A Caucus of Clowns Or a Subtle Attack Against Bernie?


Written by George McClellan

In all my entire life, I cannot ever recall witnessing such a screw-up as the Democrat party is
becoming, not just in their Iowa caucus screw-up, but as far back even, as Obama’s attempt to
set up an Obamacare App network that completely failed, except that Michelle Obama’s friends
company earned $8 billion dollar for the attempt, to the treasonous coup plot to create a false
narrative of Russian Collusion against Trump the winner of the 2016 election; to the unrealized
slap-stick style comedy special that the House Democrats launched to impeach the President
for doing his job. Now of course, we have the Iowa fiasco or, do we?

The Democrat Iowa caucus, supposedly employing an untested electric data vote count system
to identify the Democrat candidate most capable of challenging Donald Trump in 2020, failed
completely. They painted themselves as a caucus of clowns but worse, they cost the networks
thousands and thousands of dollars in salaries, hotels, transportation and food, just to cover the
once important event that became the debacle that was this decades Iowa caucus. Or was it?

Looking ahead, and I’m just supposing mind, the odds on favorite for Democrats is apparently
Bernie Sanders, a Stalinist style Socialist of the first order that the Iowa caucus would have
clearly shown. But the party Democrats don’t want him. They screwed him out of his due against
Hillary Clinton in 2016 and the old Stalinist isn’t going to let that happen again.

Therefore, one must ask, was the Iowa fiasco a deliberate sabotage to deny Bernie his first
victory momentum? We know the Democrats are ruthless. They lie, cheat and steal. We know
the Clinton campaign bought Bernie a mansion somewhere, to buy him off from his electoral
disappointment and keep him under observation hoping the old fool would die before 2020.
For Democrats, under the circumstances, it would appear the Iowa Caucus picks losers not
winners. That would include Joe Biden. Iowa’s Democrat precinct workers should be mortified
for what the party has done to them, wasted their time and efforts hitting the streets, knocking
on doors and passing out candidate flyers. All wasted! I suspect the future need no longer look
to Iowa as a reliable precursor of who may become the Democrats national candidate for
President anymore. It’s all a scam!

The national Democrat party organization is in disarray. Thinking that when they won the House
in 2018 put them in the "cat-bird' seat and they would control the political narrative. The reality is
that they couldn’t organize a Democrat plan for America except to get rid of that awful Trump.
Fresh faces in the Democrat controlled House are young millennials who look at Nancy Pelosi, as
a has-been of no future consequence to what they want America to become. The AOC crowd
are not left leaning moderates, but full fledged Progressive Socialists of the Bernie Sanders
mode, who are not afraid of Pelosi or her programs. Watch what happens!

The on stage performance of the two certified nincompoops, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, has
shown America just how low the Democrat party has sunk. Nothing for America except empty
promises, a hatred of our President and a promise to make America miserable again.
The Democrat party is dissolving before our eyes. It will divide into two party’s, the mediocre
moderate party it has become and a far Left-wing Socialist party, armed by the Antifa’s, who are
determined to skip the transition period from socialism to communism and go straight to fascism
and totalitarianism. Right now, the Party doesn’t want to go AOC’s way. The battle is on.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get’em!


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