Short Takes – What We Learned From Helsinki, 2018
Opinion July 18, 2018What We Learned From Helsinki, 2018.
We watched a clash of two techniques at the Helsinki Summit yesterday, Trump’s The Art of the Deal and the other, The Art of Deception, as practiced by KGB’er Vladimir Putin. After the joint press conference two things emerged that need to be understood. President Trump is a deal maker. He thinks in those terms and he employe’s the idea of let’s not fight, but let’s both succeed, so long as it doesn’t harm America and is good for you. Putin is a czarists!
In the American political scene, those techniques managed to sweep away all opposition from Republican contenders challenging him for the GOP nomination. They worked to bring along American voters to drive the Democrats from the field. It worked and by doing so drove the Left crazy. It did not work against Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Trump looked weak and that’s a danger to the base. I hope he will learn from that experience. He usually does.
I do not doubt that President Trump was fully briefed on the deceptive characteristics he would face with his Mano-a-Mano with Vladimir Putin, a career KGB officer who is skilled, not in the Art of the Deal, but in the Art of Deception. Russians are not New York real estate brokers. They seek a restoration of empire and power, not buildings. Therein lies the differences.
Putin’s post “Summit” interview with Fox News reporter Chris Wallace, revealed to even the most casual observer, the purest application of the techniques of the Art of Deception by Putin. His body language, when examined in minute detail, as it will be, was so evident of deception that practitioners of Kinesic interview techniques will be able to write thesis on what Putin revealed through his body language alone, lies and deceptions. He is a practiced Russian politician and the history of Russian politician’s suggests they don’t make deals unless there’s a gun to their head.
What gun does Trump hold to Putins head? It’s what Trump knows best, how to make profits, especially when his opponent is in deep economic trouble. Trump’s gun is his continued sanctions against Russia. They’re working and it’s hurting. What does Putin have to counter Trump? It was Russia’s new natural gas deal with Germany a project soon, I fear, to come to an end. It’s also Russia’s support for Syria, which, as foreign policy, Russia cannot afford, and the massive amount of GDP Russia is pouring into it’s military, especially it’s deep water navy.
Trump was not coruscating in his post “Summit” interview and it has alarmed his base. It drove the American media wild with cheers and jeers and predictions of Trump’s early demise. But, as they’re already demented and would seized any rumor as a truth and exploit it, fewer people will believe them. Beware the Russians because they will exploit this apparent weakness.
Winners and losers are already being touted or jeered and by all accounts, at least by the Leftist media, Trump lost and Putin won. Not only did Trump lose, he was made to look the fool and so, therefore, must be guilty of treason. But, regardless, Russia is still in the throes of economic decline unable to afford their adventurism, still needs relief for its infrastructure expenses. It needs to earn some serious cash.
If we suspected that nothing noteworthy would come out of the Summit, the Left’s reaction would still hover between sneering contempt and laughter while Trump’s base will experience their first bout of mild depression. The late night comedy shows will be veritable clown shows regardless of the truths. And, this too shall pass. Trump is still our best fighter yet!
Remember, Freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (17Jul18)
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