‘Drug dealer’ arrested in Haralson County

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PRESS RELEASE – On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Sgt. Trenton Benson of the Haralson County Crime Suppression Unit was working interdiction on I-20 when he observed a black passenger car that was tailgating a tractor trailer.

As Sgt. Benson moved to get closer to the car, it abruptly changed lanes, zigzagging in between vehicles and at that point, Sgt. Benson initiated a traffic stop.

During the investigation, Sgt. Benson asked the driver to step back to his vehicle and the driver refused to comply.

Sgt. Benson began to give verbal commands, but the driver still refused to comply.

At that time, Sgt. Benson reached into the car and unlocked the vehicle and then physically removed the driver.

During the search incident to arrest for Obstruction, Sgt. Benson located a set of scales and the male made statements alluding to something being in the car.

Once back-up arrived, the car was searched and two firearms were found under the driver’s seat, one of them was stolen out of Louisiana.

The vehicle was towed and the male driver, Bryan Steele, was transported to the Haralson County Detention Center.

When Steele was removed from the patrol unit, the backseat was searched, and Sgt. Benson located a purple bag that contained seven individual bags of MDMA (aka ecstasy) that totals 232 grams (8.5 ounces) which is a trafficking amount.

Bryan Shaque Steele, a 27-year-old B/M out of Greenville, AL is facing charges of Possession of Drug Related Objects, Obstruction, VGCSA – Trafficking MDMA, Theft by Receiving stolen property, Possession of Firearm with Altered Serial Number, Possession of Firearm During the Commission of a Felony, and other Traffic Related Offenses.

Sheriff Stacy Williams states, “Sgt Benson made a simple traffic stop and through his training, knowledge and experience, recognized the signs that a possible crime was being committed in his presence. He conducted an investigation, and another drug dealer was taken off the roads of Haralson County. I commend Sgt. Benson for his thoroughness in this action and for making our community and the communities these drugs were headed for, safer.”


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