BOE advertises 2022 Millage Rate for school system
Featured Stories July 31, 2022 , by Lonnie Adams
GILMER COUNTY, Ga. – With a 25.74 percent increase to the county’s digest, The Gilmer Board of Education (BOE) approved their Rollback Rate for the 2022 Millage Rate on Thursday, July 28, 2022.
That Rollback Rate sets the school systems new Millage Rate at 11.099 mills. A 1.525 mill decrease from last year.
The 11.099 mills calculates for a tax levy of $20,123,750. Gilmer Schools’ Director of Finance, Trina Penland stated that as the school has 5 mills paid to the state, the 11.099 mills leaves the local board to operate with just over 6 mills from this Millage Rate. This state’s portion is based on 100 percent of the digest that does not allow exemptions like the over 65 exemption.
With the advertisement approved through a special called meeting after state issues delayed the county’s digest, the school board will move forward through the advertisement process and will reconvene another special called meeting on August 11, 2022, according to Penland. The school must approve their millage and send it to the Board of Commissioners (BOC) to be approved for collection. The BOC has already set a tentative date for their meeting on August 15, 2022.
If both entities give final approval of their rates, this will set a total overall millage rate of 16.64 mills with the BOE at 11.099 mills and the BOC at 5.541 mills.
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