Short Takes – What Has Hollywood Done Now?


What has Hollywood Done Now?

Well, well, well, In yet another staged gala event awarding themselves statues and recognitions, The Golden Orbs awards ceremony, filled with Hollywood’s beautiful people dressed in black to make a visual statement about something that irks them, joined together with unbridled enthusiasm to proclaim their new messiah, Oprah Winfrey as their 2020 Presidential choice.

That won’t go well with the Democrats who still have their usual suspects, the elderly Joe Biden, Chuckie Schumer, Barry Sanders, the Indian maiden, Liz Warren, and dementia challenged Nancy Pelosi, hanging around their necks like albatrosses or hangman nooses. No, Oprah is good for preaching the Progressive line, expressing costly empathy for the poor and downtrodden, the illegals and homeless and those living in the shadows, but not as president. That simply won’t do! One presidential disaster is enough to overcome.

Admittedly, Oprah made a wonderfully stirring speech against something or other, the powerlessness of women one supposes, that could be classified right up there with Obama’s speech to the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago a few years ago. That speech, like Oprah’s, quickly brought Obama instant political recognition and then the presidency a few years later which he promptly set about “changing.” Obama was a fascist. Oprah is a products salesman.  

For 2020, the elephant in the room is the sitting President, Donald Trump. He is getting things done by setting America back on it constitutional tracks, while being the constant object of left wing media derision, fake news attacks designed to undermine his administration, and personal attacks against his family, his associates and his administration. Oh, hell, attacks against anything Conservative and everything Trump.

The need to make comparisons cannot be ignored. Both Trump and Oprah are very wealthy in their own rights and that recommends them for good business sense. Trumps skills lie in recognizing where money can be made, not out of wacky ideas or from printing presses, but of seeing potential in community growth, offering people what they want and buying property to build structures that will accomplish those goals. He spreads the wealth. So does Oprah, but on a commercial scale of product identification and salesmanship. She’s very good at it.

Other skills Trump enjoys is the ability to successfully negotiate with people, to make them happy with the deal, as well as making his investors happy. That’s called Capitalism and the fall out for it is increased employment for the communities he builds in and taxes for government.

Oprah is wealthy because she knows how to sell products, save her money and spread wealth and happiness to the people she employees and the people she hocks her products to. Not too shabby, and another great example of Capitalism at work. Both are hard workers and it shows,

But Trump also saw how quickly a rogue government can steal a populations economic vitality by ignoring the rules of economics (socialism) through onerous rules and regulations. He sought to correct it by running for President with the expressed purpose of making America great again. The people bought it and he is doing exactly what he promised he would do, like Jesus kicking the money changers out of the temple.  2020 is three years away. Can Hollywood really sell us Oprah? Can she do what Trump has done? That remains to be seen, but don’t bet on it.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (10Jan18)


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