America Has Never Seen Such Perfidy
Opinion August 23, 2018I might consider it important to be even remotely concerned by the result of the Manafort, Cohen
witch trials, that are solely designed to reverse the voters choice in 2016, when I see Hillary
Clinton and her cabal of criminal enablers headed for prison or the hangman’s scaffold.
Every member of the “deep state” that supported the Hillary Clinton nonsense after the election,
dedicated to bringing down Trump, has engaged in a treasonous act that screams for retribution
yet, there she is, reorganizing herself, ostensibly to have another go in 2020 at ruining America.
Trump threw a dagger into the heart of the forth estate, the Left Wing Media, when he called
them the enemy of the state and they can’t pull the dagger out because he was right. When the
media fails to report news as it happens but becomes instead, shills for socialism, doing all in
their power to ignore Trumps triumphs while conniving to implicate him in unproven collusion
schemes that Hillary Clinton and the DNC cooked up, then they correctly stand accused.
Why does the Left Wing media ignore another brutal murder of an American citizen by an
Illegal, once a DACA claimant, by referring to the victim, in passing, as “that girl in Iowa?” Why
does Pocahontas, a wanna-be Socialist candidate for President, when asked her opinion about
the brutal murder of young Mollie Tibbett's by an illegal alien, answer with some slop about
babies being separated from their families at the border? The murders of Americans by illegal
immigrants, like Mollie Tibbett's in Iowa and Kate Steinlie in San Francisco, make no impression
at all on members of the POPO (Party of Perpetual Outrage), i.e.: the Democrats. Why?
Because they simply do not care. They need voters and as both those young murdered women,
and others, are already dead, their opinion doesn’t count anymore.
PoPo’s give no thought of course that both of the girls were separated from their own families,
forever. If the People are the State, then yes, the media stands as its enemy. “The enumeration
in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained
by the people”… 9th amendment. Perhaps the people need to establish courts to address these
high crimes and misdemeanors by government officials, if those we pay to protect us, won’t.
Yes, I realize we’re talking “extra-judicial” proceedings here but the point must come, as surely it
will, that for its own protection the “deplorable’s” must take preemptive action or be crushed
under the heel of totalitarianism. It’s the reason it’s important to preserve the 2nd amendment.
The PoPo’s have no compunction launching their Antifa’s and BLM’s against us, do they?
Michale Cohen, Trump’s once personal legal adviser, wasn’t found guilty of anything. He simply
agreed to a plea bargain with the devil. The issue of Trump’s alleged collusion, after a years
intrusion by Mueller into what has already been exposed as a PoPo scheme directed by Hillary
Clinton and facilitated by the corrupted DoJ and FBI, still go unanswered. We are told Hillary
was exonerated (by FBI Director Comey). How can that possibly be? Where in all the
Constitutional rules that govern America’s laws, does an FBI Director have the power of
exonerating any criminal without at least a Grand Jury proceeding? And that’s DoJ’s job.
Yet, despite all the schemes of the ‘PoPo’s, there stands Trump still erasing the legacy of the
most harmful president we have ever experienced. Trump is saving America and the PoPo’s
can’t take it anymore. Trump’s filled rallies are proof enough of that. He speaks to the people
and the people, the real state, are listening.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get’m (22Aug18).
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