The Power of Shouting
Opinion October 17, 2017The Power of Shouting
When political correctness trumps the truth to suppress alternate opinions, it is because PC is accompanied by a bodyguard of fear. Fear of being shouted down without benefit of dialogue, fear of being ostracized by one’s peers in the workplace, and fear of losing a job because you, the ‘offender,’ was not part of the team. PC is politically corrupt, forged in lies and totally engaged in cognitive dissonance. These people are not just tendentious, they are outright evil in smothering the opinions of others and killing debate.
In its present disguise, coming to us to protect feel good policies supposedly to empower the powerless, etc., the practitioners of PC reveal themselves as haters of Western culture, haters of cultural traditions, Christians, Confederate statues and community norms. Disagree and the organized mobs of PC will invade your space, tear up your copy, commandeer your speaking platform and seize the outlets of digital communication to attack the offender until he is gone.
Cloaked in fake news, outright lies, disinformation and threats of retribution, the power of shouting in the hands of the PC crowd, becomes the tool of oppression and victims, who fail to submit are usually never heard from again. Another definition of Political Correctness, is found in the word hypocrisy.
Political correctness over several decades in Hollywood, has protected a financial movie maker, Harvey Weinstein, from the exposure of his outright debauchery, indecency to women and his predatory sexual misconduct. Exactly the same thing happened in the Clinton presidency and within the priesthood of the Catholic Church. Overwhelmed with pedophiles as they were, decent priests, at all levels of the church’s hierarchy, suffered the power of silent shouting.
For Weinstein, instead of the censure a righteous and decent community would have heaped on him, he was lavished with praise even by his frightened victims. Some women have bravely come forward to reveal Weinstein’s depredations against them. One young model even had the audacity to record his very own words in his attempt to coerce her into his bed. The truth at last, PC be damned, has opened the floodgates of hypocrisy. Harvey Weinstein’s reputation cannot be salvaged. Of the many luminaries seen in his hundreds of photographs, none have the PC power to save him. ReHab will not suffice, forgiveness is for God. A prison cell will do it.
Harvey Weinstein will be lost. the Political Correctness that has enveloped Hollywood will only subside when it is challenged by brave defenders of the truth, not to mention the box office. The power of Hollywood, like the power of Senatorial RiNO’s, may be on the wane. Nothing lasts as long as nothing, and when dysfunction becomes the norm and predators bask in its glory, once revealed, the whole house of cards come tumbling down, to…nothing. RIP Hollywood.
Here’s my final thoughts on PC. It all comes from a group of non-thinkers who enjoy “liberal privilege.” That simply means never having to say they’re wrong. Rules that apply to others do not apply to Liberals. In our liberal cities we see that laws to protect public and private property can be suspended in order to allow leftists liberals the room they need to air their PC feelings.
Liberal privilege is Political Correctness and nothing more. They cannot survive without it and that’s why we are overwhelmed by it, but, thanks to Harvey Weinstein, the Catholic Priesthood, and Clinton’s Democrat party, all of it, we may be entering a new healing phase. When did common decency and shame lose its power of shouting?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (12Oct17)
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