Opinion April 24, 2019
President Trump has run a constant fight against what he calls the Fake News since the day he came down the elevator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy.
He has good reason as many of the networks and periodicals have published information on the President, and later are forced to recant it and apologize because the information was incorrect, or just an outright lie.
There is no doubt that they handle the truth carelessly, but is that all that it really is?
It is possible that the news media along with the government in collaboration are trying to spread fake news or propaganda to the American people.
Isn’t that against the law?
It was up until 2013, the year that it all changed. The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) removed a 1948 ban on the United States government allowing them to release propaganda on its citizens. This action neutralized the Smith – Munt Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.
The NDAA was created with the “purpose” of protecting citizens here and abroad from undue influence of foreign governments on the Internet. What it didn’t mention (outloud) was that it also allowed the government to create and release propaganda on its own citizens.
Most people were not dismayed at the time with this as there was no funding for the government to create and distribute any propaganda.
Then President, Barrack Obama signed a bill into law in 2016 for the NDAA that included what was called “Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016.” Though designed to protect the US from foreign entities such as Russia and China, it also allowed the release of propaganda to US citizens. It set up a grant funding for non-governmental originations and others that were already engaged in counter propaganda related work.https://freedomoutpost.com/is-the-us-engaging-in-propaganda-against-its-own-people/
This provided the funding needed to propagate propaganda.
When a falsehood is repeated many times on a form of media trusted by the people, it can become the accepted truth by the public.
When the “fake” news networks repeat “impeachment” 222 times, like they did one day, it makes one feel that some law had been broken and the President was sure to be impeached. On what grounds no one could really say, but that was not important. The repetition convinced many that it was inevitable.
Of course, since the Mueller Report has been released, OBSTRUCTION, is the new catch word.
It is hard for any lawyer to explain how one can obstruct justice, when no crime has been committed. Probably in the LaLa land of Washington D.C., the rules are made up and the law doesn’t matter.
So, if propaganda is okay, how far behind can full censorship and the removal of the First Amendment be?
Actually, it isn’t too far away.
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have recently banned Alex Jones and his conspiracy theory show and commentary from their platforms, citing hate speech, violence etc. https://www.npr.org/2018/08/06/636030043/youtube-apple-and-facebook-ban-infowars-which-decries-mega-purge They claim that they are fine with opinions but all must be courteous to each side. Who decides what is courteous or respectful? Who died and made them king of free speech?
Many might think that Alex Jones is a kook, so who cares? Everyone should care, as this sets a precedence for anyone with an odd idea or theory to be shut down.
The parents of a young man in a Connecticut high school are suing his school because he offered an opinion about a Shakespearean character who was transgender in one of the Bard’s plays.
His conservative views on transgender and same sex marriage were “offensive” to some others in his class. He refused to apologize or submit to suspension as he has First Amendment rights.
Everyone has First Amendment rights to free speech. It is guaranteed in the Constitution.
No one who is offended has the right to usurp another’s free speech rights.
They have the right to be offended, but they also have the right to ignore it or walk away.
The American People must stand up to censorship and propaganda. It is like water on stone, if allowed to continue, it will break down the hardest surface.
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