Council Approves 2022 Employee Benefits Program

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DAHLONEGA, GA.- The city council approved the 2022 Employee Benefits program during the special called meeting on September 20.

The council also approved 2021 off systems safety project and two joint proclamations with Lumpkin County. Additionally, during a public hearing held on September 20, the council heard from Resurgens Capital and concerned citizens from The Summitt about a proposed site plan for phase 2 at The Summitt.

The breakdown of the possible insurance plans.

Finance Director Allison Martin brought before the council the renewal plan for the 2022 Employee Benefits. The employee benefits are increasing by 6.23% from this year to next. The deductibles are increasing to $1,500 or $750 ($2,250 for families). The emergency room deductibles are also rising to $200 and the out-of-pocket threshold is increasing to $3,000 ($6,000 families) and $2,000 ($4,000 families).

There will be no increase to the vision, dental or basic life and disability plans. This will put a freeze on the levels of employee contribution. Open enrollment will be from October 1 through November 5. To view the presentation given to the council visit

” This GMA package is really really nice, you know when you look out beyond this and see what is available even on the marketplace this is a really really great benefit for the city employees,” commented Councilmen Johnny Ariemma.

The next item that the council approved was the full budget amount for the 2021 off systems safety project. This project is using a GDOT grant and a match from the city to restripe areas in the city that are in need due to public safety.

Peak has bid $52,355.00 for the project. This was the second time that the city put the project up for bids the first time they had none.

The council chose to vote early on this. They were originally not scheduled to vote on this item till the October 4 council meeting. With the council going forward with the vote Peak can start the work as soon as their schedule allows.

“If we can get those crosswalks, that’s a safety issue,” stated Mayor Sam Norton.

There were two joint proclamations approved at the meeting. The first was to proclaim that the Community Helping Place Ornament is the official 2021 Collectors Ornament for the City of Dahlonega and Lumpkin County.

The second proclamation was to acknowledge the job that Matthew Garner Chair of Lumpkin County Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors has done for the past two years. At this time, the Lumpkin County Commissioners have not made their side of the proclamations.

Resurgens Capital made a presentation at the council during their Public hearing for the phase two project at The Summitt. The proposed plan is to add 61 additional homes on 21.75 acres at The Summitt.

Bill Rath President of Summitt Board of Directors speaking in opposition to parts of the proposed project.

Part of their proposal includes an option to have short-term leasing available and currently, the residents at The Summitt are strongly against that. Residents spoke in opposition to that part of the plan during the hearing. The matter will be voted on at the Council Meeting on October 4 at 6:00 p.m.

New Cheif of Police George Albert being recognized by the Council.

Mayor Sam Norton recognized the newly appointed Chief of Police George Albert. He has been in law enforcement for 33 years and begins his duties on October 25. Mayor Norton also appointed Councilmen Joel Corrdel his mayor pro tem which the council later approved.

Councilmen Johnny Ariemma along with the rest of the council strongly encouraged the citizens of Dahlonega and Lumpkin County to take the Covid pandemic seriously and get vaccinated if they haven’t already.


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