fire Department made entry to verify that the fire was extinguished. upon inspecting the residence, human remains were located inside. It was determined that the State Fire Marshall as well as the Georgia Bureau of Investigations should be involved,” read the statement.

This incident is now an open investigation and has been turned over to the GBI.



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