Gilmer Middle School 4-H’ers make cards to fulfill wish for terminally ill 10 year old’s birthday

Community, Featured

Chase Howard turned ten on 9/19/16 and instead of the usual request for games or toys, his wish was for birthday cards.  Howard’s family explained Chase can’t celebrate his birthday with a typical party because he’s lost mobility in his legs.

Chase suffers from a  rare and fatal form of Muscular Dystrophy. It’s called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and it strikes less than 200,000 people in the United States each year.  There is no cure and Chase is confined to a wheelchair.

Gilmer County Middle School 4-H members decided to help make Chase’s wish come true.  These are just a few of the cards that the Gilmer Middle School 4-H’ers made for Chase Howard.


Chase is the terminally ill young man from Marietta.  If you’d like to send Chase a card,  please mail to:

Chase Howard
2318 Zelma Court
Marietta, GA 30060

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