Social Engineering America to Death
Opinion April 3, 2019Social Engineering America to Death
Social engineering schemes, such as the Progressive followers of Saul Alinsky (Democrats), keep applying by following his Rules for Radicals, constitute the deliberate and illegal attempt to change our society and our culture to meet societal norms that lay far outside the guidelines of the US Constitution. Indeed, Progressives firmly believe America is the center of all the world’s evils and the US Constitution that supports it, stands as an impediment to world social justice and must be done away with, one amendment at at time, if necessary.
Case in point, the constant progressive attack against the 2nd Amendment. It is the one defense Americans possess that can prevent the radical takeover of America. We also see a vigorous attack on our 1st Amendment rights coming from several fronts. Look at the first line”: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” That’s it, yet Progressives scream government(s) cannot recognize prayer, posting of the Ten Commandments or support Christian based activities because of some non-existent “Separation of Church and State” nonsense that’s not in there. As often as I have read that sentence, I’m still unable to lay my finger on any word that prohibits government from supporting or participating in any religious activity, not monetarily of course, but morally. Yet the “Left” persists on insisting that the ‘separation of church and state’ is a point of law not to be violated and we believe ‘em!
What the 1st amendment does state, unequivocally, is that Government shall not establish an official state church, a reaction to the religious turmoil that plunged Great Britain into bloody conflict for generations. That will become a mute point of course, when adherents of Islam start rising as elected government officials to the point they will, by their sheer numbers alone, out number and out vote non-muslims (infidels) and replace the Constitution with Sharia Law.
Free speech is also under attack, not so subtly, by the media, Facebook and Twitter crowd simply by not posting conservative opinions. The radical take over of many colleges and universities forbid Conservative speakers on campus. They will assault conservative students dispensing Trump hats, etc., and are encouraged by school administrations to do so. The Radicals have so scared college administrations with the threat of violence, most officials, if not already radicalized, dare not complain. If Conservatives assemble peaceably, they are attacked by radical goon squads (antifa’s, BLM) and even made to look like the conservatives started it.
Presently, Congressional Democrats adamantly refuse to protect our borders from invasion by the hoards of peons from Mexico and Central America, schooled to ask for ‘asylum.’ Suborning this invasion is to support social engineering designed to increase Progressives voter rolls. Now, the southern invasion is overwhelming the CBP’s efforts to stem the tide, another Alinsky rule, they will soon overwhelm our financial ability to support ‘em as well. Asylum requests should only be heard at US Embassy’s and Consulates, not at borders.
Why do we need to accept them? Because Democrats insisted “it was the thing to do, it’s who we are,” drawing on our sympathies as Americans who are always ready to help the poor and destitute, while they gun down, rape and murder our own citizens. That day, I believe, is soon coming to an end. We cannot afford to support other countries citizens. That doesn’t matter to Democrats. They’ll simply say take the funds from Defense and, you’re racist if you don’t! Trump will not do that, but he’ll take the funds from those countries we are already supporting.
Our banking laws are a hinderance to the control of unwanted foreign populations demanding to stay here because they’re already here. All foreigners here should be required to establish American banking accounts. No money sent abroad without an American bank account.
For example, If an American retires to Mexico, the retiree(s) cannot continue to maintain their American bank accounts. They must open a Mexican bank account. Why don’t we do that? Why can we not forbid the telegraphing of cash money orders via Wester Union to foreign countries, without going first through American Banks? Control the money and you control the population.
If we stopped financial support to them when they do get here, the monetary draw to come would cease. Those already here illegally, should be advised they have three months to sell their property, keep the receipts and return to their home countries or, the American government will do it for them and keep the proceeds to help defray the cost of their evacuation.
Finally, I want to know by what measure illegals are entitled to my Social Security money, my medicare benefits and our tax money for their education and housing. That was a Progressive Democrat idea, because “we’re good people and mean well.” Turn off the money spigot at all levels and the invasion(s) will cease. We owe these people nothing!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
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