What’s with the Gestapo Tactics by Progressives? Power!


Have we already forgotten the Elian Gonzales fiasco when Bill Clinton’s Attorney General sent in her Storm Troopers, agents encased in Kevlar, armed to the teeth, to kidnap one little Cuban refugee boy and forcibly return him to Father Fidel? The one scene that remains locked in the memory is the frightened wee lad huddled in a closet with a masked and helmeted federal agent shoving an AR-15 in his face.

Do we forget Waco, Tx. where Storm Troopers attacked a religious compound with a tank and an army of Federal Agents on some BS pretext to stop them from practicing their religious beliefs? In the ensuing melee, the Feds crashed their RV into the building setting it ablaze and burning nearly sixty people to death, most of them little children.

Before their sacrificial immolation to the gods of Socialist Progressivism, the Waco bunch, Branch Meridians, sought to protect themselves by the last constitutional means available to them, the 2nd Amendment, and paid the supreme penalty for their perfidy. Sadly, a few agents got in the way of return fire and were hit, yet, the progressive government of Bill Clinton found justification in the governments criminal action and the whole sad event was soon forgotten.

Ruby Ridge is another case remindful of the governments application of Gestapo tactics, also used during the Clinton administration. The public, seeing what was unfolding couldn’t believe what was happening, right here in our America. A woman holding her baby, inside the door of her home, was shot dead by a federal sniper and, after all was said and done, the target of their attack still went free and the govt. had to pay him reparations, fees and expenses. They could never return to him his wife and mother of his child.

Now, with the Progressive Deep State still in functional control of the DoJ and the FBI, early morning raids by a host of armed federal agents, CNN in tow to record their bravery, pounded on the door of their target, a sixty-eight year old man, demanding he immediately open up and let them in. That is Gestapo and, I might add, Soviet KGB style terrorism to their own populous, to demonstrate, in the world theater of government inevitability, that we deplorable’s had better not resist when they come after us no matter the pretext.

At the moment, even as Special Prosecutor Mueller’s case against President Trump collapses, the object of what we are witnessing remains the Deep States desperate need to destroy Donald Trump, before he can finish God’s work. Trump is probably the best and most effective real leader America has seen since Abe Lincoln.

The current House of Representatives under the leadership of demented House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will squander their next two years fruitlessly protecting Mueller and his important inquiries into the already discredited Trump-Russian collusion nonsense, while obstructing the Presidents determined efforts to tear down Obama’s destructive legacy of incompetence, and prevent him, through lawsuits filed in cooperative progressive manned federal courts, from completing the goals he promised and we want.

Progressivism is a curse on society. It has no constructive alternative to any society based on freedom and liberty. When in control, they must “lead from behind” (push), mandate solutions that fit all, requiring all citizens to comply. And, they must squander tax payer money on importing voters, by hook or crook, that will keep them in power. Power is their opiate.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the only way. Now, go get ‘em!


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