GA DNR Wildlife Division; Calling All Wildlife Artists





SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA. (Oct. 26, 2015) –Do you think you have what it takes to have your artwork chosen for the next plastic hunting and fishing license card? If so, be sure to enter into your design for all the bragging rights!

The contest is open to anyone and the winning design will be produced on the Agency’s next plastic hunting and fishing card. The card is available for $10 when purchase or renew your Georgia hunting or fishing license. Currently the card features a whitetail deer on the front and largemouth bass on the back.

“Georgia wildlife is a charismatic subject for any artist,” said Dan Forster, Director, Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division. “I encourage anyone with a passion for wildlife and artistic ability to enter this contest. What better honor than to have your design featured on our current Hunting and Fishing License plastic card?”

Artwork should depict some element of wildlife conservation in Georgia. Any species that is featured should be native to Georgia and can include any wildlife that is legally hunted or fished in the state.

The artwork must meet the following qualifications:

• The artwork may be prepared electronically, in acrylic, watercolor, or colored pencil.
• The original of the artwork must be unsigned.
• The artwork must be able to be scaled to fit the dimensions of a credit card (3.370 × 2.125 in) with rounded corners It is extremely important to keep the space available for artwork in mind when designing the license card.

Once the winning artwork is chosen and a signed agreement is submitted to the Department, ownership of the artwork and all rights are transferred to the Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division. The artwork may be used by the Agency for any purpose, including, but not limited to, placement on the license card as well as all promotional and marketing materials of the Department.

All artwork must be received no later than Monday, Nov. 30, 2015 and can be mailed to:

Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division
Attn: Robin Hill
2070 US Highway 278 SE
Social Circle, GA 30025

The Department of Natural Resources will internally select several entries for test marketing purposes from all of the artwork received. If your artwork is selected as the winning design, you will be notified by a personal letter from the Director of the Wildlife Resources Division.

For more information, please contact Robin Hill at [email protected] or 706-557-3325.


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