Short Takes – Does Hollywood Matter Any More?
Opinion June 13, 2018
Apparently, the Tony award’s were on last night. I didn’t know. It was in todays news when it was revealed once again, that the IQ level of actor Robert DeNiro, who publicly expressed his deep level of disdain, or rather his hatred for President Donald Trump, hadn’t changed.
When a celebrity uses only base rhetoric to express an opposing political opinion, such as using the one word that best describes one of life’s more pleasurable functions betweens the sex’s, as a statement of fact, then we have achieved the collapse of polite discourse and the sure sign that DeNiro’s “Peter Principal” level has been reached. DeNiro has achieved his highest level of intellectual attainment, a triumph of idiocy over debate. To the cheering Hollywood crowd, his word is final, but nobody really cares anymore, do they? Now, it’s only a news item.
The world is focusing on historic events: the just concluded G-7 Trade summit, the ludicrous after Trump statement by Canadian Premier Trudeau, the land creation going on in Hawaii and the land melting event in Guatemala, not to mention President Trumps mission to Singapore for a singular historic event, the first ever summit meeting between a North Korean despot, Kim Jung Un, and the President of the United States, and we are favored with DeNiro’s opinion.
We are in a whirl of world shaping news events to the point we almost can’t keep up and an aging pretty good movie actor, DeNiro, of no specific intellectual achievement, chooses a medium most Americans have stopped viewing, award shows, to offer up once again his learned opinion on the President of the United States.
What DeNiro reinforced by his tirade was that the Hollywood of today is no longer important except as a money raising machine for Democrats. Hollywood is disappearing, much of it having moved right here to Georgia. Most Americans already know what DeNiro thinks about conservative politics and it’s newest spokesman, Donald Trump, so we can safely ignore it.
What hurts most is the wild cheering by attendees applauding DeNiro’s version of the “truth” as DeNiro so cunningly expressed it. Some call the actor an “outspoken critic” of Trump, and he is but, who cares anymore? DeNiro can never speak his opinion without employing the lowest level of his rhetorical skills, using the “F___” word again and again. Maybe it’s his highest level.
These seemingly constant televised award shows by the entertainment industry patting itself on the back, have morphed into political action exercises by the Left to confirm their anti-American, anti-conservative and pro-Clinton opinions. They do it in the certain belief that simply because they have achieved celebrity or get a nomination to receive a silly trophy that has to be dusted once a week, that their opinion really matters. That is a delusional level above which people with excessively highly developed egos, like movie actors, rarely advance. The odd man out of course, is Donald Trump. His ego is his driving force and achievement, its reward.
Hollywood once expressed America’s culture in great movies; the culture that defeated the Nazi’s, the Japanese and later, economically, the Soviets. That’s the culture that drew thousands of intelligent immigrants to our shores to become Americans, not the culture of Hollywood today, demanding social changes Trump won’t give them. Theirs is the culture of political correctness, profane ideas and nasty words. Theirs is the culture of sexual exclusivity, diversity, inclusion, glorifying sodomites and multiculturalism, the direct antithesis of Americanism. Trump has changed the formula for success and they can’t stand it.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (12Jun18)
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