The Problem With Journalists
Opinion July 17, 2017
Is Fake News really fake if the writer(s) in their heart of hearts, believe it to be the truth? We can immediately eliminate the stuff produced by the Trump derangement syndrome crowd because the rapid production of it is surly unreliable, suspect at best and unbelievable at worst. Real fake news is found embedded in lies and as propaganda generally designed to destroy the goals and/or reputation of one side while supporting another. It’s most often a favorite tool of despotic governments, the Democrat party and the Mean Stream Media.
One thing demonstrably clear about CNN, the disintegrating fake news cable channel whose product validates their declining viewership, is the fact that they apparently employ egocentric morons as reporters, people ungifted with the intellectual skills of common knowledge that a little research, fact finding and basic thinking could rectify. Most are people who have matriculated through America’s standard marxist controlled school systems and promoted based upon their love of diversity, anti-Americanism and exposing the evils of capitalism, are then passed into selected 'first rate' institutions of journalism until their brains are finally emptied and refilled with nonsense, and then, foisted upon an unsuspecting public. But, we suspect. These people are 'know nothings' and can only regurgitate what the Left wants them to report.
For example, CNN’s senior White House person (the term journalist or reporter will not apply), Jeff Zeleny, explained to viewers that Bastille Day, France’s most important national holiday, was a celebration that marks the 100th anniversary of Americas entry into World War I (one) to help save Europe from the Hun. Not so. While it is true that this day marked an occasion for the French to recognize Americas entry into WWI, that was only a side issue. True, American soldiers, for the first time in decades, did march in the Bastille Day Parade, but, so what? Thank you France! Zeleny made no mention of the historic French issues for which Bastille Day was organized, the French Revolution, a bloody period of upheavals between 1789 to 1799, about the time of our own revolutionary war.
Such a stupid school boy error about something as important, yet simple, as not knowing about another country’s greatest holiday, should result in dismissal, if not censure or, at least, demotion to copy boy or the night court beat where they can learn about real life.
But Jeff is not alone. Another CNN host, one Poppy Harlow (Poppy? Where do these names come from, parents of the Hippie Era?). ‘Poppy,’ presumably a female, confuses our National Anthem,The Stars Spangled Banner, with the French National Anthem, La Marseillaise, that came out of their conflict. It was the adopted war song of the French army of the Rhein.
These weird people, these educated nuts freshly out of their brainwashing schools of “journalism,” apparently don’t even know, or care about knowing, simple points of history, ours or anybody else’s. They don’t recognize the etiquette and honors to be rendered to our passing standard (Poppy, honey, it’s the Stars and Stripes), or how and when those honors are rendered. Sadly, her class of elites devalue nationalism and the symbol of it as a mere rag not
to be honored above others but as a historical relic to be ignored.
“Poppy’s” mission to France was to cover the visit of that dangerous criminal Donald Trumps and see if she could snatch up any Trump stumbles that CNN could use to further denigrate America’s top CEO. Lacking that, fake news rumors will have to do. How about obsessing over Melania Trumps wardrobe? Yeah, that should do! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
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