BOC nominates three for Development Authority
Feature News, Featured, Featured Stories, News November 26, 2020 , by Bill JohnsonFORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. – Three items on the Board of Commissioners work session produced lengthy discussions but none more than the upcoming appointments/reappointments to the Development Authority.
Chairwoman Laura Semanson expressed some frustration with the Authority because many meetings had been canceled due to a lack of business. “To me that says maybe we should meet and talk about why there is nothing going on,” she said.
The seven-member Authority has had no new appointments since 2017. “There are some members who would like to see some fresh blood, some changes,” she said.
Semanson proposed adding two new at-large positions but Commissioner Levent said, he doesn’t see the need to increase the number of members.
Four members’ terms will expire in December and three others by April, prompting Commissioner Molly Cooper to say, “We can’t keep kicking this can down the road. Time is up. We need to make a decision.”
Semanson nominated Larry Duckworth for reappointment, Levent nominated Joanne Tolleson and Cooper nominated Justin Hawkins. Those nominations must be ratified by a vote of the full Board.
Commissioner Cindy Mills deferred until the December meeting and Commissioner Dennis Brown who, who leaves the Board at the end of the year said he would prefer that his replacement Alfred Johns make the appointment.
In other votes, commissioners unanimously approved:
- An increase in per diem for members of the Equalization Board to $125;
- A memorandum of understanding with the University of Georgia regarding the Extension Service;
- A list of county-owned surplus items to be sold;
- An agreement to into an Inter Sub-Site Interface Connection Agreement with Motorola Solutions Inc. for the Public Safety Radio System to allow for interconnectivity with the Hall County system in the amount of $778,615;
- The Interconnected Public Safety Radio System Intergovernmental Agreement between Forsyth County and Hall County – Director, Emergency Management Agency;
- The reallocation of Tyler Technologies’ current Tyler Field Mobile Licensing Fees to Tyler Smartfile Licensing Fees and to provide professional services to make multiple Smartfile forms available for electronic filing for the Tax Assessors’ Office;
- Award RFP 20-87-3340 for the printing and mailing of Water and Sewer Bills for the Department of Water and Sewer to Pinnacle Data Systems starting in calendar year 2021, budgeted amount $275,000;
- To award Bid 20-121-1620 for Waste Collection Services for Various Forsyth County Buildings to overall low bidder Advanced Disposal Services, LLC in the amount of $110,828.28; 2021;
- To award Bid 20-124-1620 for Building Cleaning Services for Various Forsyth County Buildings for the Calendar Year 2021 for the Department of Public Facilities the low bidder All Bright Janitorial Service in the amount of $194,000.00;
- To award Bid 20-135-1590 to purchase one (1) new 2021 Ford F250 Truck with Animal Body Transport for Code Compliance to Prater Ford, Inc. in the amount of $53,297.20;
- To award Bid 20-136-3120 for providing Installation and Repair of Guardrails as needed for the Forsyth County Department of Engineering Stembridge Custom Metals, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $50,000.00;
- To award Bid 20-140-5211 for providing Baled Hay Services at Eagles Beak for the Department of Parks and Recreation with no cost to the County;
- To award Bid 20-169-3150 for the emergency replacement of a culvert at Two Mile Creek on Wallace Wood Road to The Dickerson Group in the amount of $384,807.80;
- Ratification of the reappointment of Jerry Bowman as the Neutral Representative to the Forsyth County Civil Service Board to serve a four (4) year term beginning November 12, 2020 to November 11, 2024. Staff Recommendation: ratify the Civil Service Board’s reappointment – Risk and Safety Manager, Department of Risk Management
- A request to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Georgia Department of Transportation to relocate water and sewer infrastructure for the SR 400 at McGinnis Ferry Road Widening and Auxiliary Lanes Project;
- To formally name the area located in Sawnee Mountain Preserve – Phase 4, located north of Tower Road, and the previous location of the Barker House as Barker Overlook;
- A request to apply for the FY 2022 Federal Transit Administration Section 5311 Transit Grant Program to aid in the operation of the Dial-A-Ride Program;
- A BOC Policy that all developer-negotiated zoning conditions must be submitted to County staff no less than 48 hours prior to the Board meeting where final action is to be taken;
- A County-Initiated Conditional Use Permit to conduct around the clock business hours for warehouses/offices on 32.452 acres currently zoned M1;
- Adopt the 2021 Meeting Schedule;
- Authorization for the county attorney to seek reimbursement for County incentives paid to Taubman Devlopment;
- A Memorandum of Understanding with Seefried Industrial Properties, Inc. regarding CP200016 as it relates to design, acquisition, and construction for roundabout at Shiloh Road and Shiloh Road East;
- Partnering with the GA Safe Routes to School Resource Center – County Attorney
Commissioners postponed any decision on the site master plan for Sawnee Mountain Preserve Phase IV.
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