Board Recognizes Camp Cool of the Wild

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PICKENS COUNTY, Ga. – The Pickens County Board of Education recognized the “Camp Cool of the Wild” (CCOW) summer camp program.

Janet Goodman, Director of Federal Programs, highlighted the best moments of CCOW. The program started as an means to keep 300 1st- 9th grade students engaged and learning while enjoying their summer vacation. According to Ms. Goodman, CCOW emerged from a “desire to engage the students in hands-on experiences connected to the community through agriculture, STEM (Science, Technology Engineering, and Math), and fine arts to continue learning beyond the regular school year.”

CCOW met for four days a week at Pickens Junior High School for four weeks. During that time, students went on a weekly field trip to “one of [the] teachers’ local farm.”

The Pickens County School District curriculum department, in collaboration with teacher leaders from different schools planned and carried out the activities. There were teachers from all six Pickens County schools. “Also, central office support personnel such as the district nutrition director and staff, district transportation coordinator and bus drivers, district nurse coordinator, district social workers, district bookkeeper, and administration from all schools [helped with camp]. Additionally, Lauren Chastain, a parent who is a Reinhardt University nursing student, volunteered for [the] first aid clinic.”

The Fire Department helping with the egg drop activity for STEM learningMs. Goodman stated that the Pickens County School District is already looking to make CCOW even bigger next year. For those who are interested in helping, there will be opportunities to make donations. Also, the school district encourages people from the community to volunteer and assist with some of the CCOW learning projects. For instance, the Fire Department helped with the egg drop activities for a STEM activity.

Registration will open in April 2023. The School District will also send registration reminders through Infinite Campus, an all-call and all-email student information system.




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