Whitfield County man charged with insurance fraud and forgery

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ATLANTA – On July 15, Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John F. King’s Criminal Investigations Division took out warrants on Joseph Nathaniel Harry, 25, of Rocky Face, for four counts of Insurance Fraud and
two counts of Forgery in the 1st Degree.

In the first case, Harry allegedly submitted multiple fraudulent property damage and theft insurance claims with the
intent of gaining an insurance payout. During the claims process, Harry provided forged documents, eventually
receiving over $17,000 in fraudulent claim payouts.

In the second case, Harry allegedly submitted a false claim for Pet Insurance, again providing forged documents.
Insurance fraud is a felony punishable by imprisonment for two to 10 years, or by a fine of up to $10,000.00, or
both. To report suspected insurance fraud, contact the Georgia Department of Insurance at 800-656-2298. Callers
can choose to remain anonymous.

The mission of the Office of the Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner is to protect Georgia families
by providing access to vital insurance products and safe buildings through fair regulation
that creates economic opportunities for all Georgians.

In other news, earlier this week a multistate high-speed chase went through Whitfield.

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